Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 168 Battle, Battle of Domains!

Chapter 168 Battle, Battle of Domains!

Strong space-time fluctuations spread out from near the sun, and it seemed that an extremely powerful being was forcibly transmitting across borders.

"Who is it?"

"Actually traveling through time and space? What a powerful dimensional fluctuation..."

Lukiel looked at the powerful time and space fluctuations not far behind him and was surprised. The dark sparks in his hands surged directly into a trident.

It seems that he is preparing to fight with the existence from time and space.

"Come on..."

Qing Hideki slowly stood up holding the kingdom symbol on his chest.

Looking at the shaking position in the space, he showed a rare expression of joy.

Brother Tazi...you are here...


Earth, because of the detection device developed by Dr. Gehrman, everyone in XIO has a clear view of what is happening near the sun.

"What a powerful dimensional fluctuation... I don't know how much more powerful than the wormhole where Luigi El just appeared..."

Gehrman said slowly while looking at the dimensional fluctuation energy that was already exploding on the monitor.

"So, friend or foe?"

Captain Shenmu looked at Gehrman with a serious expression.

"No... no!"

"This guy is breaking the dimension!"

"It is coming to this world as quickly as possible with absolute power."

Dr. Hermann looked at the unusual fluctuations on the screen and said in horror.

"Is that giant okay..."

"It must be faster..."

Liu Yi also looked closely at the golden giant who struggled to stand up.

Due to the huge energy consumption, the golden giant finally revealed his true face.

The golden stream of light that always surrounded the giant's body also disappeared. The original mixed color was covered by platinum gold, and a faint light glowed vaguely.

"Uncle Hideki..."

Dadi glanced at the battlefield on the screen unwillingly, and quietly left to a remote part of the base...

"Ax...I want to fight too!"

"We can't go on like this, how can I protect the earth like this!!"

In the Aix terminal, Aix was silent when he heard that Dadi wanted to open Tata...

This is why he chose the earth...

"Let's go together! Daichi!"

Hearing the surging mood of the earth, Aix was also in full condition.

"it is good!"


With the roar, Earth Aix turned into a red ball of light and flew towards the sun at high speed.

Uncle Hideki, instructor Sero, I will continue to fight! !

"Even Ax is setting off!!"

Captain Shenmu looked at Aix and gritted his teeth tightly...

We humans can't sit still and wait for death...

"Dr. Hermann, can the Maskedi conduct space operations?"

"For this matter, we, Gio, also have to do our part..."

"This..." Gehrman looked at Shenmu and said seriously, "After 10 minutes of modification, you can fight in space!"

"Okay! Everyone is here! In 10 minutes! Support operations will begin!"

"Roger that!"

Behind the crowd, Golden Prince Hui looked at the departing earth, and looked down at the doll in his hand with firm eyes...


Near the sun, Lukiel, who had been waiting for a while and felt that he had been deceived as a fool, turned his head and walked in the direction of Qing Hideki.

Behind him, the huge dark ultimate beast Saurus roared fiercely.

"Hmph, I thought the escaping ant was looking for someone..."

"scared me……"

"It seems that you have been abandoned..."

Lukiel looked at the golden giant not far away. With a wave of his trident, a huge dark spark flew towards its position.

"It seems that your time is up!"

"Ho ho..."

Qing Hideki looked at the huge light hitting him without any fear on his face, just showing a subtle expression.


Luigi Air snorted and directly increased the light on his hand.

Let’s deal with one threat first…

One more valuable collection is coming.

Before Luciel could be happy, a majestic and domineering voice sounded.

"Absolute destruction!"

Immediately after Lujiel, a golden vortex appeared and slowly dissipated, and two giant bodies appeared in the universe.

Looking at Luchiel's light, the golden giant glanced at him and snorted coldly.

He casually condensed a light that made the space tremble and shot towards the Dark Spark Wave and Luchiel. "Ugh!! Who is it!!"

His back was suddenly hit hard, and even Luigi Al, who represented the human shield, felt tremendous pain.

After roaring angrily, Lukiel looked at the mysterious golden giant that landed next to Ao Hideki.

"Hades, are you okay?"

Tartarus turned his eyes and saw that Qing Xiushu was in poor condition, and casually waved a golden stream of light to replenish its energy.

"Is this this guy?..."

Tartarus turned around with a cold and arrogant expression, crossed his chest with one hand and touched his chin with the other, his eyes twinkling slightly as he looked at Luciel.

so so……


Luciel covered his chest and looked at Tartarus, who was exuding a terrifying and powerful aura in the distance, and was horrified.

Such powerful energy... What is the origin of this person?
He actually has the same aura as that annoying guy. Is this a reinforcement?

"I am Lugiel!"

"I will stop your time!"

"Dark Spark Wave!!"

Looking at the powerful enemy, Luchiel spoke proudly, and the dark sparks in his hands guided huge energy fluctuations towards Tartarus.

He considers himself the second person among the Four Ao, and he is not afraid of anyone except Yinhe! !

"Hmph...that's it?"

Look at the overwhelming and powerful light that turns all the strange landforms of the planet into powder.

The surge of energy in Tartarus simply held up a protective barrier with one hand and completely blocked the light.

"how can that be……"

Lukiel watched as his light that lasted for half a minute had no effect at all. He looked closely at the giant who easily took his ultimate move and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Who the hell are you?"

Luigi Air swallowed, and there was no need for me to introduce myself.

"Lord Luigi Al, we can't break this guy's defense at all!!"

On the one hand, Yabo's resentful man's huge mouthparts sprayed light for a long time, and the huge pain made him unable to help but have the idea of ​​​​escape.

"With this kind of strength, do you dare to fight against my Absolute clan?"

Tartarus looked at Luchiel with a cold look, and no longer held back.

He summoned countless balls of destruction light and rushed out from behind to bombard Luchiel.

Immediately afterwards, the light ball that made the space tremble directly bombarded the two of them, and the exploding destructive light ball caused a violent space earthquake.

"Hmph, I am the ultimate life form! The warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut Tartarus!"

After looking at the explosion, Tartarus glanced at the hem of his skirt and proudly introduced himself.

"So strong..."

Ultimate Zero couldn't help but murmured as he looked at the golden energy whose energy fluctuations had exceeded normal levels.

"Don't think too much, that guy is not dead!"

Qing Hideki reopened the miracle form and stared at Lujiel, whose dark energy was rapidly expanding.

"I am Luciel! I will suspend your waiting time!"

Luigi El returned to his normal size, and the dark energy in his body expanded rapidly.

A huge dark vortex circled overhead, and the dark vortex, which resembled a galactic lightning strike, was expanding at an extremely rapid rate.

"Suffer to death!!"

Lujiel roared and directly threw the Dark Galaxy Lightning Bolt.


"The so-called Luigi El, you can't last long in this form, right?"

Tartarus frowned as he watched Luigi El, who was rapidly compressing and releasing dark energy, approaching his energy wave attack.


Tartarus casually condensed a normal beam of absolute destruction and began to interact with Luchiel.


The collision of the two rays of light makes the surrounding environment extremely dangerous. Even ordinary monsters that are close to them will be reduced to ashes.



Lujiel, who was facing the wave on the right, was directly blasted by the golden lightning light on the left. He moved back dozens of kilometers and was covered in intense destructive particles flashing.

"I was actually injured..."

Luigiel clutched his abdomen, feeling the destructive light radiating from his body. His scarlet eyes looked closely at Tartarus, who was walking towards him with ease.

Just a few tricks...

And this guy... isn't serious at all!

"Hades, you are very good... you are worthy of being the brave man predicted by the king."

"At your age, I'm still just an A-level warrior..."

Tartarus turned his head and looked at Qing Hideki, who had reached the ultimate level in decades, very satisfied.

After looking at Qing Hideki for a few times, Tartarus looked at Luchiel with cold eyes.

"Leave that big guy to you..."

"Leave this so-called Luciel to me."

"I'll let you see Hades today. Even among the ultimates, there is a sea-wide gap!"

After saying that, a battle field that caused strong spatial fluctuations continued to unfold on the battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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