Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 11 established Gadron and planned the light.

Chapter 11 established Gadron and planned the light.

Kanto region.

The Tsurasaki Power Station, which stores nearly [-]% of the entire region's electrical energy, was disturbed by an uninvited guest.

The monster Ligardron descended on the nearby mountainous area. The monster has sickle-shaped hands and a body that looks like a spaceship with an orange luminous body on its head.

The whole beast roared, and it stepped directly towards the target with a clear purpose.

Tsuruzaki Power Station.

The two dead pilots flying another Victory Flying Swallow on the ocean were chatting.

Finally, Shinjo ended with a Showa-style speech with a heavy look on his face.

Sorry, my friend.

"As a victorious team member, I must complete the mission!"

After arriving at the area, the victory team launched an attack directly, although the superiors said they had issued an order to eliminate them.

But in fact, everyone knew very well that the purpose of the victory team was to drag Ligardron to the power station.

After absorbing the high-purity energy from the Space Development Agency, the monster's strength increased by leaps and bounds.

The entire beast has reached the level of B+, and its defense is even stronger.

At this time, Qing Xiushu was standing on the hillside, with Obik behind him.

No one found them.

I have to say that Obik's magic is really interesting. He is a good player when it comes to borderline ob like this.

Well, of course, as a gentleman, he only uses it for combat.

"Dagu crashed again."

In less than two seconds, the Shengli Feiyan No. [-] driven by Dagu and Xincheng was hit by a cyan light, and the plane hovered in the sky.

Fortunately, as an ace pilot, Dagu skillfully and steadily controlled the Feiyan No. [-] with smoke coming from its tail to complete the emergency landing.

I have to say that Hikari Crash Landing Dagu understands it. It is estimated that no one in the victory team understands it better than him.

Xincheng also passed out smoothly in the back seat.

During the crash, Feiyan-[-] was still launching light attacks against Gadron. It cannot be said that it was ineffective, but it could only be said to be better than nothing.

Even Durathum's light couldn't break through Fang's powerful defense, and a mere laser was no more effective than a mosquito bite.

Qing Xiu Shu shook his head as he watched Da Gu turn into Tiga.

Next, it’s time for Dagu to beat him up.

As a driver, Dagu obviously has not yet reached [-]% integration with Diga.

It can't be as powerful as the TV later stage.

Dagu, who understood Ultra's spirit as soon as he came on stage, turned red and rushed towards Ligardron with his feet on the ground.

Although the transformation into red is fleshier, Ligadron is fleshier than Tiga.

Dagu was electrocuted and exploded for a moment, his neck was jammed by Ligadron's large pliers, and even his red Ultra skin was blown black.

Seeing that Tiga couldn't defeat Ligadelon, he was about to be killed.

Qing Xiushu, who was afraid that Tiga would burp on the spot, directly asked Obik to send a message to Xincheng.

"Destroy it from within!"

Xincheng, who had just woken up, saw Diga who was beaten half to death. He was so anxious that he didn't care that the voice of an old man was coming from his ears.

Internal breakthrough?

Got it!

At this time, Qing Xiushu was also ready to take action. This was the first time he had seen the light of human evolution.

After all, it would be very strange for a human being to transform into a life form of light.

In fact, it’s not impossible to watch. Returning to the universe of the Kingdom of Light spans 30 years in the timeline.

In fact, we can see the collective evolution of giants.

No matter what, he must not give up on the evolutionary opportunity that is so close at hand.


Golden lightning flashed across the battlefield, and Ligardron, who was still fighting with Diga, stopped and looked at the golden light.

The other members of the Victory Team who found the Xincheng members looked at the giant body that looked like a strengthened Shibajia and was emitting golden light.

"It's a golden giant!"


Dagu turned to look at the familiar golden light.

The victory team members were a little uncomfortable. Looking at the golden giant from a close distance, the aura had a different kind of pressure from Tiga.

Moreover, there is a vague feeling that life is being oppressed.

"This giant."

At the TPC headquarters, Hui Jian, who saw it clearly through the broadcast, was heartbroken.

This is the third time she has seen the golden giant.

The last time she saw it up close, she could really feel a sense of oppression.This time, if you look at the team members' performance and analyze the results, they are a little uncomfortable standing aside.

Could it be that this golden giant is not Ultraman at all?Or is it that he and Tiga are not golden giants of the same race?

The Ye Rui team member who was operating the computer on the side said quickly.

"Captain! The information has been transferred to Jeep No. [-]'s computer."

Jian Hui looked at the golden giant standing motionless on the ground and felt slightly reassured. From the current point of view, the golden giant should be able to cooperate.

After the information was transmitted to the computer of Jeep No. [-], Ligardron's whole body erupted with lightning light.

The whole beast trembled for a while and then seemed to stand stiffly in place. The energy in its body fluctuated.

Xincheng felt happy when he saw this and shouted loudly.

"Come on! Live as a human again!"

"Use your power to seize energy and defeat the monsters!"

The energy fluctuations in Ligadelon's body became more and more powerful, and it seemed that three rays of light were about to appear on Ligadelon.


Seeing the three groups of light emerging from the monster's body, Qing Hideki stepped forward directly.

Life form of light.
Without thinking too much, Qing Hideki's figure flickered and directly caught the light life form in mid-air.


Dagu, who switched back to the composite form, directly took the opportunity to emit light and destroy the monster.

Fly directly to where Qing Xiu Shu is and want to communicate.

"Senior! What are you going to do!"

However, Qing Hideki knocked the weak Dagu to the ground with just a casual blow.

Why?Senior, why are you doing this?
The giant's body fell to the ground. Dagu, who had the red light flashing, looked at Qing Xiushu with great disappointment.

"Why catch them?"

"It's best for me to control this power."

Seeing Qing Hideki speaking like a villain, everyone in the victory team breathed sweetly.


"Asshole golden giant!"

"Asshole! Why do you do this!"

"Despicable, he caught them all."

Looking at the people around him who were talking sweetly to him, Qing Xiushu's strength spread.

Everyone in the victory team suddenly felt unsteady on their feet.

This group of people seemed to have some misunderstanding about him.

Seeing Da Gu's body dispersed, Qing Xiushu relaxed and communicated with the three rays of light in his hand.

"Giant, what do you want?"

"Haha, as beings of light, you don't know the future of the earth, right?"

"For the sake of the future of mankind, you are going to the stars and must not leave any power behind?"

Under Qing Hideki Akatsuki's offensive of reasoning and emotion, the three light life forms agreed.

They also vaguely sensed that the ocean in this world was wailing, as if there was something terrifying.

After a moment of silence, the three light beings directly gave Qing Hideki about one-third of the light beyond the source.

[Life form of light (pure) × 3 (small)]

"This can be considered a negligible contribution from us."

In this way, after Qing Hideki made a simple agreement with the three lights, the overall light dimmed a lot.

The considerate Qing Xiu Shu did not let the light waste energy to go to the starry sky, and used the energy to make a golden shield to send them on their way.

The silver-black fingers spread out, and the light was wrapped in golden energy and shot directly into the sky.

What Qing Xiushu just took away was only the part that did not involve the original source. It only needs to lie dead for hundreds of thousands of years to recover naturally.

If there is a chance, they can recover in minutes. Even if there is no chance, the pair of light beings will just take a nap.

After doing all this, Qing Xiushu glanced at everyone and dissipated and left the venue.

Looking at the dim ball of light, Da Gu was furious, but the energy coverage of Qing Xiu Shu behind him made him confused.

Dagu finally understood that it seemed that the senior had made a deal with them.

Think of the way the golden giant glanced at them just now.

Dagu's heart was suddenly filled with guilt.

Senior, I seem to have wrongly blamed you.

Xincheng, who had just scolded him the most, suddenly turned off his fire and looked at each other with his teammates.

"It seems that the giant was mistakenly blamed."

(End of this chapter)

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