Chapter 178 Blackening Jagula

At this time, the universe is unknown.

Broken, failed? ?
A man who looked like a mage felt the rapid weakening of the dark power, and his whole face turned pale as he looked at the being on the throne.

"big man"


The powerful being on the Dark Throne seemed to notice the failure, with a slightly surprised expression.


The strange eyes just glanced at the mage's body, and then half of the mage-like man's body exploded into black mist.


The dark being narrowed his eyes, and then a very high-quality dark aura flew towards a certain time and space.
"My men, let me come and bring you back."

In the forest on the edge of the city, the figures of Qing Xiu Shu and the others slowly appeared.
"Just here"

Qing Hideki glanced around and placed the unconscious Jakura next to the tree stump.

"Master, wake up!"

Seeing Jiagu La's quiet appearance, after Yu Yan came closer, he said with a nervous look on his face.

Just as Hong Kai was about to move forward to check on Jagula, he was stopped by an arm coming from behind.

"Brother Hideki?"

"Yu Yan, stay away from Jagula quickly!"

Qing Hideki frowned as he sensed the rich dark power coming from Jakula.

"Ho ho."

Jagula, whose original dark aura had almost disappeared, was once again filled with an extremely terrifying dark aura. He slowly stood up and opened his strange eyes glowing with purple light.

The dark aura that quickly left the body quickly gathered as Jagula stood up.

Jakula, who seemed to have returned to normal, looked at everyone and said coldly.
"Brother Hideki, Kai, I finally gained real power."

"The power that can protect Yuyan."

"Come on, Yuyan, come quickly."

"Jagula" looked at everyone with a strange smile.


"Don't go over to this guy, he's not Jagula! This is probably a dark personality inspired by the darkness just now."

Qing Xiushu stretched out his hand to control Yu Yan, his eyes fixed on Jia Gula's dark personality.

"Jagula, haven't you let go of those things from back then? When will you accept yourself!" Hong Kai's eyes suddenly changed, and he said angrily when he saw Jagoura's dark personality.

"Ha! You have no right to criticize me!"

Jakula took out the dark ring and said disdainfully.

"I am Jagula, I will do what he can't do!"

"What he did, I will do too!"

"You are not a master at all. Master is not like this!!"

Yu Yan looked at Jiagu La whose temperament had changed drastically and said with tears in his eyes.

"Royal Words"

Jia Gula looked at Yu Yan with a complicated expression and said.
"Brother Xiushu, let me tell you what happened at Warrior Summit that I will never forget. And on Planet Ganon."

"Now only nothingness and darkness are the real power."

As if recalling those painful experiences, Jagula looked at Hong Kai coldly, wrapped in darkness.

"Kai, I will never help you like I did before."

"I will turn him into dust in this world"

"This is true eternity!"

After saying that, Jakura was wrapped in darkness, ignoring Qing Hideki's absolute suppression, and disappeared after giving a wary look.


"Kai, don't go to Jagula and get targeted by that guy."

Ao Hideki saw that absolute suppression had no effect on Jakura and was convinced that the only one who could break away from his SS-suppression was that guy's source of power.
Is blackening three times stronger... SSP office.

Qing Xiushu walked into the door with several delivery people holding bottles of water.

Looking at Naomi who is writing and drawing in her notebook, she is struggling with how to make money.
"The money given last time was spent so quickly?" Qing Xiushu asked in surprise.

"No. I'm just thinking about how to keep the water flowing smoothly."

"Assen's research and development is too expensive and after repairing the car, it will only be enough to fund this month's activities."

Naomi glanced at Matsudo Mori, who was tinkering with equipment, and Zenta, who was crying at the computer.
"Santa, are you okay? Are you crying?"

"I got scolded badly this time."

Matsuto Mori sat next to Zenta holding his new equipment and sighed a little while looking at the comments on the computer.

“His live reports are so long-winded”

"Who wants to read these? Can you be more professional and we only look at the highlights?"

Matsuto Mori felt a little frightened when he read the comments. He glanced sympathetically at Zenta, whose eyes were red, and said, "It's so miserable, Zenta, that you don't have any good comments."

"Shouta, please cry."

"I didn't cry!"

Shanta rushed into the bathroom with red eyes under the gaze of everyone, leaving only a sad figure behind.

"Captain, the news is not the key," Matsuto Mori ran to the computer like a salesman, "Captain, if this super polymer absorbing SAP gun can be improved on the absorption capacity of the polymer, it can improve the freezing ability. .”

Naomi glanced helplessly at Matsuto Mori, whose face had money written all over it, and then looked at the pile of barreled water behind Ao Hideki.

"Mr. Hideki, why did you bring so much bottled water today?"

"You'll know this later." Qing Xiushu said calmly with a mysterious expression.

"Don't think about it," Naomi said speechlessly, "Because the mobile car broke down last time and it cost a lot of money. If something goes wrong again, I won't be able to pay the rent next month and even the water will be shut off. Stop working on useless inventions."

"team leader."

Matsuto Mori subconsciously looked at Ao Hideki who was fishing on the side, and suddenly remembered Ao Hideki's identity.
Mr. Hideki seems to be the sponsor.
"Mr. Hideki, can we talk about funding?"


Matsuto Mori approached Ao Hideki with a flattering look on his face, his knees making violent sounds on the floor.

"Ahem. You guy"

Ao Hideki looked at Matsuto Mori, who knelt down without hesitation, and almost spit out the water in his mouth..
"Mr. Hideki."

Naomi also looked at Ao Hideki with a bright face.

Ao Hideki looked at Naomi who was giving him a massage and Matsuto Mori, who was attentive on the side.
Forget it, he's not short of money anyway.
At any time and space, his personal experience and life are full, and there is so much gold in the bracelet that he can never use it up.
Especially during the time when I was practicing in the Kingdom of Absolute, I could find rare super gems everywhere I clicked.
"Family! It stinks so much!!!"

"What, it smells so bad to me!!"

Shanta ran out of the bathroom with a look of horror on his face. He felt the stench on his body and was about to faint.
"Hey, Captain, what are you doing?"

Zenta froze and looked at the captain and Matsudo Mori, who seemed to have changed their personalities.

"come yet"

After Ao Hideki dismissed the two of them casually, he looked deeply at Zenta, who was exuding a stinking odor, and then looked at Naomi and said, "I'm afraid the stench this time is caused by a monster. This water is probably enough for you." .”


Naomi couldn't help but feel a little dazed looking at Ao Hideki's quickly leaving back.
Is it caused by monsters?
But the back of Mr. Hideki looks like the giant from last time
"SSP team! Start investigation!"

"Σ_("∠) vomit!Shanta, you stink so much! "

After coming back to her senses, Naomi said with full energy, and then looked at Zenta with a slumped expression.


At this time, Tokyo water source.

Jakula's figure slowly appeared near the monster

"It's a pity that my men were defeated by that guy."

"Such a powerful fighting power. Only the big snake can do it"

Thinking of the terrifying fighting power of the golden giant, Jakula said coldly...

"Brother Hideki...don't force me."

(End of this chapter)

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