Chapter 122 Earth Giant Plan!

One month later, Dyna space-time.

At this time, deep in the sun, there was a golden giant that was always emitting powerful energy fluctuations and slowly opened its eyes full of oppression.

As if sensing that the energy had been restored, the golden giant jumped out of the sun, his body still stained with residual solar energy.

"Is this the power of stars?" The golden giant was naturally Qing Xiushu. In order to quickly make up for the energy that had bottomed out, he chose to stay in the depths of the sun for a month.

Feeling the power filling his body again, Qing Hideki looked at the powerful potential energy that could explode into stars at any time.

He actually became a little stronger...

After sighing, Qing Hideki looked towards the huge star that brings endless warmth to the solar system - the sun.

"It's a pity that it only has the function of replenishing energy. It cannot evolve..."

Qing Xiushu couldn't help but shook his head
There is still a slight gap between the Miracle Form and the Explosive Krypton Life Form.

However, because he absorbed a little of Noah's power, although the output of the miracle form is not as high as the final catastrophe of the Kryptonian state, the blessings such as super powers are very buggy, and the cost is to restore the energy.

Turning it off midway can save most of the energy.
He speculated that if he counted according to the quantity, he could force the ultimate move of Dark Saurus.

That energy barrier probably consumed dozens of Moyo's energy levels.

There is also a reason why defense is more difficult than attacking, and this does not include quality.
In Super Galaxy II, even Zero who reached S level was immediately extinguished because he resisted the light for too long.

This is also one of the reasons why Qing Hideki dared to replenish Zero's energy unscrupulously in Super Galaxy II.

"Fortunately, I didn't use the Krypton Life ultimate move."

Qing Hideki also took a deep breath. In his current situation, he could fight Saurus even if he used Krypton Life's ultimate move.

But the price may be that even if you return to the kingdom, you don’t know how long it will take to recover.

"A little missed that the energy of the Kingdom is restored."

In the Absolut Kingdom, there are special areas where violent energy exists, and ordinary Absolut people cannot enter them to practice.

Only Little Taurus, Brother Tazi, etc. can practice in it, and the others will even explode and die.

When Ao Hideki was training in the kingdom, he had no shortage of energy at all.

When Brother Tazi taught him about the final catastrophe, he destroyed countless abandoned asteroids in the universe.

Even if the energy is exhausted, as long as it does not exceed the limit, it can be fully restored and even stronger after lying in the unique energy pool of the Absolut clan for a few days.
"But it's better to plan hard! Although we have to maintain this, killing monsters and upgrading is the way to go!"

Qing Hideki felt that this upgraded way of fighting monsters was more suitable for him.

Most of the exercise I insist on is spiritual practice.

This time he got the materials of Saurus, which is not far from the SS level.
That is the realm that is known as the true ultimate mystery, almost equivalent to the existence of the universe overlord level.
By then, as long as you don't encounter the Fourth Olympian level, you can have a chance to meet the big guys wherever you go.

"But it's time to go back and take a look."

"At least we have the method to create giants in our hands!"

Without thinking too much, Qing Xiushu turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Mars.

Mars base at this time.

Masaki and Ryosuke are wearing scientist uniforms and are carrying out a recovery plan for the giant stone statue on Mars.

"The ninth experiment!"

"Inject half of Dee's energy source!"

Masaki checked the instrument and stared at the data on it.

Bandi is a professional term coined by Zhengmu based on the example of Tiga, the first modern giant on earth.

"Received! Dr. Masaki is now continuously injecting energy!"

Assistant Ryosuke stretched out his hand to push the energy source machine and stopped at half a grid.

I saw that the injected energy that could support Diga for half of the battle slowly poured into a strong giant stone statue covered with muscles.

With the injection of energy, the huge diamond-shaped timer on the chest of the strong Ultra Warrior began to flash, the silver lines on his body began to revive, and the golden shoulder armor and breastplate began to be covered with color.

"Just hold on!"

Looking at the body of the Ultra Warrior who was about to be resurrected, Masaki felt extremely nervous.

As long as he succeeds, he can not only evolve himself, but also lead the evolution of all mankind.

"Is this something that humans can master? Could it be that my research direction is all wrong."

Dr. Otomo and his assistant Yamazaki, who were "kidnapped" by Masaki, looked at the giant stone statue with burning eyes.

It turns out that humans can really transform into giants!
"Masaki. It looks like you did a good job."

Qing Hideki's figure appeared out of thin air from the darkness, and he looked at the strong giant on the screen with interest.

There's something about this guy Masaki. He actually knows the concept that the more lights on your body, the stronger the energy.

"However, you have failed!"

Masaki's joy suddenly stopped when he heard what Qing Hideki said.

He wasn't angry at all, he just looked at Qing Hideki with confusion on his face.

Long-term research and self-breakthrough have given Masaki a sense of familiarity with Ao Hideki, the Earth version of "Hikari".

"Senior, are you back? But what did you mean just now?"

"Although I don't understand much about this, you must have failed this time. Have you forgotten that giants must have souls?"

Qing Hideki looked at the rapidly petrified stone statue on the screen and shook his head.

In his perception, the giant's newly revived body energy was fading rapidly.

It seems that artificial giants have great limitations. Unless someone merges with a giant, they can gain new life, and these giants made of super-ancient stone statues must have the gene of light. "is that so?"

Hearing this, Zhengmu also had his thoughts rolling around.
Could it be that a super-ancient gene carrier like him is needed to fuse with a giant?

"No soul."

Dr. Otomo touched his chin. He seemed to have encountered such a thing during his long-term research on monster genes.

"Dr. Masaki, Dr. Ryousuke, we might start with genes."

"Since this gentleman said there is no soul, then these giants can have a calling with Dr. Masaki, you and Dagu."

"Wouldn't that mean that these giants evolved from super-ancient humans, or were born because of something that resonates with you?"

"In other words, as long as someone merges with the unconscious giant stone statue."

"Then he will evolve into a giant."

When Dr. Otomo said this, Masaki also thought of it.

Ryousuke frowned and then relaxed.

"Dr. Otomo, this method works..."

"Then let's start with the fusion and sublimation of super-ancient genes?"

"And no surprise, we are all humans with super ancient genes. It's just a matter of more or less."

Masaki looked at the increasingly large research team and nodded with satisfaction.

These guys are quite capable!Eighty percent of them also have some super ancient genes, and the concentration is much higher than that of ordinary people!

As Dr. Otomo's assistant, Yamazaki couldn't help but swallowed when he heard this.

Ever since Masaki was brought to the Mars base to come into contact with the research and command of the giant stone statue, his horizons had been completely opened.

Humans do not need to evolve into monsters, nor do they need to be afraid.
Because there is another way, and that is to evolve into a giant of light.

"By the way, it's best for you to evolve yourself first, and then use the old to lead the new."

"If we follow the evolution method of the Kingdom of Light, I am afraid that 99.9% of the people on the earth will die directly."

Qing Xiushu looked at the passionate scientists and nodded with satisfaction.

Giant research must not stop
In the future, whether he is brought in as a younger brother or used as an evolutionary reference, it will be of great help.

He never underestimated Ultraman's fusion power.

It would be great if Tiga Spacetime could be built into a giant force that obeys his orders.
To take a step back, even a few dozen giants would be enough.
He has many ways to make them stronger, at least to the level of an A-level warrior, but he really can't bring them to the kingdom to strengthen them.

There was no way, Ao Hideki came up with this idea just after feeling the power of Mebius' infinite form.

Who can refuse a helper who can kill a monster with one hand?
Although there is a time limit, having a sword and not using it are two different things.

And the guy who destroyed his hometown seems to have a huge power.
A bunch of scary monsters.
As long as he succeeds, he will have the confidence to deal with the so-called "ultimate darkness" or fight various difficult bosses.

After all, leading Ultra Gangster Gaga to harvest can be considered one of his trump cards.

"Masaki, you and Otomo and the others continue their research. It may take some time for me to come back."

Ao Hideki sensed the Dyna timeline that had just reached the middle of TV, and the idea of ​​traveling through time and space arose again.

However, putting aside those terrifying opponents, Tiga Time and Space is a suitable place for long-term living.

"Well, okay, we will keep working hard!"

Not surprisingly, Masaki looked at Qing Hideki with firm eyes. The stronger he became, the weaker he felt. Masaki was in this situation now.

After becoming a giant, he often traveled through the universe and encountered various monsters that could easily destroy planets.

He was able to gather the light of all mankind to destroy Gatanje, and only now did he feel afraid.


Seeing Ao Hideki's disappearing figure, Masaki turned his gaze to the dark universe that seemed to be trying to choose people to devour.
Half a month ago, he saw the terrifying monster Qing Hideki mentioned
The powerful life wave and huge body swallowed up a life planet right in front of him.
It only took three seconds.
"Senior, are you leaving again?"

Dagu seemed to notice something and ran from the base room to the corridor.

"Da Gu, you have also regained your power."

Qing Xiushu couldn't help but sigh when he felt the rich power of light in Dagu's body.

Diga, do you watch Dagu's every move even when you are on vacation in the Orion Nebula?

After hearing Qing Xiushu's words, Dagu took out the sparkling divine light stick and said with emotion, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from senior."

"Don't worry! Senior, Masaki and I will protect the earth!"

Before he finished speaking, Dagu could only see the back of Qing Hideki waving his hand.

In the village, Kirino opened his eyes and slowly exhaled and replied to the people around him.

"My lord, you left again!"

"Don't worry, the adults will come back! We will protect this place!"

Obik patted his chest, glanced at the witch and said confidently.

"The ghost ship last time was so boring."

"Fortunately, the witch and I have become stronger, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with."

The little fox subconsciously looked at the starry sky and murmured.

"grown ups."

(End of this chapter)

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