Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 146 The Cosmic Demonic Tree

Chapter 146 The Cosmic Demonic Tree
"That's right. Masaki, Dagu, have you recovered your fighting strength?"

Qing Xiushu looked at Zhengmu and the big ancient road coming from behind.

"I've always been at my best, Dagu said."

"Under the training of the Gulegel star, his strength is also recovering quickly."

Masaki thought about the fighting training he had been exposed to during this period.
And the days when I transformed into a giant and practiced sparring on Mars.
He estimated that he was no weaker than the normal Tiga controlled by Da Gu, but in Da Gu's forms.
It makes one's scalp numb.
Fortunately, the first phase of the mission has finally been completed.
It’s time for mankind to enter the age of giants

Mars base conference room,
"Now the first phase of the Giant Project is a complete success."

"The next step is to try to turn all of you talented people into giants of light."

Qing Xiushu looked at his growing team and nodded slowly.

Although it was just a temporary idea at the beginning, I didn't expect that under Masaki's operation, it would no longer be weaker than some weak giant civilizations.
Now that he already has a team, Qing Hideki will definitely not let himself fight alone.

This also loses the mystery of the ultimate life form.
Moreover, maybe it will be a huge help in the future.

Fight against the mysterious being in the darkness
He must have subordinates
When the time comes, it will be direct war against war, king against king!

"Sir, they understand their fighting skills very quickly."

"Do you need to learn some more advanced fighting techniques?"

The Gulegel star on the side looked at Qingxiu and rubbed his hands eagerly, showing a longing look.

"That fighting skill that even martial arts idiots crave?"

Masaki was also interested, and he also knew about the Gregel star.

Those are ruthless people who can destroy monsters with physical skills alone, and they are among the best in the entire universe.

And it’s not impossible for seniors to have stronger physical skills than him.
How many trump cards does senior have hidden?
The scene of Kakuma being torn apart by Ao Hideki's bare hands flashed through Masaki's mind.
You can do this just by relying on strength alone.
How strong is that fighting skill...


Qing Xiushu glanced at everyone and took a deep look at the Gregel star.

Then the light floated on his hand, and suddenly a huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

In the picture, it was the image he remembered of Cero and Leo conducting combat training on the planet K76.

Two strong giant figures were fighting madly.

The fists, elbows, and legs triggered a huge roar in the air when they touched, and the dust on the planet was shaken up into layers of wind and waves.

"This is this?"

Gulegel was shocked when he saw the smooth fighting skills and the power caused.

Such a terrifying fighting technique.
If it applies to adults too, then I'm afraid...
It's like a fighting technique tailor-made for the Giant of Light.
It seems to be pretty good for a humanoid space being like him.
"What kind of giant is this? It's so strong."

"I feel that the powerful opponents I fought against in the past couldn't stop a move in front of him."

Dagu looked at Zero and said with confusion on his face.

Just this movement and strength, as well as that flying kick that caused the peak of tens of thousands of meters to collapse.

Dagu didn't think he could do this.

"Ahem!" Qing Xiushu took everyone's looks into his eyes and said loudly, "This is a giant born from a certain giant planet. You may have the opportunity to come into contact with it in the future."

"What they use is cosmic boxing, which is an efficient and powerful fighting technique. The two giants with head darts are called Sero, and the one without head darts is called Leo."

"They are all powerful Ultra Warriors. Their training is enough for you to learn."

After saying that, Qing Hideki looked at Masaki who recorded the scene and nodded slowly.

"Okay, I'll leave Masaki's Mars base to you." "Get ready, maybe Sphia's real attack will come soon."

After saying that, Qing Xiushu turned into a stream of light and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The kingdom of the giant of light."

Masaki was slightly excited as his horizons were broadened.
Things are getting more and more interesting
"Instructor Gulegel, continue training."

"Let Kirino quickly adapt to the power of the giant."

Saying that, Zhengmu looked at Gulegel who seemed a little obsessed with holding the video and said.

"And me! Masaki, I can't let you fall behind."

Dagu looked at Masaki's back and said loudly, and then looked firmly at the stars in the universe.

I will do my best to protect not only the earth but this universe.
I will protect all of this!

Thinking of Dagu, a huge light burst out from his whole body, turned into a red light and fell into the giant's battle field. He lowered his head and looked at Zhengmu with fighting spirit.

"Masaki! Come on! Let's train together!"

Seeing Dagu like this, Zhengmu also showed a smile and turned into a huge silver light and landed in the field.

Dagu really has you!

"The arena, unfold!"

The Guleg star looked at the two giants who were getting ready to fight, and quickly turned into a referee and built a fighting ring fence around the two giants.
"Now, the discussion begins!"

Floating in the air, the Gulegel star looked at Lian Ying and Diga who were ready and nodded slowly.

In the village, a golden beam of light in the sky slowly shines on the ground.

As the energy beam dispersed, a tall and upright young man appeared in the village.
"The strength is getting stronger and stronger."

"But that's a good thing."

Qing Hideki's eyes flickered as he looked in the direction of Mars. He was now sure of one thing.
Dagu and Masaki already have a bit of a bond.
What wonderful reactions will these two super ancient giants have in the future?
Thinking about his status, there would definitely be no problem in letting Dagu and Zhengmu help out.
Next, there is the cosmic magic tree.
In Morino Village, the villagers were going through their daily work, and their eyes widened as they passed by the big tree near the shrine.
Some villagers quickly wiped their eyes and looked at the stamens on the tree in disbelief.
"Everyone, come and see! The Tree of Gakira is about to bloom! Everyone, come and see!"

The small village that had been living a dull life was suddenly shattered by the blooming of the Jakira Tree.

"The Tree of Gakira?"

The village chief's daughter, Noriko.

At this time, I was looking at the tree of Jakira that suddenly had its stamens appearing, and I was feeling entangled in my heart.
I don’t know why. She always feels uneasy.
Are there any special circumstances?
It didn’t take long for the tree that hadn’t bloomed in hundreds of years to attract a bunch of people.
The man who is Noriko's fiancé is a botanist who has been studying the Tree of Gakira.

He looked at the people who were watching and showed a false smile, and looked at a large group of people patiently explaining the historical origin and value of the Jakira Tree.
"This is the first time in more than 200 years that the Jakira Tree has appeared."


Hidden under the appearance of the fiancé was endless desire, and his eyes glowed slightly as he looked at the crowd affected by the pollen, showing a hint of pride in his heart.
Soon this planet will become the new home planet.
The biggest threat, Zijela, is also dead.
The fiancé thought about the disaster many years ago and couldn't help but lament his good luck.
Such terrifying plant monsters have all been wiped out.
Noriko's face turned pale as she looked at the villagers and people who came here who looked like drug addicts, feeling infinite fear in her heart.

What is this
Fiancé. Something is wrong.
We must find a way.
"Noriko, what's wrong with you?" The fiancé looked at Noriko and asked with a gentle smile, "Do you want me to take you to the hospital..."

Noriko is an indispensable vitality in his plan.
"I'm fine"

Noriko didn't know why she wasn't under control. She took a few steps back and looked at the crowd surrounding her, a little scared.

There must be something wrong with this tree
Could it be the one from before?
Noriko became even more frightened when she thought of the little yellow time she had experienced in the same year.

He looked at his fiancé as if he had seen through his disguise, and seemed to see a devil through the instrument.
"It's okay. I'll go out for a walk first."

After saying that, Noriko left the village in a hurry as if she was running away.
"Be sure to find the Super Victory Team."

Noriko thought of her senior Tsutomu Nakajima and made up her mind.
At this time, we can only rely on the Super Victory Team.
(End of this chapter)

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