Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 1: Travel through time and reach the top of the warriors!

Chapter 1: Travel through time and reach the top of the warriors!
O-50 planet.

In the gathering place near the Warrior's Summit, Qing Xiushu dragged his exhausted body after a day's work to prepare to go home.

After returning home, in a small room where equipment was stored, Qing Hideki wiped and used the mountaineering suit that he had spent several years saving up when he came to Planet O-50.

"Brother Xiushu, are you wiping your equipment again?"

"There's nothing wrong with this. I haven't seen a few people survive on the Warrior's Summit for so many years."

"In my opinion, Brother Xiushu, let's not go, right?"

A slightly lively voice sounded behind Qing Xiushu.

Qing Xiushu turned around and looked up to see that it was two young men who were very familiar with him who were greeting him. Qing Xiushu replied quickly and cheerfully.

"Hey! It's Kai and Jakura!"

Hong Kai and Jia Gula met Qing Hideki half a year after he traveled to Planet O-50.

Due to some chance encounters, the three of them gradually became familiar with each other.

Since Qing Xiushu was several years older than them, he became the elder brother among the three.

Hong Kai, who is naturally cheerful, looked at Qing Hideki's increasingly determined eyes with a worried look on his face.

They actually knew what Qing Xiushu planned to do.

That is the challenge to the top of the warrior!
Now he knew in his heart what Qing Xiushu was planning to do, and he said with a bit of bitterness in his mouth.

"Brother Xiushu, otherwise you don't want to go to the Warrior's Summit. It's good for you, me and Jagula to just stay here and live together!"

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu shook his head and said with a determined expression.

"I have to go this time. If I miss this climbing period, I don't know when I will be able to catch it again."

As for why Qing Hideki always wanted to go to the top of the warriors.

Qing Hideki is not actually from this world. To explain in nicer terms, he is the only survivor on earth.

To use a harsh word, he is actually a refugee.

All his relatives, family, friends and her were all destroyed by the dark palm that covered the sky in that disaster.

Thinking of this, Qing Hideki subconsciously touched the star of light pattern printed on his chest under his shirt. In that disaster, he and the star of light merged into one, which allowed him to survive.

Seeing that the scene suddenly became a little quiet, Jakula, who had been posing in the back, spoke.

"Brother Xiushu, you'd better not go. After all, your strength is far worse than the rest of us!"

"Brother Xiushu, there is a high probability that you won't be able to climb up there. After all, no one has climbed there for hundreds of years."

"It would be nice for the three of us to live together like this."

Although Ao Hideki looked rude and even a little cold when he spoke, you could see Jakura Ao Hideki's heart warmed up with a trace of worry in his eyes.

"Although that's true, there are reasons why I have to go."

While speaking, Qing Xiushu looked at the light on the towering cloud-like warrior summit in the distance, feeling the guidance of the star of light in his body, and his heart was full of expectation and determination!
Seeing Qing Hideki's firm attitude, Hong Kai wanted to say something else, but Jagula on the side directly pulled Hong Kai and ran away through the door.

"Jagula, what are you doing? I still have something to say."

Hong Kai, who was dragged to a remote place by Jia Gula, looked at Jia Gula angrily.

Before Hong Kai could speak, Jia Gula spoke first.

"Kai, Brother Hideki must have a reason to do this!"

"Think carefully about the normal Hideki-san!"

Hong Kai, who had just wanted to lash out at Jagula, was suddenly speechless and became dejected.

Hong Kai is not a fool. He has known about Brother Xiu Shu's problem for a long time.

After being together for a long time, even Kai felt that Qing Xiushu seemed to be carrying something!
It seemed that beneath his calm and gentle appearance, there was a sea of ​​hatred.

"Then we still have to give Brother Xiu Shu a gift."

Hong Kai said slightly frustrated.

Here, Qing Xiushu also started his daily exercise, sweat flowing on the floor.And he is just an ordinary human being.

Without the Star of Light, he and his mother star would have turned into cosmic dust.

He is not as powerful as Kai and Jakura. After all, they are cosmic beings, and judging from the plot, their genetic potential is also extremely high.

Otherwise Kai would not have obtained the light of Orb, and Jakura would not have obtained the demon form on his own.

It is this that makes them stand out from countless challengers.

However, even if Qing Xiushu gets the glory of a black-hearted enterprise, he is not afraid of stealing Kai's opportunity.

Strictly speaking, it is not Uub's light, because Kai can still transform into Uub even if he runs to the Kingdom of Light.

It was Kai plus the light that turned into Uub, not the light that became Uub!

Qing Xiushu silently called for the star of light that merged with him.

A piece of information appeared in Qing Xiushu's mind.

[Name: Qing Xiu Shu]

【Race: Human】

[Life level: E]

[Evolution Material: None]

[Time travel: 0.9]

Qing Hideki looked at his very shabby face, but he was not worried at all.

He is already much stronger than when he traveled back through time. You must know that he was just E- when he traveled back through time, which is a proper sub-healthy weakling level.

But now, he has obvious muscles all over his body, with streamlined muscles.

He believes that given a few more years he can reach the E+ level.

But obviously, it's too late.

Time really doesn’t wait for me.

Looking at the number of shuttles that were almost full, Qing Xiushu made up his mind to set foot on the top of the warrior this time!

According to legends and memories in my mind, the light at the top of the warrior can select outstanding warriors and make people become giants of light!
A few days later, Qing Xiu Shu and Jia Gula, who were dressed in mountaineering cold-resistant equipment and brought enough dry food, waved goodbye to Kai.

The wind was howling non-stop, and the snow rolled by the wind kept hitting this almost vertical and very rugged mountain range.

Even in such a harsh environment, there are still a group of people with dreams who are challenging the top of the warriors!

"Do not!!"

Under Qing Hideki was a humanoid cosmonaut. His pickaxe slipped and he fell straight down, making a horrifying cry.

Qing Xiushu felt chilled when he heard the screams coming from below.

The whole person forcibly resisted the heat in his limbs, and continued to climb up with determination.

Qing Xiushu knew that even if he was protected by equipment, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Facing the extremely bad weather, the clothes to keep out the cold were becoming less and less effective. Qing Xiushu looked at the light on the top of the mountain and resisted the urge to take off his clothes.

"How can I fall down here!"

After an unknown amount of time, a snowman covered in snow tremblingly climbed onto the platform and lay motionless near the cliff.

What a risk, just a little bit close!He can't get up!

Fortunately, before being completely frozen into an ice sculpture, Qing Xiushu finally climbed to the top of the warrior!

On the central platform, a round luminous object is rotating and undulating!
Feeling the mysterious aura coming from not far away, Qing Xiushu's dried-up body gradually regained a little strength.

Qing Hideki used all his strength to stand up and walked towards the rotating circle in the center.

I finally made it up.

The strongest person in this group is still me! !
 Newcomers and new books looking for support
(End of this chapter)

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