Chapter 99 Soul Clan Protector, Eagle

Nalan Su nodded and said that he would make arrangements when he returned to his clan. This was also his last kindness to the Xiao family. After the matter was completed, the two families would not have any contact.

The three-year agreement has ended, and even the old sect leader Yun Shan personally prepared a celebration banquet for Nalan Yanran. Of course, the main reason was Mr. Jiang Cheng.

As long as he is in Yunlan Sect, Yunshan will inevitably have to negotiate with the other party. Even if he gets some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he will have nothing to ask for.

Ice Emperor Haibodong looked at Yunshan and said, "I didn't expect you to break through to the Douzong realm. I thought you had already fallen."

Yunshan glanced at Ice Emperor Haibodong indifferently, knowing that this guy was a celebrity around Mr. Jiang Cheng, and there were some things he still couldn't say.

"Haha, Hai Bodong, I also thought you were killed by Queen Medusa. Now that I see you alive and kicking, I am very happy."

Yunshan smiled and immediately turned his gaze to Queen Medusa who was sitting on a chair eating candied haws. "Now that Queen Medusa can become Mr. Jiang Cheng's person, how can I say anything more."

"From now on, the feud between us will end. You and I will still be friends."

Haibodong smiled and knew that Yunshan's attitude towards him changed drastically because of Mr. Jiang Cheng's presence. Otherwise, with his cultivation as Emperor Fighter, people might not even take a look at him.

Yun Shan slowly came to Jiang Cheng, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Jiang Cheng, I have already heard what happened today from Yun'er. If you hadn't helped Yan Ran, I am afraid that our Yun Lan Sect would have been disgraced in the Jiama Empire today. "

"It's okay, it's a job."

Jiang Cheng responded: "I thought that Sect Master Yunshan would not leave seclusion, but it seems that I guessed wrong."


Yunshan smiled heartily and said: "Mr. Jiang Cheng is joking, you are a strong Dou Sage, and I am just a small Dou Sect, how can I exaggerate in front of you."

"I have a friend here who wants to meet you. Is he interested?"


Jiang Cheng shrugged, as if he had thought of something, and said calmly: "I see. Now that you're here, come out. I don't like hiding."

"Jie Jie Jie..."

As a harsh sound sounded, the elders in the hall couldn't help but cover their ears. The sound was so penetrating that after just listening to it, they felt that their eardrums were about to be shattered.

I saw a group of black mist flying from outside the hall, and transformed into a man in black robes in front of everyone. Because they couldn't see the appearance clearly, everyone cast curious eyes, not knowing who this person was. .

Why does it appear in Yunlan Sect.

The man in black robe bowed his hands and said, "Junior Soul Palace Protector Falcon has met Mr. Confucian Sage."

Jiang Cheng sat on the chair without making any move. He had fought several battles with the Soul Palace back then. He once killed three Soul Clan Heavenly Lords with Feng Xian, the Lord of the Wind, and even killed a powerful semi-saint.

Therefore, he is not interested in people from the Soul Clan.

"It turns out that you are the protector of the Soul Palace. I have heard that you were the one who went to Taolin Mountain not long ago."

The Eagle Ghost smiled and said: "Jie Jie, you are worthy of being a Confucian sage. You are indeed smart. Yes, you were the junior last time. But I didn't see you. There was only a seventh-level magic beast, the Amethyst Winged Lion King."

Yunshan also found a place to sit down. It was obvious that he planned to keep a distance from the people of the Soul Clan. If Mr. Confucian Sage had some connection with the people of the Soul Clan, then he could stop there to avoid getting burned.

"I wonder what the purpose of Guardian Wu's trip is?" Wu Ying smacked his lips and turned his gaze to Sect Master Yunshan. However, Yunshan turned his head away, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Say what you want to say boldly.

Whether the other party agrees or not is unknown.

Wu Ying straightened his back and said in a serious voice: "I heard that Mr. Jiang Cheng went to the Xiao family not long ago and got a jade piece from the Xiao family. I wonder if this is the case?"

The previously bustling hall suddenly fell into silence. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Protector Wu and Mr. Confucian Sage, and they were all thinking about what was going on.

Even Yunshan remained silent.

Afraid of bringing the flames of war on himself.

Jiang Cheng slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, and the Amethyst Winged Lion King on the side also thoughtfully filled the glass with wine, and then stepped aside knowingly.

"You want the Xiao family jade piece, haha, where did you get the news?"

Guardian Wu Jiejie smiled and said: "Of course there are rumors. If Mr. Confucian Sage is willing to take out this jade piece, the sect is willing to give out three seventh-grade elixirs, plus an eighth-grade elixir in exchange. how?"

Hearing these words, the elders of Yunlan Sect were also surprised. They actually offered three seventh-grade elixirs and one eighth-grade elixir. What is the origin of this jade piece that made this guy willing to bid so much money? , it’s simply appalling.

Ice Emperor Haibodong couldn't help but look at Mr. Jiang Cheng. If this jade piece could be worth so much money, he naturally knew how valuable it was.

Yun Yun frowned slightly, as if she thought of something. It was the Xiao family that she accompanied her husband to, and she also exchanged a special jade piece from the Xiao family.

Presumably the jade piece in this person's mind should be an heirloom of the Xiao family.

What secrets are hidden in this? Even Mr. Jiang Cheng, a strong Dou Sheng warrior, has to spend his fighting skills to redeem it.

Something that can make a strong Dou Sheng think about...

Could it be related to Dou Di?

Thinking of this, Yun Yun couldn't help biting her lower lip, but her simple movements revealed her elegance and beauty.

Jiang Cheng looked at the falcon in front of him, nodded and said with a smile: "The conditions are very tempting, but for me, the elixir is of no use. Maybe you don't know that I am also an alchemist, and what you are talking about is I also have a lot of eighth-grade elixirs here."

"If you are willing to take out the jade pieces from the Soul Palace, I can bid you three eighth-grade elixirs. How about that?"

As soon as these words came out, Guardian Ya's expression obviously changed drastically. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Cheng, and even almost blurted out a curse word.

Wu Ying suppressed the anger in his heart and said grimly:
"Mr. Jiang Cheng, you should also understand what will happen if you offend us. Besides, the jade pieces are not safe at all. Why not give them to us in exchange for some resources? As long as you ask for it, we can satisfy you with anything, even if it is of the opposite sex." Fire, too,”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the whole place rose to a climax. Even Yunshan was already interested. Guardian Ya was actually willing to bring out the strange fire. The value of that jade piece must not be low.

What could this be that would make people in the Soul Palace willing to spend a lot of material and financial resources to get it.


PS: If you like the new book "Dou Po: Traveling through the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Many Children, Many Blessings", you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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