Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 143 The malice penetrating the universe!

Chapter 143 The malice penetrating the universe!

"Vice Captain Munakata, welcome back!"

Hui Jian looked at his vice-captain and smiled.

With the issuance of the emergency redeployment order, some former members of the Victory Team such as Munakata were also recalled urgently.

Although because of the disappearance of monsters and giants, everyone has moved towards various fields they like.

But when we gather together we are like a ball of fire, when we disperse we are filled with stars. We will never forget the time spent fighting side by side with our companions. We are still qualified members of the victory team when we pick up weapons!
"It's all my fault! If I hadn't been careless, that monster wouldn't have come to Earth at all."

In the conference room, Xincheng blamed himself.

"That's not the case. We humans will never give up no matter what!"

"It is impossible to be afraid of such a threat!"

Xibi looked at her teammates and former players with firm eyes and spoke plausibly.

"Captain Xibi, let's fight together!"

Hui Jian glanced at the iron-blooded Xi Bi, stretched out her hand and shook it gently.

It seems that the captain of Super Victory Team is very good.
In Osaka, sirens rang across the sky.

Screens everywhere in shopping malls and streets were covered with news reports.

"The monster that previously appeared on Mount Rokko in Kobe has disappeared and an evacuation warning has been issued with Osaka as the center. There is currently no way to predict the monster's whereabouts and location. Please pay attention to reports at any time."

When the old and new team members were fighting Qiao Moss, Qing Xiushu's body solidified on the roof of the building.

"This kind of monster is very difficult"

"A bit like Grizza."

Seeing the lasers of the fighter jets being ineffective and the flying birds whose faces were covered with dust, Qing Hideki shook his head, and then his eyes flashed with golden light and looked at the moving Qiao Moss.

In his vision, the energy in Chomos's body has reached a certain advanced point, and he is obviously about to shed his shell and evolve into Neochomos.

These same Sphia synthetic beasts, no matter how strong or weak they are, have one characteristic.

That is the powerful defense. If a weak monster is killed by a big move, it can basically be defeated by a Sphia synthetic beast.

This is one of the reasons why Sphia is so difficult to deal with.
After Sphia's home planet arrives, these Sphia synthetic beasts alone can easily destroy the entire human civilization.

And this is just a pioneer
It seems that the final darkness of this time and space is coming.
By then, he will also have a bunch of subordinates, and he can fight head-on with the dark planet Gulansfiya with peace of mind.

However, even the Ultraman stone statue can be fused and evolved by Sphia
At that time, the giant of light that has not merged with Mars and the earth must be sealed with a sealing barrier.

"It's time to go see this human body that has lost its transformer."

Qing Xiushu threw the divine light sword in his hand and showed a strange expression.

He never understood why Ultraman needed a transformer when he merged with a human being to transform. Even those Ultraman who mimicked humans seemed to have their transformers taken away.

And after it is taken away, you can either get it back, or you can only use the powerful ultra-psychic power to transform.

"However, that guy Zero can also transform with telekinesis."

"This guy is worthy of being the new version of T0 level Ultraman."

After thinking about the reason, Qing Xiushu turned his attention to Dana.

"Dina, have you ever thought about becoming one with the birds?"

"Look at what Asuka looked like when it was blown up."

Hearing this, Dana was speechless for a while.
"Um, using a transformer might be more ritualistic?"

At the PWI Research Institute, the old and new team members who had a bad start at the beginning were nervously researching and designing countermeasures against Qiao Moss.

Beside the computer, Horii and Tsutomu Nakajima analyzed the results.

"Captain!" Tsutomu Nakajima reported, "The results of the analysis show that the monster's protective shield was formed by absorbing the energy of Neomags when it was parasitic on Kukla's call."

Immediately after, Horii also gave a plan, "So as long as we hit it with the same anti-energy, we can completely disable Qiaomos's defensive shield!"

"Okay! Then when the monster appears again, we will show off!"

Hearing the long-lost good news, Xibi ordered with firm eyes and a strong voice.

"Asuka, you kid, go and rest first! There's something wrong with your condition!"

Then Xibi glanced at the dejected Asuka, seeming to sense his frustration and said with concern.

"Asuka." Liangya took two steps forward and looked at Asuka with concern.

"Captain Liang."

"I'm fine! I'll go down and take a look first."

Asuka looked at his teammates in pain, not knowing how to explain his experience. He sighed slightly and walked downstairs with a forlorn figure behind him.

"this person?"

Hui Jian, who came in from behind, looked at Asuka's state with surprise.

The state of this team member is very similar to that of Dagu ten years ago.
Looking at Asuka, Megumi thought of the Super Victory Team's combat information, and an intriguing smile appeared on her lips.

Asuka player?
A chosen one like Dagu.

Or should I call you Ultraman Dyna, which is more appropriate?

In the square of the PWI Research Center, Feiniao once again sat on the edge of the flower bed with a melancholy look on his face, staring blankly at the people coming and going.

The comfort of the new city flashed through my mind
well!The flashing sword must have been in Mount Rokko.
It turns out that I have been relying on the power of Dyna to satisfy my desires?
To put it nicely, he is called protection. If he cannot become Dyna, he is just an ordinary person.
Sure enough, am I still too naive?

As he spoke, Asuka's face seemed to reveal a mask of pain.

"I'm too self-righteous. Shinjo-senpai is right. I should fight with my teammates."

"Liang is right. I'm just too stupid."

"In the end, I'm just a childish ghost."

Thinking about what he had been doing, Asuka couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"Take it!"

"This is not how a giant of light behaves."

A voice full of will sounded in Asuka's ears!

Qing Hideki threw the shining sword into Asuka's hand and said loudly under the latter's gaze.

"This is.?"

"Senior! It's you!"

Asuka's eyes widened when he saw Qing Hideki.
"Why is the flashing sword here?"

"Don't ask me, I'm just an "enthusiastic person" passing by."

Qing Hideki shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Xibi and others who were watching him before slowly disappearing. He had already returned the shining sword to Asuka Shin as per the agreement with Dana.

Of course, even if he didn't go, Dana would definitely have a way to return the shining sword to Asuka.

Asukaxin, one thing is beyond his expectation. In the real world of Dyna time and space, Asukaxin is surprisingly pretty good.
It is understandable why it is so popular.
"Senior, thank you"

For the first time, Feiniao felt the care from the giant senior and said with excitement.

"We should be grateful that such an existence has a good relationship with us."

Next to the window upstairs, Xibi sighed as he watched Qing Xiushu disappear.

"Yes. That powerful giant."

"If there were any ill intentions toward humans, the earth would have been destroyed countless times."

Hui Jian and Zongfang looked at each other and said in unison.

Only Liang stood behind the crowd with a little fear, and couldn't help but swallow when he thought of the conflict with Qing Hideki.

What a joke.
Such a powerful existence.
What on earth did I do...

At this time, Osaka Nanko underground.

In a rocky hollow area, countless high-heat mist is sprayed from the ground. The huge creature in the middle of the cave has two faint cyan lights, and the luminous body underneath it shines brightly.


A sound similar to the rupture of the connective tissue of the skin was heard. Along with the extinguishment of two cold eyes, Qiao Moss's skin split directly from the middle, and a ferocious beast's head with mucus poked out and roared to the sky!
Neochomos is born!

"Haha, this guy has finally reached his full body."

On the ground, Qing Xiushu's eyes flashed with golden light, looking at the transforming Qiao Moss and said indifferently.

Sphia...come on.
I'm already so horny
Suddenly, a majestic malice rose from Qing Xiushu's body and shot straight into the sky. In an instant, it broke through the earth and shot out of the solar system.
(End of this chapter)

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