Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 115 Lightning Whip Starman

Chapter 115 Lightning Whip Starman

"Are you, Hades?"

Zhu Hoshidan and his group were gathered together by Qing Hideki, drinking tea in a small room.

"Well, I felt the dark atmosphere of this time and space, so I came here early."

"But do you Ultramans also have holidays?"

Qing Xiushu took a sip of tea and nodded to the four brothers.

Hearing Qing Hideki's inquiry, Zhu Xingtuan looked at his brothers slightly awkwardly.

"Life on Earth is pretty good."

"But! It's not just a holiday, we also have a mission.

He is responsible for the sealing affairs of the Yabo people and Saurus. "

After listening, Qing Xiushu pondered for a moment and said.

"It's a long story."

"Now let me restore your energy first."

"I'm afraid my opponent this time will be a bit difficult to deal with."

Just when the stars were about to say something, the loosening of the seal on the seabed suddenly made the four of them look nervous. Through the power transmission, a strange picture appeared in the minds of the people.

I could see that a thick dark atmosphere seemed to be leaking from the cracks in the seal.
The rich dark atmosphere like black mud continues to spread in the sea floor, polluting the oceans of this planet.

"That's going to be troublesome for you!"

Qing Hideki waved his hand, and four golden energy groups filled with powerful energy arrived in the Ultra Brothers' transformers.

"The condition is that I must kill this monster!"

After saying that, Qing Xiushu's figure disappeared into the small room.
The Ultra brothers were left looking at each other in shock.

"There is enough energy now to fully support a high-intensity battle!"

Hokuto Seiji said excitedly, and then looked at the first generation in confusion.

"I wish you had let me use Ultra Guillotine."

"If it is used, the resentment between Saurus and the Abo people will remain dormant for at least several decades."

"Wouldn't it be better for us to live on Earth for a while longer?"

After hearing Ace's complaints, the first generation said calmly without changing his expression.

"The forbidden techniques of the Kingdom of Light should still be used with caution."

"I don't know what's going on with Zuo Fei. It's been 20 years since I sent the light."

Seeing that the comrades around him were a little nervous, Zhu Xingtuan said with a relaxed expression.

"Don't worry, Ace, the first generation."

"Hades is more powerful than we thought."

"Just the mental power alone is at least several times that of mine."

"With him, defeating Saurus is no longer a problem."

"At that time, we may not be able to get a special leave, so we can rest on earth for a while."

Hearing that Ultraman Jack's human body was about to work again, Hideki Ko said angrily.

"I've been fighting monsters all my life, can't I just enjoy it on earth?"

Seeing Xiu Xiu's excited expression, Zhu Xingdan accidentally remembered what Sero had said to him.
Hades seems to be called Qing Xiu Shu by the king.
Beautiful trees in the countryside. Beautiful green trees.
"Jack. What is your relationship with Hades?"

"Ah?" Xiang Xiushu looked at Saiwen, who was exuding the fire of gossip, with confused eyes, "Seven, what do you mean by this?"

I saw Hideki Hideki come to understand, wrapped in Ultra power, and started an Ultra old age competition with the stars.

At this time, the Imperial Stars who escaped from the invisible spaceship on the coast landed in the industrial area like a giant moth.

The huge blue body, head and scissor-shaped hands resemble those of the Baltans, and they look like a combined form of the Baltans and Hippolytes.

I saw the imperial star's cloak triggering violent dust waves, frightening a group of workers who were about to work, and rushed towards the outside of the industrial area with pale faces.

Looking at the workers fleeing in all directions, the Imperial Stars laughed disdainfully.

"Get out of here! Ultraman Mebius!"

"I knew your boy was around here"

On the nearby roof, the figure of Qing Xiu Shu appeared in the golden light.

Looking at the imperial star Qing Hideki who was no longer as good as before, he shook his head.

"The Imperial Stars are also becoming more and more low."

"In the past, it could only be summoned by gathering the six Ultra brothers."

"Is this considered sacrificing combat effectiveness for appearance?"

I saw the Imperial Stars making evil screams and shooting out high-temperature flames from their hands, destroying the surrounding industrial buildings crazily, as if they were trying to force Mebius out.

"It seems that he thinks he has the strength of that imperial star." Qing Xiushu's telepathy covered his body to prevent any superpower from affecting him.


The aura of Mebius that brushed across his left hand in the future turned into a giant of light and landed in the city with a war cry.

boom! !

Membius, who was fighting closely, was obviously much more skilled than the Imperial star. In a hasty fight between the two, the Imperial star was knocked away and moved half a kilometer away.

"Damn guy"

The Imperial Stars were furious when they saw Mebius, who had a strong body and better fighting skills than him.

Then the large pliers on his hand shot out a lightning whip with high thermal energy fluctuations.

"Ultraman Mebius, suffer death!"

The Imperial star roared and waved the lightning whip, which had a special bonus on Ultra warriors.

The bright silver lightning whip exploded into countless sparks and burn marks just as it touched the ground.

A whip!
Two whips!

Three whips!

The Imperial star waved the lightning whip with a crazy look on his face, and a strange feeling arose in his heart as he watched Mebius evade!

This feeling!Thai pants are really hot!

Mebius was keenly aware of the power of the lightning whip, and several Ultras rolled and the last Ultra jumped up to avoid the three lightning strikes of the Imperial Star.

On a high building, Qing Hideki watched the men of the Mebius Empire who were whipping wildly with whips as they dreamed back to their hometown.

After watching Mebius being beaten for a while with sparks flying all over his body, Ao Hideki no longer hesitated to review the classic.

A golden thought power wrapped around his body and surged directly towards the Imperial star who was already above.

At this time, the Imperial Stars were sending out all kinds of rubbish to disturb Mebius.

"Go to hell! Go to die! Go to die!"

"Mebius, you only know how to hide."

In an instant, the imperial star felt as if he was being pressed down on his limbs by hundreds of Gorzans, unable to move.

"This is?"

Membius was a little confused when he looked at the Imperial star who couldn't move for a moment, and then subconsciously looked in a certain direction to look at Ao Hideki's appearance.

Mebius was moved in his heart, and I knew that Instructor Hades would not ignore me!

Seeing Membius looking at him like a cat, Ao Hideki helplessly spread his hands and motioned for him to destroy the monster.

Among the Ultra Brothers, only Mebius is like this.
"Imperial Stars, suffer death!"

I saw Mebius walking towards the Imperial Stars, looking at the Imperial Stars who could not move, one by one with a left and a right whip.

After repeated beatings that made the Imperial star scream, Membius looked at the resentment in his heart and almost dissipated.

【Light blade cutting】

With a backflip, Membius flicked his left hand, and huge continuous cutting rays directly bombarded the Imperial Star.

In an instant, the Imperial Stars were cut into countless pieces and exploded loudly.

"You guys don't practice martial arts and make sneak attacks."

Before the explosion, the Imperial star seemed to have noticed something and subconsciously looked in a certain direction, leaving only a last word full of grief and indignation.
"Thank you, Instructor!"

After finishing, Menbius turned into a point of light and landed next to Qing Hideki and said with a grateful face.

"It's nothing..."

Qing Hideki cast his gaze to the depths of the seabed and casually collected the materials into the Star of Light.

"The resentment of the people of Abo has become stronger."

"Human negative emotions and the unknown darkness"

He is now a little curious about how powerful the strongest super beast is.
Near the Port of Kobe, the people of Zhuhoshidan nodded frequently while looking at Membius's performance.

"Mebius can defeat this Imperial star without the help of Hades."

"It's just a little troublesome, but isn't it a bit cruel?"

The first generation said hesitantly as he looked at Membius's methods.

"Hmph, you don't understand space people at all in the first generation."

"Mebius did a great job! In my many years of research and experiments on forbidden arts."

"I discovered a secret, even people in the universe don't feel pain!"

Ace, the director of the meat factory in the Kingdom of Light, looked at Mebius's performance and gave him a big thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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