Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 117 Ultra Gang, let’s go!

Chapter 117 Ultra Gang, let’s go!
country of light,
Otto Guard.

Five golden Ultra signatures appeared in the sky of the Kingdom of Light.

Taro, who was staying behind, looked shocked when he saw a bunch of Ultra signatures.

"Mebius and Severn's Ultra signatures!"

Zoffie, who came after hearing the news from the side, was also shocked when he saw Otto's signature.

"It seems that the situation on the earth is more serious than I thought."

"Taro! The powerful members of the Kingdom of Light Guards have gathered together! I'm going to consult the captain for his opinion!"

"By the way, call Seven 21 from the Space Security Agency!"

After assigning Taro the task, Zofi flew to a certain building.

Ultra Tower.

The father of Ultra, who had two big horns on his head, frowned when he heard Zuofi's explanation.

"Zophie, are you saying that there may be an existence on Earth that has the potential to destroy the universe?"

"Yes, Severn's transformation ability has been restored by Hades, but they still have no confidence to defeat them." Hearing this, Zoffi nodded heavily.

"Is that so? Hades also appeared."

“It seems the situation is getting more serious.”

"This time, I'm afraid there will be some trouble..."

The father of Ultra swept his cloak casually, glanced at the Kingdom of Light, then turned to Zoffie and gave instructions.

"Zophie, just take the elite warriors to Earth to support them."

"Those students who have just graduated from the Kingdom of Light are still too immature."

Hearing Ultra's father's instructions, Zoffie nodded heavily.


After receiving the order, Zoffie flew directly to the Space Guard.

I saw Eddie, Leo, Asterta, and Seven 21 gathered together to chat.

"Everyone, go to Earth to support them now!"

"Something's not right over there in Mebius!"

Zuofi and Taro flew in front, telegraphing to Ultraman behind.

"No problem! I also want to see how that useless Mebius is doing now."

Leo nodded heavily.


The strong Seven 21 said nothing, and the red light wrapped around his body directly entered the faster-than-light travel.

"Let's go! Don't fall behind to Seven 21!"

Zuo Fei looked at Seven 21, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and also sped up.

Severn, Mebius!
Hold on a little longer!
"This should be okay"

On the yacht, Zhu Xingtuan breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Ultra Signature leave quickly for the Kingdom of Light.

After doing all this, looking at Mebius's appearance, several Showa Ultraman who had experienced countless tragic events looked at each other and decided to let Hokuto Seiji give Mebius the final warning.

"Mebius, don't believe too much in your own power."

"If you believe too much, you will definitely be defeated by your own power."

"Is that so?"

After hearing Senior Ace's hint, Mirai seemed to feel an unknown feeling lingering in his heart.

"Seniors, I'm going to say goodbye."

After saying goodbye to his seniors in a hurry, Mirai subconsciously ran to the research institute where Aya Jinguji was working.
Aya Jinguji, don’t let anything happen to you.

"Get out of the way! Be careful!"

On the beach of Kobe,

A little boy was running with a beach ball when he tripped over the beach ball and fell into the path of the ATV.

The ATV with full power was about to run over the little boy, and the people around him almost closed their eyes and screamed.

At this time, a young figure wearing beach pants flashed and rescued the little boy.

"Is the kid okay?" Qing Xiushu took the little boy's pants with one hand and lifted him up.

"It's okay. Woohoo!"

The little boy suddenly let out a loud cry, attracting nearby parents directly.When he saw his parents, the little boy took off his pants and ran naked into his parents' arms.

"What did you do to my child?"

The woman who didn't know the situation ignored the explanations of the tourists around her and glared at Qing Xiushu.

"I see. Is this why humans are often exploited?"

Qing Hideki looked at the crowd divided into two groups, good and bad, and suddenly had a realization. Is this the reason why humans are often exploited by cosmic beings?
It’s the same as the Ultra World, where light and darkness are suspected to be the same entity.
The same goes for humans
"Ha ha!"

Qing Xiushu didn't care when he heard the accusation, and showed a ferocious smile that scared the woman into not speaking.

Then he pushed away the beauties in swimsuits surrounding him and focused on the beach ball not far away.

I saw Qing Xiushu slowly approaching the beach ball, and directly stepped on the beach ball with huge force.

"Still kicking the ball?!"

After saying that, Qing Hideki walked towards the battlefield that was about to break out somewhere with a relaxed pace.

It seems that sometimes humans are not worth protecting
At least that's the case with the bad guys.
But it has nothing to do with him
"I don't know when the ultimate super beast will come..."

"I don't know how many of you guys can survive."

Hearing the shocking cry from the little boy behind him, Qing Xiushu felt even happier, as if he had returned to the days when he lived on his home planet.
At that time, he was also known as the naughty kid killer.

"Uncle, do you believe in Ultraman?"

When Qing Hideki was about to go to the battlefield, a child blocked his way.

"Ultraman? I wouldn't have believed in that kind of thing decades ago."

Looking at the child's face, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but touched his head and said in a cold tone.

"Sure enough, uncle, you are just like me!"

Takato raised his head and looked at Qing Hideki.

"No, we are different."

Seeing the remaining fear on the child's face, Qing Hideki knelt down and looked into Takato's eyes.

This kid should be the kid who was scared by that monster
"Uncle, your eyes, are you an alien?"

Seeing that Qing Hideki's eye color was different from that of a normal person, Takato took a few steps back and looked a little scared.

"Yes. My hometown used to be so prosperous, but"

Qing Xiushu stood up and said with emotion.

"Just what?"

Takato looked at Ao Hideki with a puzzled expression.

"Takato, you have to believe that Ultraman will come sooner or later."

"Wouldn't Ultraman appear today? This is the luck of your world."

Qing Xiushu's cold tone had a slight fluctuation.
Finally, he looked at Takato seriously and said firmly.

"Takato, if you are afraid, then work hard to become stronger!"

"So strong that even monsters can be defeated!"

"As long as your will is strong enough, I believe Ultraman will hear your voice!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qing Xiushu disappeared near the beach.
"Do you get stronger?"

"Uncle seems to be a giant too."

Takato felt as if he had gained strength out of thin air, recalling the reflection of the huge giant he had just seen in his strange uncle's eyes.
At this time, Qing Xiushu had arrived on the spaceship.

He looked at several cosmonauts who had collected the information and nodded frequently.

As expected of a villain, he even did his homework before the battle in such detail!

"Are you here, my lord?"

Several cosmonauts quickly showed their flattering expressions.

"No, let's start the plan!"

Qing Hideki looked quite satisfied with the plan discussed by several cosmonauts.
This should wake up Mebius
Then he looked at the light curtain of the spaceship, which was an overhead view of the city.
"Come on, Zarrab man!"

"Gaji and I are here to provide support at any time!"

The Knuckle star patted his chest and encouraged.

"Okay! Brothers! I'll go first!"

Star Zarrab emitted light similar to that of Mebius and began to grow in size.
"Huh?" Qing Xiushu said with interest as he looked at the mimic transformation of the Zarrab people, "It's kind of interesting."

It's much stronger than the Zarab alien mimicry that released Belial.
(End of this chapter)

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