Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 157 Barton, Galaxy Characteristics

Chapter 157 Barton, Galaxy Characteristics

"You know me?"

Ax looked at Qing Hideki with a puzzled look.
"Do you know that this matter is actually not important? The earth is okay, right?"

Qing Hideki didn't answer Ax's question and continued talking about Dadi.

"The earth is indeed very strong. To be honest, I feel that I am not worthy of the human body of the earth."

Seeing that Qing Hideki was unwilling to answer, Ax spoke honestly.

"That's fine, just look at the ground first. I'll come as soon as I go."

Qing Hideki glanced at the rich aura of light on Aix and Dadi and narrowed his eyes.

This feeling is the taste of bonding
I'm afraid that the strengthened earth will have a strange reaction with Aix.
There are a little more chances to harvest Grizza.
Withdrawing his gaze, Qing Xiushu looked sharply in a certain direction in the sky, and then his figure jumped and disappeared from Aix's perception.
"That breath of power."

Ax sensed a little bit of the aura leaked by Qing Hideki's use of superpower just now, his eyes were locked tightly, and the memories in his mind slowly emerged in his mind.

When chasing Glizza 15 years ago.
He seemed to feel a powerful energy wave peeping nearby.
With this level of power, that mysterious being couldn't be Dadi's uncle.
Comparable to the fighting power of the humanoid Ultraman.
Is it good or bad for this world...

In the Big Bear Mountain area, there is a strange bird that is destroying everything around it. The huge high-voltage tower in the back mountain is caught in its mouth and used as a toy.
XIO base,

"Report that there is a monster in the Bear Mountain area. It is a huge flying monster!"

Captain Shenshan said with determination after hearing the news from the liaison officer.

"Asuna, you and Daichi"

"Where's the earth?"

Vice Captain Tachibana stood up and explained, "Daichi and Advisor Hideki went home to prepare their accommodation."

"Is that so? Then Gio Muscadil will be the main force and the experimental troops will be the auxiliary! Be sure to analyze the monster's weaknesses!"

"Please do your best to stop the monster! xio attacks!"

Until watching the whole team attack, Shenshan's fingers were tightly clenched
Every appearance of a monster is a test of life and death for his men.

The observer opened the area and said in a puzzled tone.

"Huh? That monster lives very close to Expert Hideki!"

"What did you say?"

Shenshan's tone changed, and then he looked closely at the big map on the screen.

Is Hideki an expert?
Let me also see how strong you are.
At this time, Asuna was driving a car, Rui and a fat researcher arrived at the scene.

"It's that monster! Oops!"

Liu Yi looked horrified at the volcano monster bird Barton that was wreaking havoc in the mountains.


The legendary super monster, a powerful being with two bars and zeros, first killed the crown prince of the Kingdom of Light "Ultraman Taro" when he appeared on the scene. Later, he used high-temperature rays to kill the "Inflamed Captain" , "Guard Force Administrator", "Lord Shafrin" and a series of titles such as Ultraman Zoffie
"I have to say that although the old monsters are weakening"

"This Patton is still very strong."

Qing Xiushu narrowed his eyes as he looked at Barton, who was jumping on the ground with a high-voltage iron tower in his mouth.


Barton looked left and right, touched the high temperature in his abdomen and found that he had to vent the flames in his mouth in order for his baby to be born smoothly.

Until he saw Rui, Asuna and his group, the whole beast did not hesitate and directly condensed a powerful light in its mouth that could burn Zoffie to death.


"Barton wants to attack Asuna and the others!"

On the fighter plane, Kazama Watari watched Patton's movements and quickly controlled the light to attack the red stick protruding from Patton's back.

"Go! Asuna, get out of that place! The vehicle is being targeted!"

Zaidu's anxious voice sounded rapidly on the communicator.

"It's too late, it's too late"

Asuna put down the weapon in her hand and looked at the high-temperature flames ejected by the huge creature with fierce eyes. She instantly felt her insignificance.

It turns out that humans are just like ants in the eyes of monsters.

Liu Yi even closed her eyes, but the pain she imagined did not come. She saw a man in front of him wearing something similar to a training suit, holding up a barrier with one hand to protect everyone under the energy shield. "Expert Hideki! It's you!"

Liu Yi hugged Qing Xiushu's arm tightly in desperation.

Asuna stretched out her hand to touch the golden barrier that blocked the light, with a curious expression on her face.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a safe area first"

Seeing Barton Ao Hideki, who could no longer spray out flames, retract his energy.

this girl.
His strange eyes glanced at Liu Yi's tight grasp, and he could only let her hold him.


Qing Xiushu's majestic telepathy slowly rose, and even Barton couldn't move under the huge pressure.

"It actually flew!!"

Asuna looked at the golden light wrapped around her body and was filled with doubts. What happened to this world?

Arriving at a nearby building, Qing Hideki glanced at the girl who seemed to be almost asleep.

Asuna looked at Ryui's appearance and quickly pulled Ryui off Aohideki.

"Liu Yi, you are so unladylike."


The dazed Liu Yi finally came back to her senses, and her face turned as red as a peach.
"Expert Hideki is sorry."


Qing Hideki nodded indifferently in response, and then sped towards Barton's position.


Barton found that he seemed to be controlled by something, and couldn't even move. He could only let out a helpless roar.

"But Expert Xiushu is really comfortable on him."

"It's like feeling safe."

Ryui patted her red cheeks and shared with Asuna with a serious look on her face.

"What you said is nonsense, instructor."

Asuna looked at the retreating figure and sighed slightly.

I guess Daichi’s appearance was also learned from instructor Hideki.
"Dark Spark. I wonder if I can turn the monster into a doll."

Ao Hideki, like Doraemon, took out the dark spark from the space bracelet.

This is a modified version of the research on the aliens of Chebul, and it seems to have the effect of turning the monsters into dolls.
"But before that."

Looking at Barton who seemed to be imprisoned, the hidden figure Qing Xiu Shu touched his eyebrows with his index finger and activated the enlargement.

Unlike the previous appearance with lightning and thunder, Ao Hideki completely transformed into the appearance of King Absolut.

I saw a giant figure with countless lights all over its body, and only its eyes could be seen appeared in front of Barton with countless lights.

Immediately afterwards, the giant's hand swayed with light, and with a gentle touch, Barton peacefully turned into a shining doll.
Then the glorious giant glanced at everyone and turned into a ball of light and rushed into the universe.
"Sure enough. This is the special nature of galactic power."

On the ground, Qing Hideki couldn't help but get a little excited looking at the doll in his hand. The sparks he absorbed before seemed to come from the Milky Way.
"Where's the expert Hideki?"

Liu Yi looked at the direction Qing Xiu Shu left and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Asuna shook her head without any worry.

In the dojo, looking at the earth kicking the tree crazily, Aix felt a powerful wave for a moment, and the entire Aodu was stunned.

"What a powerful wave. What was that movement just now?"

Aix sensed the direction of Barton's breath, and the entire Aix terminal was glowing.

that direction
An energy wave even more powerful than Griza's before! !

(End of this chapter)

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