Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 187 Looking for the Rainbow Blade, Dark Thunderstorm

Chapter 187 Looking for the Rainbow Blade, Dark Thunderstorm

"Ax, are you okay?"

Zero looked at the running Dark Sword Dimaga, and his figure flashed and he quickly walked to Aix who was invaded by the dark thunderstorm energy.


After being enveloped by the dark thunderstorm energy just now, the earth felt as if he was wearing hundreds of kilograms of clothes.

"What's going on?" Dadi said, holding himself up, "What's wrong with you, Ax?"

"Earth, I was just invaded by that dark energy!" Aix said with difficulty, "Now my body is being decomposed!"

"Why is this happening? Is there anything that instructor Zero can do?" Dadi looked at Zero anxiously.
"Sorry... Dadi"

While Zero used the purifying light to purify the Mirror Knight, he found that it could not eliminate the strange darkness on Ax.

In desperation, he had no choice but to shine a ray of light to protect the earth and watch the decomposing Aix
"Thank you, Zero." Aix thanked you. "For your safety, Dadi has to forcefully cancel the fusion."

"No!! Ax! No!"

The earth was sent to the ground with a sad face by the light of Zero and X.

After a few rolls, Dadi knelt on the ground and looked up at the disappearing Aix, then hammered the ground hard with his hand.
"Ah!!! Damn!!!"


"The opportunity has come."

Qing Xiushu said calmly, then glanced at Zero who was slowly flying away, and took Max towards the ground where the earth had just landed.
On the street full of cracks, Dadi lowered his head and looked at the direction where Aix disappeared with red eyes, and looked at Qing Xiushu with firm eyes.
"Uncle Hideki. I'm still too weak!!"

"Please train me again!!"

"I can't protect the earth like this!!"

Dadi did not blame Qing Hideki, but gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears and said seriously.

Qing Xiushu narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the earth...
It seems that there is no need for him to inspire the earth with Leo and the Star Clans' Ultra-quality quotes.
This kid grows up too fast...

"Instructor, isn't it a bit..."

Max looked at the miserable Dadi and thought of his old friend, and wanted to explain it to Dadi.

"Dadi, this may be an opportunity for you and Ax to communicate in depth."

As expected, the digitized version of Ax is not as powerful as its original form.
Even the earth is restricted by it. When fighting the lava Dimaga just now, we were only a little bit defeated many times.
However, now Aix should have turned into data and returned to the data space.
As long as the Earth can find the Rainbow Sword, it can not only bring X back.

It can also unlock more powerful transcendent forms.
This is the unique bond between the earth and Aix.

"An opportunity to communicate?"

Not only was Dadi confused, but Zero and Max, who had just returned, were also confused.
Apparently someone died just now
Uncle (instructor), should you be so calm?
Why do you feel like the instructor is more of a villain than that vicious woman?

"Let's go, you will understand when we arrive at the base."

Qing Xiushu coughed lightly as if he could see what everyone was thinking.

At this time, a strange existence with terrifying energy in the depths of the sun is emitting bursts of dark thunderstorm energy.

It seems to be resurrecting rapidly and even exudes power far beyond what it was before.
"Hee hee hee~"

The mysterious and strange sounds are spreading even in the universe, making people's scalp numb...


Immediately afterwards, a subtle fluctuation of space and time occurred somewhere near the sun.

Immediately afterwards, a giant body with black mist all over his body and his hands wrapped around his chest slowly emerged from the dark passage.

The dark giant in the blue mask looked at the strange existence in the sun with an interesting expression.

Then he stretched out his arm and waved out a dark aura that surged towards Griza's body.
"The legendary void monster-Gliza, please let me help you."

"Hehehe~" With Tregear's blessing, Gliza was resurrected at a terrifying speed.

Even because of Tregear's dark power, Gliza's instinctive desire to devour him surged towards Tregear.

Delicious to devour
"This guy"

Feeling the power of the void that he could not resist, Tregear's expression darkened.

This guy even wants to swallow him...

You really have no brains...

Then he remembered something, and his whole body showed a strange expression in the direction of the earth.
It's a pity that this guy has no brains and can't be used by me.
But I hope you will be satisfied with this gift from Gliza.
"Jie Jie"

Tregear then sneered a few times and stepped into the dark tunnel amidst Glizza's weird laughter.
Gio Base,

The exhausted and weak Dadi received a warm visit from the team members, and then they were dispatched one after another because of the Dark Sword Dimaga incident.

"There are more important things waiting for us to do." Shenmu looked at Dadi with a solemn expression, and then quickly passed by Qing Xiushu and the others, "Expert Xiushu, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you for help next."

"Understood," after hearing Shenmu's implication, Qing Xiushu said calmly, "Instructor Zero, you can go with them."

It shouldn't be a big problem for Zero to deal with Gina.
Moreover, Zero has no need for a transformer. If Max goes there, there may be a risk of losing the transformer.

"I'll go as well?"

Hearing this, Zero also showed a serious expression.
Looks like there's a fight to be had
"I'm leaving it to you, Instructor Zero, for this mission."

Before leaving after hearing this, Captain Shenmu bowed slightly towards Qing Xiushu and the others.
The research room quickly quieted down, leaving only Dadi and Qing Xiushu, whose faces were full of kidney deficiency.

"Instructor, Captain Shenmu knows this?"

On the other hand, Max said with a somewhat uncertain mind.

"Well I'm afraid the first earth transformation has been discovered."

Qing Xiushu's eyes were calm. With a sacred tree like Dadi that didn't conceal anything, he must have known about it a long time ago.
Even Dr. Hermann knew earlier
Maybe the original plot wiped Dadi's butt a lot.

"Uncle Xiushu, what method did you just say?"

Dadi, who had recovered, looked at Qing Xiushu with bright eyes.

"Let Dr. Hermann link you to the multi-function device into the data world, so that you can find Aix's data."

"And maybe there will be an unexpected harvest."

After Qing Xiushu glanced at the two of them with a calm expression, he suddenly noticed something and made a sudden movement, disappearing from everyone's sight in the brilliance.

"I still have something to do, you are busy."

"Instructor him"

Max paused for a moment as if he wanted to explain it to Herman.
"No need, Instructor Kaito."

Dr. Hermann showed an expression of understanding, and then skillfully connected the equipment to the earth.
He had long been aware of the identities of Dadi and Qing Xiushu's group.

However, what kind of treatment do four Ultramans on one planet get?
There is even Ultraman Zero, who is famous throughout multiple universes, and Max, the fastest and most powerful person in the universe, plus an Ultimate with a mysterious identity.
It can be said that even if the universe collapses now, the earth cannot be destroyed by monsters

On the moon, a golden giant figure crossed the space and landed slowly, leaving another huge crater on the moon.

The golden giant clasped his hands on his chest and looked closely at the figure of the terrifying monster in the sun.
In his perception, the strange existence power deep in the sun was rapidly increasing at a terrifying speed.

The giant looked carefully and said with a cold tone.
"Grizatorekia moves so fast?"

"Does it look like he's about to be resurrected?"


(End of this chapter)

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