Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 131 On the eve of the war, Victory Cannon!

Chapter 131 On the eve of the war, Victory Cannon!

The next day,

Under the overpass, Yoshida and Xiaowu were once again practicing their bicycles. Looking at Xiaowu who had completely learned how to ride a bicycle, Yoshida smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Xiaowu, this is fine."

"Let's see you again in the future."

Yoshida waved his hand towards Xiao Wu, walked to a place out of sight and made up his mind to dematerialize.
"No, eye Q!"

"my friend!"

Xiao Wu cried sadly while looking at the disappearing eyes.

"Human Emotions"

"I really can't figure it out."

Mana took away the Eye Q and Sparks from the unconscious Yoshida, looked up at the crying Xiao Wu, and threw a custom-made Eye Q doll beside Xiao Wu.

"Is that you, Eye Q?" Xiao Wu looked at the Eye Q doll that appeared again and subconsciously grasped it, "I will definitely cherish it."

Yoshida, who was lying on the ground, seemed to feel Xiao Wu's gratitude, and murmured with a smile on his lips.

"That's enough."

"I can also do something..."

In the sky above Shizuku, a meteorite with terrifying energy fluctuations suddenly fell towards the city.

The impact caused a huge flame impact on the ground, and countless glass windows in the surrounding office buildings were directly shattered into pieces.

Standing on the roof of the building, Qing Xiushu felt that there was extremely huge energy surging in both the moon and the earth, and his eyes shone slightly.

It seems that Luigi Al is not far away from recovery.
The energy is still enough.
The UPG base immediately detected the arrival of Impeleza, and Implezza's figure quickly appeared on the virtual screen.

"In the M3 area, Impereza appears!!"

When Captain Jinno saw the huge robot that appeared, he felt a little nervous and quickly took the communicator and gave instructions.

"Arisa, Goki, Hikari! Evacuate the people quickly!"

"I'll notify the city's alarm system!"

Qingxiu looked at the mechanical life form Impeleza, who seemed to be looking for something, with bright eyes.

This guy is the big killer.
Impelaza, known as the unrivaled Iron God, first appeared under the command of the Universe Emperor Ampera. He is a war weapon with terrifying power.

Following the Universe Emperor Ampera, countless civilizations were destroyed.

Very strong defense.
Ordinary Ultraman can't beat this guy at all, although the prototype machine can't keep up with Lops.

But the mass-produced version is still a nightmare for countless Ultraman.


This is how Ultraman should be.
Ao Hideki looked at the appearance of Ultraman Victory, who was destroying countless buildings by Impeleza while dodging, nodded, and his figure flickered to a nearby building.

Just after landing, Qing Hideki saw Chigusa being held hostage by Gaji.

Meiling's classmate, a shy little girl?
Your dream is to be an idol?

“I never thought it would be so easy to realize my dream.”

Within two seconds, the man wearing Qi Ye's clothes appeared on the building again.

"Who are you?"

The Metronians stared at the death aura coming from Qingxiu Shu.
"Are you going to save that little girl?"

Ao Hideki watched as the Metrotronians restrained their oppressive aura and asked them to save Qiangusa.

The Metronians are the same trio they met in Aix.

They have various personalities and hobbies. Some work on the earth, some are leaders, and some work to protect the environment on the earth.
"it is good!"

Seeing that the mysterious man seemed to have no intention of taking action, the Metronian swallowed his saliva and threw something towards the planet Gaz.

"Spatial teleportation?"

Qing Hideki looked at the spatial fluctuations surging on the furious Gaji after being rescued by Chigusa, and frowned at the sky.

Is it because the Akumanians were directly wiped out by him?
Feeling the aura that was about to be transmitted, the Gaci star's eyes were ferocious.

"Teleport me again without permission!!" "I am the strongest Gaji!!"

Looking at Chigusa being taken away, the Gaji star let out a final roar and returned to the spaceship.

"The eyes are so fierce"

"Fortunately, I finally saved one."

On the spaceship, the Cheburians were relieved to see Gaz returning safely.

There are already few men.
If he loses one more, he will be alone.
However, according to the Holy Lord’s prompts, the veins and core of the Victory Crystal
Looks like I found it.
Looking at Gaci who suddenly disappeared, the Metron star subconsciously raised his head to look at where he was just now.

Was it that mysterious man who did it?

Underground, Queen Makina used her special power to watch Impeleza's exploring movements, her eyes filled with worry.

"I'm afraid that robot is here to find the victory crystal veins."

A few days later, the moon erupted with strong energy fluctuations
"here we go"

Back in the villa area, Qing Xiushu looked at the huge energy leaking from the moon without any contempt.

I saw a huge ball of light falling from the sky from where I was facing Luchiel before, and the clouds were rubbed by energy to create a huge hole.

“So much energy”

This is just how powerful Luigi El is in his revived state.
How strong would he have been if he was over a thousand meters tall in his prime?
The decisive battle is about to begin
UPG base,

At this time, fierce alarms were flashing in all the corridors of the base. The auditorium light and the others rushed to the command room after hearing the alarm.

"How is the damage?"

Arisa Sugita, who seemed to be the vice-captain, asked.

"This is an image of the ice sheet that was hit." After hearing the question, Ichijoji Temple also quickly called up the disaster scene, "The area with a diameter of three kilometers was burned to the ground."

"Huh, luckily it's no man's land and there were no casualties. I can't imagine what terrible things would happen if it crashed in the city."

Captain Jinye breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, what is interesting is that we received a report from the on-site investigation team that a substance completely consistent with the energy of the Victory crystal was detected from the area surrounding the disaster."

"Victory Crystal.?"

"The final battle is coming"

The sudden sound in the command room scared everyone and turned their heads to look at the source.

"Is it you? That mysterious young man, a man from the universe?"

Captain Jinno waved his hand to ask the team members to put down their weapons and communicated with Qing Hideki.

"Spaceman? That's right."

"I came here to let you use the Victory Cannon against Luigi El."

Ao Hideki didn't care about the hostile looks from the UPG players.

"That is the source of life for the underground people! How can it be used as a weapon?"

Auditorium Light retorted in confusion.

"If Luigi El is resurrected, or some monster comes, and the giant leaves this planet, can humans just wait to perish?"

"The earth is destroyed, can the underground people survive alone? Are there intact eggs under the overturned nest?"

Qing Xiushu analyzed with an indifferent expression.

As long as Victory Cannon is used properly, it is actually similar to the outstanding technologies of those defense teams.

It's nothing more than using a little Victory Crystal.
It's a good trump card to keep the bottom of the box, and the calm Jinno Yoshiaki is actually very suitable for taking charge of this project.

It is originally mankind's own technology, and there is nothing that needs intervention.


Everyone was lost in thought for a while, it seemed pretty good?
"well said!"

Masaki Kamiyama entered the command room with his subordinates applauding and looked at Ao Hideki with a look of deep appreciation.

Finally found someone like me!

(End of this chapter)

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