Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 17 The cry of the ocean and the call of Luluye ruins.

Chapter 17 The cry of the ocean and the call of Luluye ruins.

Since the last time the monster attacked the drilling platform, Director Sawai has given the victory team a determination to fight.

Therefore, the Victory Team is particularly concerned about the appearance of the monster Reylos.

At this time, a human-sized golden sphere was moving rapidly on the ocean.

The golden sphere is none other than Qing Hideki.

"Where are the ruins of Luluye!"

After a long time, Qing Hideki stopped on the sea level with a depressed expression, carefully sensing the deepest darkness.

His purpose for going out this time was to explore the Luluye ruins and see if there were any treasures he could get.

Luluye was too dangerous. It wasn't until he reached level A and had the strength to escape that Qing Hideki dared to venture out.

"found it!!"

Feeling the trembling darkness, Qing Hideki transformed into a giant and walked directly towards the depths of the seabed.

The golden light all over the giant's body attracted circle after circle of underwater creatures.

However, due to pressure, no ocean fish got too close to the golden giant.

A strange noise sounded, and a monster with many intestines on its head appeared in front of Qing Hideki.

The monster was making cheerful noises and wanted to play with Ao Hideki.

Ao Hideki's eyes flashed as he looked a little disgusted at the monster.

This one should be the lonely mutant monster Reylos.

In fact, this monster has no bad intentions and is just like a naughty child. The original plot made Diga almost angry to death.

Later, he was purified by Diga's countless skill arsenal, and finally turned into a fish and returned to the sea.

"You go up there and play, there are people waiting for you there."

Ao Hideki looked at Reylos and pointed to the sea near Iwo Jima.

After selling Dagu backhand, Qing Hideki continued to go to the depths of darkness.

[Time travel: 0.7]

Since the last time Masaki and the giant stone statue were sent out by induction, the charge has been directly charged to 0.7.

Qing Hideki guessed that it was related to his influence on the plot.

The deeper the Qingxiu tree goes, the less living things there are, as if there are terrifying creatures living here.

Looking at the Luluye ruins that were about to appear in outline and the strange beast above them, Qing Hideki quietly slowed down his pace.

If the conch were awakened, it wouldn't be able to escape at all.

He didn't know why it didn't have such a big impact when he looked directly into the darkness.

Maybe it's because he's not a giant of light.

Looking at the conch, Qing Xiushu only saw planets shrouded in darkness in his mind.

There are countless innocent souls wailing.

Apparently this is something the Conch family used to do.

This guy is far beyond the range of A-level life.

Qing Hideki looked seriously at the conch that gave him a great sense of oppression.

Could it be that some ultra-ancient children became a part of the ancient gods?

When he reached the barrier, Qing Xiushu rubbed his hands excitedly, and the golden energy from his hands swayed directly into the Luluye ruins.

As soon as he came in, Qing Xiushu fell to his knees on the ground among the ruins of the wall.

My mind is so dizzy...

"What exactly is going on..."

However, for a long time he only felt hazy, as if there was a great consciousness calling him vaguely.

The cyan, red, and blue light that looks broken and erratic seem to establish a connection with Qing Hideki.

"what is happening."

"What kind of changes have occurred in Tiga's time and space?"

Just now, he seemed to feel the earth, the sky, and the ocean that screamed infinitely.

If the light of the earth really exists, why not go to Dagu?

Can the ultimate life form also respond to the light of the earth, or Gaia consciousness?

Are you so sure I won't run away?
After regaining consciousness slightly, Qing Hideki looked at the surrounding environment.

Buildings that resemble a huge city, giant stone statues among the ruins of huge roads, buildings and ruins.

This was the first time in his life that he had seen the buildings of the Kingdom of Giants.

Is this Luluye?
Qing Hideki straightened up and thought as he looked at the surrounding space that was very similar to the ruins of the Final Holy War.

It is said that the pitiful and cruel Tiga destroyed the flower 3000 million years ago, and was tempted by the pity that looked like a young woman, so he sealed his wife and two younger brothers here.

It can only be said that he really did it!

Wei Wei sighed, Qing Xiushu did not forget his business and began to pick up the light as a corpse collector.

So much light!

There are hundreds of rays of light, many of which are quite complete, although most of them have C-level strength.

There are some stone statues that cannot even change their bodies.There is even the light of the dark giant, in one word

[Super ancient giant light +88 (weak)]

[Super ancient giant light +3 (small)]

"It seems that there were many giants stronger than Brother Diga in the ancient times, and they have all fallen."

Qing Xiushu, who had just transformed into a treasure-digging giant, looked at the extra light and couldn't help but shake his head.

The quality varies, much worse than the well-preserved stone statues.

"Hey, eldest sister, someone is here."

"It doesn't look like it's the light side."

"Hey! That guy over there, let us out, let's rule the earth together."

Waves of empty sounds echoed throughout the Luluye ruins, interrupting Qing Hideki who was searching the Luluye ruins.

"This voice couldn't be that of Camilla's trio, right?"

In Qing Xiushu's perception, there are three people's life fluctuations in a mountain somewhere.

"I was actually woken up so early."

Ignoring them, Qing Hideki continued to explore the ruins and destroyed the dark giant's stone statues one by one.

What made him confused was that as soon as the dark light appeared, it sank into the ground and disappeared.

Ao Hideki looked at them and was destroying the dark giant stone statue.

"Sister, this guy is difficult to deal with."

The sharp sound of a mohawk rang out.

"Wouldn't it be better to rule the earth together?"

The strong man was a little confused.

"I'm not interested in ruling the earth. I'm more interested in killing you..."

After getting closer, I felt that the trio actually had that dark power.

No wonder he woke up so early.

"Wait, we can still talk."

Looking at Ao Hideki who was about to take action, Camilla's figure appeared in the air. This was the manifestation of dark power.

Looking at Camilla Ao Hideki's appearance, he dispersed the light on his hand.

"Aren't you a giant of the earth?"

Looking at the golden giant who gave her a high-intensity threat.

It doesn't have any impact... This is a place close to darkness.


Suddenly he sensed something, Qing Xiushu's expression changed, and his whole body retreated suddenly.

In his perception, there was a large amount of darkness under Luluye rushing towards the three dark giants.

"The power is coming back."

"Sister-in-law, kill him."

The seal is shaking crazily, as if it is about to be completely broken out.

Qing Xiushu's expression changed. He already knew that Camilla's strength was A-level, but now even the two younger brothers were about to break through A-level.

Especially in a place shrouded in darkness, Camilla's strength will far exceed that of an average A-class giant.


Qing Hideki's whole body shimmered with light, releasing a beam of destruction with all his strength to bombard the darkness that was rushing towards the dark giant.

The frighteningly powerful light struck directly into the darkness and dissipated. The light lasted for half a minute after the dark energy that appeared had sluggishly weakened.

Before this stopped, Qing Xiushu released energy to strengthen the seal, took a deep look at the mountain where the three of them were, and left.

Qing Hideki's attack just now has angered the darkness. The unknown darkness rushed towards Luluye crazily, but a lot of it was absorbed by the conch.

Even if the seal was strengthened, Camilla was not annoyed, she just looked at Qing Hideki's leaving figure thoughtfully.

Camilla's shadow stood there, thoughtfully.

This golden giant seems to be burdened with a lot of darkness based on her perception of darkness.
Returning to the sea level, the green trees turned into light and fell on the beach.

The battle was almost over. Ao Hideki watched Dagu fly away with Ultra anger.

"It's better to go to Dagu."

The darkness that just appeared under the Luluye ruins made him feel that time was running out.
But fortunately, I got all the light
When I came to the Oceanographic Research Institute, I looked at Lina who was wearing dead stock water and doing welfare.

Qing Xiushu, who had just returned from digging for treasures, suddenly felt a little separated and wiped away his non-existent tears.

Dagu, you are such a scumbag! !

"Dagu, it has to be you! You are truly the winner in life..."


Dagu, who was looking for Lina at this time, couldn't help but sneeze.

(End of this chapter)

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