Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 124 The mysterious existence from the old land!

Chapter 124 The mysterious existence from the old land!
UPG base,

After the monster incident, Hikaru Matsumoto, who was kidnapped back by Matsumoto, was looking at the hastily created base with a confused expression on his face.

With the idea of ​​​​taking things as they come, Gu Guang glanced around UPG's base facilities and felt a little stunned in his heart.
Is this the defense organization that saves the earth?
Why do you look so poor?
"This is what our base looks like? How about joining UPG? Your driving skills are pretty good!"

Arisa Sugita looked at Hikari Auditorium with great satisfaction. Hikaru Auditorium, this adventurer, really meets their UPG selection criteria.

Of course, it was UPG’s extreme shortage of people and the fact that Auditorium Light’s driving skills were good that led to the idea of ​​incorporating Auditorium Light into UPG.

"Little Light?"

The genius boy Ichijoji Yu who has joined UPG also looked at the light that appeared in the auditorium of the base with a surprised look on his face.

"Tomoya? Why are you here too?"

Looking at Ichijo Temple, Hikari from the auditorium said slightly excited.

"Okay! Since Tomoya is here too! Then I'll join!"

"But do you know someone?"

Auditorium Light suddenly remembered what Xiang told him about the mysterious young man he met nearby when he was calming the monster.

"Is Xiaoguang talking about Mr. Hideki that Meiling and Chigusa have been talking about?"

Hearing the description of the light in the auditorium, Ichijodera Yuya remembered a man who was suspected to be related to the mysterious golden giant from his memory two years ago.
"Yes! It's that mysterious guy"

"I doubt he is human!"

Auditorium Light's long-term travel experience gave him a keen intuition
"Based on what you guys said, it may be related to the abnormal fluctuations in Shizuku City."

"Yesterday at ten o'clock in the afternoon, there was a brief high-intensity energy fluctuation in Shizuku City, but because of the monster problem, there was no time to investigate the incident."

Captain Jinno Yoshiaki, who was taking a sip of tea, said slowly and leisurely.

"Yes, this person has a huge connection with the golden giant who once appeared in Falling Star Town."

"I once lived in Jiangxing Town with the name Qing Xiushu."

On the side, Temple Friend Ichijo also brought up an orange screen, which displayed some of Ao Hideki's few information.

"There are almost no traces of life on earth. It is more like appearing instantly. It can be basically concluded that this person is definitely not a human being."

Hearing this, the auditorium just remembered what Qing Xiushu had done. With his simple personality, he subconsciously thought that Qing Xiushu was a "good person".

"It shouldn't be an enemy. After all, he also appeared during the fight against Luigi El."

"They should be friendly space people or something."

"Yeah! That makes sense. Let's take a look at the situation before making a conclusion."

Captain Jinno saw that the light in the auditorium seemed different from the surface. He was a little surprised but nodded in agreement.


Even Ichijojiyou always feels like something is wrong
Regarding the Spark Doll in Falling Star Town and the crystal underground in Shizuku City.

This person seems to appear in this vortex every time, as if he is collecting something.
I just hope he doesn't have any evil thoughts towards humans.
Judging from the performance of Galaxy and another giant that appeared yesterday.

It is estimated that he is no longer a match for the mysterious golden giant.

Galaxy, why have you become weaker...

Thinking of this, the monk also sighed silently in his heart.
Time flies, one month later.

A villa area in the suburbs of Shizuka City.

"It's been a little while since I've been scratched."

Under Mana's attentive service, Qing Xiushu lived a very comfortable life during this period.

I have already lived my life. If there is something to do, go to Mana. If there is nothing to do, go to Mana.
Ahem, that's impossible...

"Mana, you have done a great job during this time!"

"Is there anything you want?"

Ao Hideki was quite satisfied when he saw Mana, who had been diligently collecting monster dolls during this period.

During this time, he acquired a bunch of monster dolls, including King Red, King Airei, Gomora, Gorzan, etc.
He left it all to Jayden for extra food, and it seemed that Jayton was about to reach S+.

I just don’t know what Jayden’s mimicry looks like…

The Jayton he has seems to be pretty smart.

Jayton: "Hiccup(*σ`)σ"

Those monsters were directly collected by Mana secretly using Dark Spark after being destroyed by Galaxy and Vikrit.

This made Yinghe and Wicklett puzzled for a long time.
I can't drop anything when I defeat monsters, and I always feel like I'm missing something.
"Sir, I don't want anything, as long as I can stay by your side."

Mana, who was unblocked by Qing Hideki himself, has developed a deep dependence on Qing Hideki during this period.


Looking at Mana with firm eyes, Qing Hideki also sighed.

Just like the red ball, they are both stubborn donkeys.

I don’t know what happened to that guy.
After the end of the Milky Way, let's take Mana to the Tiga time and space.

Or it would be nice to be a time travel butler + maid. After all, you can't do everything on your own if you have subordinates to work with.

This time and space is far less terrifying than the first part of the galaxy, and it can't even compare to the threat of super galaxies.

It is still unknown whether Luigi El, who was beaten to a low health level, can still reach SS.
If he is ruthless enough, he will kill Luigi El on the moon now, and the remaining little Karami monsters will be at his disposal.

"But... this Luciel will probably continue to exist, right?"

Qing Hideki frowned and thought of Noah unconsciously.

Ultraman's dark side should never be eradicated.
After all, the greater the light, the greater the darkness. Luigiel, who is the dark side of the Silver Titan, will be offline even at this time.

Maybe in the future the galaxy will give birth to another dark side individual.

What does this mean?It means there are endless monsters to kill.
And so is the Kingdom of Light.
It's like a monster spawner filled with buffs, constantly attracting the attention of various monsters.

"Jie Jie"

Having made up his mind, Qing Hideki burst into hearty laughter, attracting Mana's sideways glances.

Sir, did you encounter something happy?
"Let's go, Mana's show is about to begin."

Qing Hideki, who seemed to sense something, stopped laughing, regained his indifferent expression, and rushed towards the nearby forest with Mana.

"I'll go as well?"

"Ah?!" Qing Xiushu hugged the exclamated Mana with one hand, then twisted his body and disappeared into the villa.

Sho, who was on his way to the location of the Wicklite clan, seemed to sense that someone was following him.

After discovering the stalker, Hou Xiang's face turned cold, and he immediately scanned the surrounding environment with a fighting gaze.

"Haha, come out, who is following me?"

"Don't be so murderous."

Knowing that he had been discovered, Auditorium Light spread his hands and walked out of the nearby grass, greeting Xiang.

"No, that's not you, it's her!"

Because he has never used the power of monsters, Xiang was often beaten with bruises and swollen face during this period.

But the effect is still good. Unexpectedly, it actually exercises the power of the body.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Xiang felt that he and Victorite had become stronger.

"Come down, you bastard!"

Xiang looked at the woman on the tree with extremely cautious eyes.

His intuition told him that the more beautiful a woman is, the more terrifying she is.
Naturally including the person in front of me.

"Who the hell are you?"

Seeing Yang Ai jumping down, Xiang's pupils shrank sharply.

His body uncontrollably held the auditorium light behind him in a fighting posture.

This woman is extraordinary.
The auditorium light didn't have the same power as him and was probably dangerous.

As a Viklite, Xiang is still much stronger than the auditorium light.

"Have you forgotten?"

Yang Ai said with a slightly sad look.

She finally came back alive from another dimension
"Haha, this guy is an expelled Viklite."

A gentle voice sounded, making the three of them extremely alert.

Qing Hideki slowly stepped out of the light door with Mana's body, directly revealing Yang Ai's identity in the wary eyes of the three people.

"Mana, step back."

Looking at Mana standing in front of him trying to protect him, Qing Hideki shook his head gently.

After seeing Mana appear beside him, a golden light flashed with Qing Hideki as the center, and the majestic power of telepathy bypassed Mana and filled everyone's body.

"It's you!"

The people in the auditorium widened their eyes when they saw Qing Xiushu, who looked a little different.

Even though Qing Xiushu's eyes had changed, he was still filled with memories of this face.

"You guy."

Xiang gritted his teeth proudly and stood up, looking at Qing Hideki in disbelief.

Are there such powerful beings among humans?
Yang Ai, on the other hand, looked closely at Qing Xiushu's strangely colored eyes, as if he wanted to see something.

This person knows my origin...

"Please stop, the powerful existence that saved the earth"

Queen Keshara's soft voice sounded in the forest, followed by a blue 3D figure with countless lines.

A queen with dignified temperament and elegant manners appeared in the projection, looking at Qing Hideki with a surprised look on her face.

"Queen, what are you?"

Xiang looked at this scene as if he couldn't accept it, and said with a serious expression.


Looking at the queen's longing eyes, Qing Xiushu snapped his fingers and his endless mental power faded away like a tide.

Everyone suddenly felt that the mountain pressing on them disappeared, and they all let out a sigh of relief.
"You know us?"

Yang Ai braved the courage to get closer to Qing Xiushu, staring closely at the pair of strange eyes without any fluctuation.

"The Viklites are a group that was expelled, right?"

"However, this is not the time to talk about this."

"Bring out the monster doll."

After speaking, Qing Hideki looked up at the sky and saw through the layers of clouds the spacecraft orbiting the earth.

"this is for you."

Yang Ai gritted his teeth and handed the ancient monster Gomora doll to Qing Hideki.

"It's quite sensible."

Qing Xiushu was also surprised when he saw Yang Ai who was very smart.

Originally in Galaxy S, he almost thought that the character Yang Ai would have the same existence as the heroine when he appeared, but he didn't expect that he would suffer a mental breakdown later on.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it now...

It seems that Shota's words in the plot were the final trigger.
He also planned to chat with Taro and Yinhe this time, and then discuss the victory crystal with the queen.

He wants to get some of the origin of the Victory Crystal more than that lame guy like Luigi El.
After all, it is also an existence that can resurrect the ultimate arcane level Luji El Energy.

"Queen Qisara, are you going to let us in and sit here?"

Qing Xiushu raised his eyebrows and looked at the witch's shadow.

"You bastard, why are you talking to the queen?"

Just as Xiang was about to take action, the Queen stopped him.

"Okay! Please come with me."

But what Ling Xiang never expected was that Queen Qisara actually agreed to Qing Hideki's suggestion.

What's going on! ! !
Xiang suddenly screamed a little crazy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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