Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 105 Chapter 105 The Hot Man Chapter is here!

Chapter 105 Chapter [-] The hot man is back!
"is it here."

In the forest, the figure of Qing Xiushu, who had noticed something was wrong before, appeared out of thin air and looked at the few streaks of light passing through the sky.

Just now he sensed a strange life form penetrating the earth's night sky.

At this time, in the universe.

A spaceship suddenly exploded and two streams of light escaped, followed by a powerful light that landed on the earth.


After the blue-purple light group fell into the mountain forest, the electric light dissipated, and a resolute man who looked like a hunting warrior appeared.

Its appearance looks similar to humans, but it has mysterious blue eye shadow and a metal device similar to a communicator hanging on its ears.

The whole person looked extremely cold and cold, and at the same time, he used detectors to track down something from time to time.


Not far from the man, there happens to be a blue transparent glass, which contains a cute blue and white creature that looks like a hamster.

After seeing the man and he actually landed nearby, the cute blue and white creature made a frantic cry for mercy.


"Damned existence"

"There's another one"

The man's eyes were cold and he used his weapon to harvest Hubei.
"This planet seems...a bit dangerous."

Suddenly, Daisixingren was covered in goosebumps and broke into a cold sweat.

In the long-term battle with Hubiga, he was often between life and death, and he had already developed the ability to sense danger.

Who is it? The Des star looked solemnly at the place where the breath disappeared.

He is the special investigator of the Bass Nebula Des Star. He has superpowers and strong physical fitness. He is on a mission to capture and escort the vicious monster Gabisu, who came to Earth because Gabisu escaped.

Now it seems that everyone on this planet is extraordinary.
"You must be careful next time."

Starman Dais rubbed his frown.

If you guessed correctly, the mysterious man just now should have used some kind of space superpower.

Not from Earth?

Qing Xiushu returned to the village without the slightest desire to take action.

After traveling many times, he understood the truth that human beings must experience enough disasters to awaken to the light.

"My lord, are you back?"

The little fox in the maid uniform is quite eye-catching, and there is a white tail behind her that can’t help but show out.

"Oh little fox, you have a tail."

Qing Xiushu, who rushed back and discovered the changes in the little fox, said happily while enjoying the intimate feeding.

It’s still relaxing in this kind of time and space where there is no crisis.
When he thinks about Galaxy S and Aix, he feels dizzy when he thinks about those two time and spaces.
In the final analysis, Gabixiu's existence has both good and bad qualities. At least it can help this group of super-victorious team members who are still in the pure white stage to mature a little.

But the price may be a bit high.
Nothing more than damage to life and property
But this has nothing to do with him. Just give him a little reminder. By the way, I’ll meet Kibi Gosukemi again.
That guy is soaring into the sky now
And Gabixiu also fully complies with the laws of the universe. The more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is.

Gabixiu looks harmless and weak, and is quite cute at first glance, but in fact he is a cunning and extremely ferocious space monster.

It is also very cute and has a good understanding of human nature. It is very cute when it is not giant. Once it is giant, it will turn into an ugly rat monster and it can take hostages hostage very cunningly.

I'm afraid that the investigator from Des Star started chasing Hubiga crazily because his daughter was killed by a monster, right?
"Little fox, come with me for a walk tomorrow."

Staring at the pure white moonlight, Qing Xiushu's golden eyes twinkled.


Hearing this, the little fox tilted his head and still showed a sweet smile.


Along the coast of Chiba, there is an orphanage near where the children have lost their parents for various reasons.

In this orphanage, there are many people who have lost their parents because of monsters.

A little girl in a short skirt wearing a goose-yellow coat was walking alone next to the beach.

Subconsciously looking at the family in the distance with an envious expression.

On the reef not far away, there was also a little girl happily playing with her parents on the beach, and faintly bursts of happy laughter could be heard.

Mom and dad
The little girl's thoughts came to her mind, she was alone on the beach facing the sea breeze.

It didn't take long before I discovered a violent light in the sand pit in the distance.

I saw a blue and white furry creature in the transparent box, which looked extremely cute.

Looking at such a cute creature, the little girl opened her eyes wide and quickly dug out the box and held it in her hands. She looked at the creature that seemed to be waking up from sleep and made a sound of joy.

"so cute."

"It's so beautiful."

The girl was instantly captured by Gabixiu's soft and cute appearance, and she smiled sincerely even though she had always been autistic. "Chirp!!"

The little blue-and-white mouse said anxiously as he felt the terrifying malice appearing.

"Save me, save me!"

"are you sick?"

The girl subconsciously expressed concern, and saw a man and a woman walking slowly in the ocean with their feet on the ocean.

The little girl was shocked by the dreamlike scene.

"Sir, is that Gabixiu?"

"Well, the real body is far worse than you, little fox."

"It's an ugly rat."

After hearing Qing Xiushu's terrifying words, the little fox showed a hint of fear and leaned slightly towards Qing Xiushu.

"You guys, don't try to steal my friends!"

Although the little girl didn't understand, she still noticed Qing Hideki's intention.

The whole person shrank back in fear
"Yuka has been looking for you for a long time."

Yumimura Ryo, who came with the dean, looked at the little girl and exclaimed, and then frowned at Ao Hideki, who seemed to be not a normal person.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Ao Hideki stopped and looked at the girl holding the box tightly, then glanced at Yumimura Ryo who immediately drew his gun.

Tsk. Super Victory Team?
"I just want to take this little guy back 'home'."

"It was dropped by a friend of mine, and this guy is a monster."

"If you don't want to die, just leave it to me!"

Ao Hideki took a look and explained that he was purely trying to test the background of the Super Victory Team.
But it seems that there is a little bit of Madonna per capita.
I don’t know if the rat meat is as crispy as the legend says.

It’s also good to feed Jayden.
"No! It's Yuka's friend! You are not allowed to go near him!"

The little girl suddenly looked at Qing Xiushu with a fierce expression and roared.

"Stop! Or I'll shoot!"

Yumimura Ryo saw Qing Hideki and the little fox walking without making a sound, and became even more convinced of his idea.

These two people are probably cosmic beings!
"Just take it away"

Qing Xiushu snapped his fingers, and his huge telepathy immediately immobilized everyone.

In the eyes of the little girl and Yumi Culiang, who were shocked and angry, Qing Hideki put his palm towards Hubiga.


Sensing something unusual, Asuka quickly rushed to the beach.

"What is it"

"Golden radiance"

Yumimura Ryo watched Ao Hideki disappear with his eyes tightly, and suddenly his whole body relaxed.
"This thing is so cute."

Asuka looked at Hubiga in the transparent box and his eyes lit up.

"It looks like I'm right."

Yumimura Ryo put away the bad thoughts in his mind.

"Well, Sir, you don't care if many people will die, right?"

The fox, who was carried back to the village by Princess Qingxiushu, said with a blushing face.

"Well, there is no war without sacrifice."

"Let them spend the rest of their lives in pain."

Qing Xiushu took a sip of tea indifferently.

Just do it casually, you may need the material or not, it’s just an ordinary material anyway.

After returning this time, he always felt as if he no longer cared about those small-scale deaths.

He couldn't save him alone, and after all, he had no obligation to save him, so there was nothing wrong with him just helping him when he saw him.

How can these guys grow without some hardship?
However, something feels wrong...

“It’s just that the price of growth is higher.”

Mars base
Zhengmu and Dagu, who were practicing hard on Mars, subconsciously looked at the earth.

"The hot man is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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