People are fighting and breaking: Awakening Confucian Saint System at the beginning

Chapter 95 Yunlan Sect’s invitation, three-year agreement

Chapter 95 Yunlan Sect’s invitation, three-year agreement
Now that the alchemist of the Izumo Empire is dead, the winner of this competition must belong to the Gama Empire.

Not only that, a large number of powerful men from the Gama Empire joined the purge that night. Countless alchemists from the Izumo Empire were killed, and only a few got the news in advance and ran away.

The rest were all killed, which proved that there was no longer any negotiation between the Garma Empire and the Izumo Empire.

The Garma Empire is not at odds with the Izumo Empire, and the two empires often launch attacks in the border areas because of trivial matters. Therefore, this behavior also tells the Izumo Empire that the Garma Empire is not their intention to bully. It can be bullied.

After the competition, Jia Xingtian arranged the highest state banquet to invite Mr. Jiang Cheng.At the same time, as the president of the Alchemist Guild, Fa Ma, he also came as promised and took out the precious sixth-grade spirit-melting elixir prescription and presented it with both hands.

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, this is the sixth grade Fusion Spirit Pill prescription. I hope the winner of this competition will accept the prize."

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng waved his right hand, and the prescription for the Spirit Fusion Pill in President Fa Ma's hand was also included in the Najie.

President Fa Ma chuckled, picked up the wine glass and said, "Thanks to Mr. Confucian Sage this time, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid Yanli from the Izumo Empire would really come out on top in this alchemist competition."

"In this case, our Gama Empire Alchemist Guild will be disgraced, and there will be no hope of turning around."

"So let's toast sir with this glass of wine."

All the powerful men in the Jiama Empire stood up almost at the same time, pushed the wine glasses forward in their hands, and immediately drank the wine in the glass without hesitation.

They all know very well in their hearts what an honor it is to sit and drink with their husband. Even some Dou Zong or Dou Zun must not have this qualification.

Jiang Cheng smiled, raised the wine in his glass and said, "Please."

The Alchemist Competition this time has ended, and it should be three years away. I wonder what kind of results Xiao Yan will bring to Yunlan Sect.


Jia Ma Empire, Yunlan Sect!

At the end of the long stone steps, there are clouds and mist. Behind the clouds and mist, there is a huge square. The square is completely paved with huge stones, which looks simple and magnificent.

In the center of the square, a huge stone tablet stands majestically. On the stone tablet, the names of the previous suzerains of the Yunlan Sect and those who have made great contributions to the sect are recorded.

At Yun Yun's invitation, Jiang Cheng also came to the Yun Lan Sect. At this moment, the disciples of the Yun Lan Sect were ready and waiting for Xiao Yan to come and pay homage to the mountain.

After seeing the figures suspended in mid-air, the Yunlan Sect disciples also cast curious glances, not knowing who these people were.

"This is the Yunlan Sect, so impressive." Zi Yan took a bite of the fruit and said with a smile, "I heard that the Young Master of the Yunlan Sect is planning to travel for three years. Hey, how can you miss me?"

"Yes, sister Cai Lin,"

Queen Medusa, who was standing next to Jiang Cheng, moved her beautiful eyes slightly and said softly: "As long as you like it, but after this trip is over, you still need to practice more and break through the Dou Huang as soon as possible."

Zi Yan stuck out her cute little tongue, made a face and said, "I know, sister Cailin, why do you like to nag as much as brother Jiang Cheng? You have to urge me to practice every time. It's very tiring."

Listening to Zi Yan's complaints, Queen Medusa could only helplessly shake her head. This girl is really full of innocence.

But no matter this, you will always have a perfect childhood and you won’t have any regrets in your life.At this time, a figure flew over from Yunlan Mountain, and when he took a closer look, he saw that she was a beautiful woman.

The woman wears a golden and purple tight-fitting brocade robe with three thousand blue silk hairs, which are pulled up into the shape of a phoenix. She has a hint of nobility that is difficult to conceal, and her face is quiet and beautiful.

There is a pair of cyan wings behind her. The wings are slightly illusory, but they give people an irresistible sense of oppression.

It is Yun Yun, the leader of Yunlan Sect!
"Sir, Cai Lin, you are here." Yun Yun said gently.

"Miss Yun Yun, I haven't seen her for a long time, she is getting more and more beautiful." Jiang Cheng waved his hand gracefully.

Yun Yun pursed her lips, stretched out her fingers to pluck the hair around her ears, blushed and said, "Sir, you are joking again. After a few months apart... your skills have improved a lot."

Since she left last time, Yun Yun has not returned to Taolin Mountain. The main reason is because of her disciple Nalan Yanran. The three-year appointment is approaching. As a teacher, she naturally wants to help her think of ways to improve her strength.

Yun Yun's attitude also made the Yunlan Sect disciples stunned. This was the goddess in their hearts, but she actually showed a hint of shyness in front of a strange man.

Several elders from Yun Lan Sect also appeared here at the same time. Elder Yun Ling cupped his hands and said, "Junior, I pay my respects to Mr. Confucian Sage."

They also knew about the death of the Dan King Furukawa. After investigation, it was confirmed that Furukawa died at the hands of Queen Medusa.

Later, it was learned that in order to obtain the strange fire of the Snake Tribe tribe, Koga actually joined forces with Izumo Old Ghost, the Dou Emperor of the Izumo Empire, and Xie Biyan, a strong figure in the Dou Sect. As a result, you don’t need to think about it. The Queen of the Snake Tribe has broken through the Dou Sect. A strong man.

Naturally, they dare not pursue the responsibility, lest they get burned.

Elder Yun Ling made a gesture of invitation, "This is not the place to talk. Sir, please come with me."

Jiang Cheng nodded. Although he didn't like this guy Yun Ling, he was so respectful that he had no reason to do anything to punish him.

Several people arrived at the Yunlan Sect's main hall, and Yun Ling also made a cup of hot tea himself, with no trace of the unruly look on his face.

Yun Yun pursed her lips lightly, raised the teapot on the table with her flawless white hands, and said gently: "Sir, this is our Yunlan Sect's unique tea, please try it."

"Sister, the tea doesn't taste good. Brother Jiang Cheng likes to drink. The sweeter the better, right? Brother Jiang Cheng."

Zi Yan jumped onto the table, her slender calves shaking constantly, not caring about the eyes of the elders of Yunlan Sect, and took a bite of the fifth-grade elixir.

"Hey, little ancestor, that's a fifth-grade elixir. It's such a waste on your part."

When Yun Sheng saw the fifth-grade elixir in Zi Yan's hand, he felt very distressed. He hurriedly ran over and said, "You can't eat it like this. You should swallow it in one gulp and absorb the power of the medicine. It's too wasteful for you to do this."

"You mind me, I still have a lot of fifth-grade elixirs. I usually eat them as jelly beans." Zi Yan curled her lips and said unceremoniously.

"What?!" Yun Lei and the elders of the Yunlan Sect also cast envious glances. The fifth-grade elixir was used as jelly beans, which was really an extreme luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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