Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 174: Trampling the Demon King Beast to Death, Dark Breath

Chapter 174: Trampling the Demon King Beast to Death, Dark Breath
"Leave this guy to you"

"I'll go see what's going on."

Hong Kai stared at the huge golden vortex that appeared in the sky and couldn't help but feel a little excited.
How come this power is so familiar?
"Hey, what are you doing?"

Shibukawa Ichito, who was directing the crowd to escape the storm and picked up Naomi, looked at Benikai who was running away in confusion.

"Naomi, you are too heavy."

"Uncle, what do you mean?"


I saw the golden energy over the city spreading out wave after wave, and a giant fighting figure was slowly landing.

Immediately afterwards, the giant with countless radiant particles descended rapidly from the vortex.


The Wind Demon King seemed to sense the threat, raising its head and roaring uneasily toward the sky.


Then a giant figure with infinite brilliance landed directly and accurately on the head of the Wind Demon King, almost trampling the entire beast to death.
"That is."

Hong Kai, who rushed to the battlefield, raised his head and looked at the golden giant, his pupils shrinking sharply.

This giant, this energy
It's Brother Xiushu!
"Is this Orb time and space?"

Qing Xiushu glanced around and realized that there was a wailing monster under his feet.
"Wind Demon Kingmon?"


With a slight exertion on the golden giant's feet, the entire Wind Demon King beast was filled with strong golden energy. In panic, it turned into countless particles and disappeared into the city.
"So strong."

Hong Kai was shocked when he saw the golden giant's movements.

To actually destroy the Wind Demon Kingmon so easily, even he needed some time.

What has Brother Xiushu gone through in these years to become so powerful.

"Hong Kai?"

He felt Qing Xiushu lower his head and look at Hong Kai who was watching him closely not far away, and then the giant body turned into a stream of light and landed next to him under Hong Kai's gaze.


Qing Hideki looked at the much mature Hong Kai and nodded slowly.

This is how you can be considered a qualified warrior
"Brother Hideki. Me."

A rare hint of embarrassment appeared on Hongkai's weathered face.
"By the way, is that guy Jakura okay?"

Ao Hideki looked at Hong Kai who was collecting particles with the Orb ring and said calmly.

"He seems to have brought his apprentice to Earth as well."

"However, I felt a dark aura on him before something went wrong."

Hong Kai thought about the change in Jakula's tone and said uncertainly.

"But this monster was actually sealed by Mebius."

Looking at the collected cards, Hong Kai handed them to Qing Xiu Shu and said.


Ao Hideki took the card and saw that there was a pattern of Mebius on it and even some energy of the power of light.

"I don't need this thing."

Is this a change in Orb's time and space?
The monster just now was the Wind Demon Kingmon, a special product of this time and space.

The Demon Kingmon series is very powerful, with all being A-level at the very least.

Monsters that can be used as mini-bosses and elite monsters in other time and space are just ordinary monsters in this time and space.

Its origin is the Maga Serpent that existed on the earth in ancient times. The existence of Demon Kingmon was born when the energy diffused deep underground merged with the elements on the earth.

There are a series of powerful demon beasts such as darkness, wind, earth, water, fire, light, etc. Since they are monsters born from the energy of the earth, any one of them can cause huge turmoil on the earth.

Moreover, in ancient times, powerful Ultra Warriors such as the First Generation, Zoffie, Jack, and Taro turned their powers into cards and sealed them in the Demon Kingmon crystal.

Among them, the Maga Serpent needs the cards of six Demon Beasts plus the card of Belial to unlock the seal and resurrect.

"Brother Xiushu, I want to continue wandering."

Hong Kai glanced at Qing Xiushu firmly and slowly put on his hat.The figure jumps towards the distance
"This guy has changed a lot."

Qing Xiushu looked at Hong Kai, who still had an upright face, and nodded slowly.
I finally shed my childishness on planet O-50.

"Excuse me, do you know the mysterious man just now?"

Menno Naomi, who ran to the roof panting, looked at Ao Hideki nervously and asked.

"You mean Hong Kai?"

Ao Hideki glanced at Naomi, whose face turned red.

"This guy is my brother."

"Get out of here!"

"I don't need your power!!"

At this time, a certain underground Jagula slowly walked to the stool, holding his chest.

It can be clearly seen that extremely rich dark power is evaporating from its body.

"Get away from me, the power of darkness!!"

Jagula felt the dark power that seemed to be attached to his bone marrow. He broke out in cold sweat and used the purple energy in his body to resist the invasion of darkness.

Under the stalemate that lasted for a long time, the rich darkness on the surface of the body was finally suppressed by Jakula into the body.

"Haha. Interesting guy. There is nothing wrong with working for Lord Darkness."

"If you want to defeat that guy, you can only rely on the power of darkness."

Before retracting, a demonic whisper suddenly came out from the empty underground space filled with a strange and dark atmosphere.
"I, Jagula, can only rely on my own strength."

Jakula looked at the dark aura in his hand, squeezed it suddenly and suppressed it back into his body.

On the side, Yu Yan thoughtfully handed over the handkerchief and looked at Jia Gula with a distressed face.

"Yu Yan, don't come over. I can't control that darkness yet."

Jiagu La, who was breaking out in cold sweat, warned his female apprentice Yu Yan.


Hearing this, Yu Yan's eyes were also red, and he couldn't help crying when he saw Jia Gula holding on.

"Come on, that guy is here again"

Jagula's temples had veins popping out, and he covered his head with both hands to control the dark aura that came up again.

Work for me!

Work for me!

surrender to me
"Master, I will definitely find a way to save you."

Yu Yan glanced firmly at Jia Gula who had locked him up.

In fact, Jagula was not like this before. Master and apprentice have been training to become stronger.
Until he was about to arrive on Earth this time, a dark aura that appeared in the void merged into Jakula's body for unknown reasons.

And the frequency of darkness outbreaks is getting higher and higher. If this continues, I am afraid that I will become the dark subordinate of that unknown existence.
If Jagula hadn't been determined, he might have succumbed to the darkness long ago.
"Then the only way is to find the giant in the daytime."

"That should be the uncle."

Yu Yan thought of the powerful giant he saw in the city during the day.
The elder brother the master once said.
"wait for me."

Thinking about it, Yu Yan took one last look at Jiagu La's little face and walked towards the ground resolutely.

But after Yu Yan left, Jia Gula's eyes suddenly glowed with black light, and he seemed to be possessed by a certain existence. He stretched his body and said slightly in admiration.

“Nice body”

"It's time to let these little monsters come out and move around."

"However, it seems that the troublesome guy has also followed."

In a certain space, a mage-like being under the Dark Throne was looking respectfully at the giant on the throne and said with a slightly excited tone.

"Sir, I have found a potential candidate for the Dark King."

"I am sure that his strength after turning into darkness will not be weaker than those before."

(End of this chapter)

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