Chapter 82
half a month later.

The capital of Jia Ma Empire.

Almost all the reputable alchemists from the Northwest Continent have arrived here. As the Alchemist Conference, it naturally attracts many talented alchemists to come and observe and learn.

For a time, countless powerful people gathered in the capital of the Jia Ma Empire, and it was very lively.

Jiang Cheng came alone on this trip, and his elegant temperament also attracted the attention of many people, and some people even couldn't wait to get acquainted with him.

However, there are also many people who choose to curry favor with the alchemists, especially those who see the alchemist badge hanging on their chest.

Jiang Cheng has never gone to the Alchemist Guild to prove his identity, mainly because he doesn't want to be so high-profile.

As the saying goes, not everyone can take on the role of an alchemist. Some of them want to refine medicinal pills and capture some alchemists for their own use.

If you don't obey, you will be killed directly. Some people may even have their legs broken and be locked in a room for eternity to be refined.

It is everywhere and has been tried many times.

"Have you heard that Mr. Nalan Jie was poisoned by a special kind of poison? He is now terminally ill and is in need of a high-level alchemist."

"Yes, I also heard that if they can save Mr. Nalan Jie, the Nalan family is willing to provide Qihuan Qingling Saliva, which is an extremely precious herb."

"Yes yes yes."

Jiang Cheng, who was initially uninterested, slowly stopped and turned around to look at the alchemists on the street.

"Seven Fantasy Green Spirit something that can restore the power of the soul."

Jiang Cheng touched his chin and said softly: "Among the seventh-grade elixirs, there seems to be one that requires Qihuan Qingling saliva. Forget it, go take a look. If it is really Qihuan Qingling saliva, save it." He won’t live for too long.”

This kind of good thing is extremely precious, and it is also necessary to restore soul power. It just so happens that Jiang Cheng wants to refine a pill that can enhance soul power. If successful, he can successfully advance to the heavenly realm soul.

Thereby refining the ninth-grade elixir.

A few years ago, the old man of the Nalan family fought with an extremely poisonous fifth-level magic beast, the Iron Poison Seal Python.
Although he was killed in the end, he was unfortunately poisoned by a frightening toxin.

This poison is extremely powerful in records, and countless sixth-level monsters have been poisoned to death by the branding iron poison seal.

If it weren't for the fact that it was ignored because of its rarity, many powerful people on the mainland would be horrified by this poison.

Jiang Cheng once killed a seventh-level monster. Fortunately, he had already reached the realm of Dou Zun, so he was not eroded by the poison.

Jiang Cheng walked slowly towards the location of the Nalan family. At this time, many alchemists had gathered in the Nalan family. They all wanted to help the head of the Nalan family detoxify, but they all ended in failure.

Bufan had four alchemists among them.

"Oh, it's too difficult. We have refined ten high-level elixirs but there is nothing we can do."

"Yes, the poison is really not something that ordinary people can pry into."

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to step into it, he was blocked by a fighting master at the door, "I'm sorry, little brother, what's the matter with you?"

"I heard that Mr. Nalan Jie was poisoned. I'm here to help detoxify him." Jiang Cheng said calmly. "Senior, I wonder if you have a letter of recommendation?"

"Not yet." Jiang Cheng replied softly.

Hearing this sentence, the guard was obviously a little embarrassed:

"Then little brother, you can't enter without a letter of recommendation. Of course, if you can show your identity as an alchemist, you can enter."

The guard at the door warned, and at the same time, he also arranged for people to be on standby. This was a critical moment, and if an accident occurred, the consequences could be imagined.

This group of guards is not qualified to take on this matter.

Jiang Cheng frowned and wanted to summon the strange fire, but he heard the cynicism from several alchemists at the door.

"The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds. Even if we, a group of high-level alchemists, don't have the ability to treat it, it's disgusting that a little doctor from a remote country still wants to come here."

"Yes, even the mighty Alchemist King Furukawa has no ability to treat someone, let alone someone who is not an alchemist. Oh, what a shame."

"Boy, you'd better go home. I think you're only suitable for catching bastards in the washbasin, hahaha!"

"The people in the Gama Empire are all mentally ill. Compared with our Izumo Empire, they are just a bunch of bastards."

Jiang Cheng's eyes shifted to the several alchemists who insulted him. He did not refute. It was a waste of time with such people.

As Jiang Cheng moved his fingers slightly, a wisp of fire surged out from his fingertips. The thick power was like a surging river, and the hot temperature seemed to be able to incinerate everything, causing the guard to fall to the ground.

The faces of the people who had made rude remarks before couldn't help but suddenly changed their expressions, and they exclaimed: "Strange fire! This is actually a strange fire!"

Jiang Cheng waved his finger expressionlessly, and before the other party could react, the flames formed by the strange fire clung to him.

In an instant, screams resounded throughout the entire Nalan family mansion. In just a moment, the bodies of these people were burned to ashes. As a wisp of breeze blew by, the ashes that fell on the ground were also blown everywhere. yes.

The Nalan family guard was trembling with fear, and said with a hint of tears: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I didn't do anything..."

Jiang Cheng waved the folding fan in his hand and said with a smile: "Little brother, don't be so afraid. I won't hurt you. I should be qualified to go in now."

"Yes...yes..." The guard swallowed his saliva and did not dare to neglect and personally led Jiang Cheng to the courtyard of the Nalan family.

At this time, there are still some alchemists gathered here who are ready to give it a try, but it can be seen from their expressions how terrifying this poison is.

"I'm sorry, Lord Nalan, we really can't remove the poison from the old man's body, so we can only rely on strange fire."

Nalan Su looked at the helpless alchemists and said with a solemn expression: "You must also know that the poison in my father's body has broken out and should not be underestimated. Alchemy King Gu He once judged that it would take the use of strange fire to expel the poison in the old man's body. It will be too difficult to find an alchemist with a strange fire, so I can only give it a try."

At this moment, Nalan Su also noticed the elegant young master who followed the guard and frowned. Why did he always feel that he had seen him somewhere before, and he was so familiar.

But I can't remember some of it.

Nalan Su said: "Do you have any other options..."

(End of this chapter)

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