Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 100 Mirror Knight, I have been strengthened!

Chapter 100 Mirror Knight, I have been strengthened!

"Hey! You guys want to defeat Beria completely!"

The Flame Warrior looked at the two people who were about to leave after getting the coordinates, raised the flame on his head and said loudly.

"Do you want to join too?"

Zero looked at the Red Lotus Flame who had a personality somewhat similar to his before and wondered.

This guy is not a bad person, so I like him.

Maybe we can become a partner.
"I don't care whether you are looking for the Shield of Pajra or the purpose of looking for an existence like Noah."

"I'm not interested in knowing either, but I just want to fight that guy Beria."

"Then we are friends! We are partners!"

The Flame Warrior said rather arrogantly.

"Yes, attacking Beria is what the Pirates of Fire should do!"

Hearing this, the three captain brothers on the pirate ship were also very proud.

"Anyway, just be bold and look for miracles!"

"We, the Fire Pirates, will do our best to create some noise to attract Beria's attention!"

As the flame warrior's voice became farther and farther away, he and the pirate ship left the star sea at super-light speed.

For a time, only the gorgeous scenery of the sea of ​​nitromethane remained in the sea of ​​stars.

Then the two of them turned into a stream of light and returned to the Royal Space Ship.

Ignoring the princess's admiration and Xiao Zhi's curious eyes, Zero went to Qing Xiu Shu and thanked: "It has to be you, the instructor! If we just rely on physical skills and ice axes to search, I don't know when we will be able to kill all these robot legions." .”

At this moment, Zero truly felt what it was like to be surrounded by seniors when going out.

Can quickly find the enemy's weaknesses and plan the best approach.

Is this the Hades instructor who experienced a melee with the legendary Emperor of the Universe?

It’s true, Thai pants are spicy!
After thanking him, Zero looked at the starry sky with a little sadness: "Will anything happen to that guy from Red Lotus Flame if he goes to contain Beria?"

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu calmly shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with the Red Lotus Flame. He is essentially a living body composed of fire energy. It is not that easy to die. In addition, with the escape speed of the Pirate of Fire, in general, Security should be fine.”

Sero was relieved to hear Qing Hideki's analysis. He didn't want such a close guy to disappear just after they met.

"Then we should look for the Shield of Pajira. The guy from Red Lotus Flame told me that if you want to find the Shield of Pajira, you have to go to the Mirror Star to find the Two-dimensional people."

Zero paused and told everyone the news he got from Guren.

Qing Xiushu was also startled when he heard the Two-dimensional people.

This is a group of extremely special beings.
When Chimerana heard the Mirror Star, an elegant, upright, and kind knight giant emerged in her mind.

"Mirror Knight, nothing will happen to you."

Chimerana couldn't help but tighten her hands, feeling worried in her mind.

What's going on with the Mirror Knight who protects her and the people?

"Mirror Knight."

When Ao Hideki heard the name, a knight who looked exactly like Ultraman automatically appeared.

Could it be said that every giant born in this time and space is different?
The red lotus flame in this universe is also an extremely special existence.

I'm afraid they can't be called Ultra Warriors, they can only be called "giants."

The "giant" who protects this universe.

"Royal Spaceship, go to the Mirror Star."

After coming back to his senses, Qing Xiushu ordered lightly.


"Royal spaceship, listen to Lord Hades!"

Before the Royal Spaceship could say anything, the princess stopped him.

"If these two powerful beings can save the world, then anything is acceptable."

Princess Chimerana gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

For the future of this world, she must manage the relationship between Hades and Zero.


Sero looked at Qing Hideki.

Since it was his first time to fuse with the human body, he was a little uncomfortable with this scene.

"Zero, don't be so stubborn. After hard work fighting monsters, shouldn't you enjoy it?"

"Besides, Beria is becoming more and more powerful in this universe, so you have to use your own opinions."

In times of crisis like this, the able always come first.

The royal spaceship entered an accelerated state, turned into a blue phantom, and began to accelerate through time and space in the universe towards the mirror star.

After passing through a cross barrier, the group successfully entered the Mirror Star.

"Fortunately, the instructor is here."

Thinking of the densely packed space fleet in the previous journey, Zero wiped the cold sweat from his face.

I don’t know how many Belia troops I encountered during my travels in the universe.

Fortunately, under the cover of Qing Xiushu's telepathy, the group of people passed through the siege of Beria's army unharmed.

"With Zero here, we should be able to summon that miracle."

This is also the reason why Qing Xiushu has been with the group until this time and space. Normally, he would just rush over and grab it.

But this time and space is different and requires hope and miracles.

And with Noah around, he didn't dare to go too far.

Besides, he is the ultimate life form and has nothing to do with hope or miracles.

It didn't take long for the royal spaceship to arrive at a strange space that resembled stars and was like a link of light everywhere. "This place is a bit like the other world."

Qing Hideki looked at the starry sky-like ground and sighed.

"People of Two-dimensional, please answer me, we came here to find the Shield of Pajra!"

Chimerana summoned the courage to ask.

As soon as he finished speaking, the mysterious snowflake mirror that had been suspended in the air flickered, and then a voice came from inside.

"Even if you find the Giant of Light, we Two-dimensional will not interfere with the affairs of the three-dimensional world."

"We, the people of the Two-dimensional world, do not believe in miracles."

Listening to the indifferent voice of Two-dimensional's leadership, Zero suddenly felt a little angry and said loudly: "You can't escape, Beria will invade here sooner or later."

"I know this. Our mirror can reflect any corner of the universe!"

"Then why are you indifferent!"

"Even the Mirror Knight can't resist it. It's useless no matter what you do! Destroy it! Destroy it!"

Two-dimensional leaders exude a state of ruin.

They have been in this state since the Mirror Knight was corrupted.

"How can you say such depressing words! You bastards!"

Xiaozhi retorted excitedly when he heard this.

As soon as he finished speaking, the people of Two-dimensional seemed a little angry, and countless thunderbolts fell from the snowflake mirror and bombarded the ground.

"Then take a good look at it!"

As the ground was opened, a small space appeared in view.

You can see that in the gray space, the Mirror Knight, polluted by the darkness of Belial, is sitting on the boulder with his hands and knees clasped.

"What happened to Mirror Knight?"

Chimerana asked with a worried look on her face.

"Hmph, the Mirror Knight used all his strength to protect the palace and the people. He was invaded by the darkness of Belia, so he sealed himself in order not to hurt others!"

Hearing this, everyone in the group was a little silent, while Sero cast an inquiring look at Qing Xiu Shu.

"Instructor, I can purify him."

"Need not."

Qing Hideki was also quite curious when he saw the existence of the Mirror Knight.

After turning black, he didn't go around destroying the city like those Ultraman.

It's really rare, and it has all the elements of a Western Paladin.
In other words, the Mirror Knight also relies on will to control power?

"Mirror Knight, accept this!"

Qing Xiushu hesitated for a moment, and then transformed into a golden giant in the brilliance of the sky.

Then Qing Hideki brushed the kingdom symbol on his chest, and a touch of golden energy was introduced from his fingertips into the mirror knight's head crystal.

"What a powerful light, and this will!"

The Two-dimensional leader was shocked when he saw the light that actually appeared in front of him.


In that light, Zero could vaguely see a determined man heading towards the top of the mountain with countless beliefs on his back.

Is this the instructor's will?
"This is this?"

The Mirror Knight felt a powerful force drive away the darkness in his body. At this moment, he was even three points stronger than usual.

"It's you!"

The Mirror Knight jumped down from the boulder and looked at the golden giant who nodded to him in surprise.

"It actually succeeded."

Qing Hideki looked at the Mirror Knight who had used energy-enhancing skills by him.

He always thought it could strengthen monsters, but he didn't expect that it could also strengthen giants.

"Instructor, you have this good thing but you don't want me to use it?"

Sero's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"Don't think too much, this is just a stimulant. It only lasts for a while."

Qing Xiushu hit Shiro with a knife and screamed, shaking his head with a speechless expression.

I don’t know if it will be useful to an existence like Zero.

"No, it's the Belial Army!"

The situation outside the planet was immediately known to the people of Two-dimensional, and Qing Xiushu sincerely thanked him and shouted hurriedly.

"I will stop the Belial army! You go find the Shield of Pajra first!"

The Mirror Knight, who was covered in golden light, felt that his condition was better than ever before, and turned into a stream of light and flew outside the Mirror Star.

"Follow the underground river and enter the temple, where the Shield of Pajira is!"

"I won't let you step into the Mirror Star!"

The tragedy of the kingdom appeared in the Mirror Knight's mind, and countless golden cross rays surged from his hand and flew towards the space fleet.

Dozens of robots were wiped out in just the blink of an eye.

"I am?"

The Mirror Knight looked at his hands in disbelief.

Is it because of the golden giant?
"Now that you're here, let's all stay here!"

The Mirror Knight clenched his fists, turned around and shouted angrily at the Beria army.

(End of this chapter)

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