Chapter 192 The Arrival of Gua
"You guy."

Hearing this, Gina's expression suddenly changed, and she turned her head to look at Qing Hideki, who was showing no signs of change, with a cold gaze.

"Believe me, as long as Gua reappears, we will be able to deal with those Ultra warriors." Seeing Gina's defensive look, Qing Hideki chuckled twice and encouraged.

The complete SS-level Gu'a can still deal with the group of light warriors such as Galaxy and Zero with residual blood.

Of course, the premise is that the Ideal Fusion wait is not turned on, and the Galaxy itself has not returned.
By the way, we have to add that Zero's spiritual power has not yet awakened.


Gina's expression keeps changing
If you fuse with your brother, you can indeed summon Gua, but the three of them will be together forever.
"Is it possible that you still want to watch your brother die at their hands?" Qing Xiushu turned his back to Gina and asked.

"Although I don't know what your purpose is."

"But you will definitely regret it!"

Gina looked back at Yinhe and Zero with fear in her eyes
And that rainbow sword
I originally thought I had an opportunity to rule the universe. I didn't expect the space-time chaos in this universe to be so terrifying.
The powerful Ultra Warriors are like free of charge...

It seems that only by merging with my brother can I defeat these Ultra Warriors and even escape.
Determined, Gina quickly jumped in front of Molde with a cold face.

"Brother! Now is the time to combine the powers of our three brothers and sisters into one!"

"Gina, are you really going to do this?" In the BGM of Galaxy and Zero's dual appearances, even with Molde's combat power enhanced to S+, he can only defend. "Once the souls are fused, they can never be restored. !”

"It doesn't matter," Gina said with a firm expression, "I will continue to live in my brother's body! Let's defeat them together and then reorganize the Gua Army! Brother!"

"Bang! Zizz!"


Under the attack of five Ultraman, Molde could only resist the attack with difficulty, and could not even fight back.
The strange thing is that even though 5 minutes have passed, these Ultra Warriors haven't even sent out a signal of low energy.

He felt a faint sting all over his body, which directly triggered the resentment in Molde's heart.

"You bunch of light cultivators!" Molde had a cold expression after blocking a wave of attacks. He looked at Gina and said firmly, "Gina! Come on!"


Gina was wrapped in a dark aura and jumped directly into the red crystal on Molde's chest.

Immediately afterwards, countless terrifying dark auras surged out and surrounded them, and countless dark evil energies surged like lightning. Even Olian Galaxy and Zero had to open their defensive shields to support themselves.

"Is this guy the legendary undead Gu'a?"

Victory looked calmly at Gua, the undead man with a scarlet cloak growing out of his back.

In his perception, the strength of the undead Gu'a was rapidly expanding and increasing, and then he subconsciously looked at the green trees on the hillside.

"That's it again. Which side is he on?"

When thinking about Lujiel, Qing Hideki also waited for his complete body to come out before taking action.
Isn't it better to start in advance?What on earth is he planning?
"Wickley, this is the instructor's tactic..."

"Only by defeating the enemy when it is at its strongest can it be possible to completely eliminate it!"

Zero crossed his arms and looked excitedly at Molde, who was rapidly improving his strength.
This guy is almost catching up with the super-sized Beria of that universe.
"Power. This is Gua's power!!"

Countless explosions were triggered by the dark energy in the valley. The shadows of Gina and Zeuda's souls in the dark atmosphere emerged behind Molde, and finally condensed into a ferocious magic sword.

The hilts of the sword are the faces of Zeuda and Gina, which look weird and bloody.
"Gina, I feel it!" Molde shook his scarlet cloak and looked at the magic sword with a sad tone, "I feel your soul! Fight alongside me with Zeuda!"

"Let's rebuild the Gua Army together!"

On the hillside, Qing Xiushu looked at Molde's threatening look from the corner of his eye without any emotion in his heart.
Actually just ss
Still haven't reached the true perfection?
Is it because after Zhou Da died, there was only one residual soul left, so the fusion power was not sublimated enough?

Otherwise, it would be at least an SS-level BOSS.

"However, it can be considered a good material."

"If you add Tregear's dimensional ability, it should be able to reach a good level."

"Instructor Zero, attack first!" Dadi said with fear in his heart as he looked at Gua who looked very untouchable and exuded waves of evil energy.
"Let's try it first."

The eyes of Auditorium Light, who controlled the galaxy and left behind a fighting body, flickered.
In the heyday of the Galaxy, we would not be afraid of enemies of this level.At this time, the beggar version of Gu'a that was formed by the fusion of the three brothers and sisters, even the dark energy around the beggar version was burning like fire, which was completely different from the deflated appearance just now.

"Suffer death! I am an undead man!"

With a magic sword in one hand and a sharp ax in one hand, Gu'a easily blocked the attacks of Zero and Galaxy's light, and then a strong dark aura condensed on his body.

Immediately after, the sharp ax and the magic sword crossed, and in the flash of light, a powerful X-shaped slash with a terrifying and oppressive feeling floated towards the people.

For a moment, except for Galaxy and Zero who blocked the dark slash, the rest of the Ultra Warriors were slashed away and fell to the ground in pain, being invaded by dark energy.

"You guy, you can't forgive me!" He turned to look at a group of Ultra Warriors who were flashing red lights, Zero said with an angry tone.

With the ax flashing on his head and his agile body, Yinghe, who was holding a spark gun on one side, rushed towards Gua and fought fiercely with him.

"You are too weak! Bury with Gina and Zhouda!"


Qing Hideki looked at Zhongao who all fell to the ground after receiving SS-level charged slashes, his eyes flickering slightly.
An existence of this level is extremely terrifying if taken seriously.

Just like Belial bravely entered the Kingdom of Light, defeating the Ultra Warriors with the strength of the Guard was as easy as drinking water...
Although the sense of oppression is not as terrifying as Glizza's, the energy has truly reached the ultimate level.
However, the fighting bodies left by Galaxy can actually reach S rank.
A normal Ultraman would start training from B level or A level, and then reach the elite level of Ultra Guard.
I have to say that Galaxy is generous enough to leave a fighting body with an S-level body. You must know that this is a field that ordinary Ultraman can only reach by opening the ultimate form.

"Damn it, Max, are you okay?"

Zero was cut back by a sword, and turned to look at Zhongao who seemed to be in a bad state due to being invaded by dark energy and expressed concern.

"Uh! Ah!"

Auditorium Light manipulated the fighting body left behind by Galaxy and was quickly repulsed.
"Let's merge Xiaoguang! Let him see our bond!"

Victory roared as he struggled to get up.

"I'm coming too!"

Sero looked at the merging two souls and suppressed the mysterious power rising in his heart.

He did not hesitate to directly summon the ultimate armor and transform into Ultimate Zero to block Gua's dark impact.
“So much energy”

"Galaxy Victory"

Ultraman couldn't help but frowned as he watched the green trees on the hillside merge into the two strong lights rising from the valley.

Fusion Ultra Warrior Galaxy Victory feels not as powerful as he imagined
Moreover, that guy Zero.
The power of the soul seems to have been stimulated just now
"Suffer death!!!" Gua desperately outputted dark energy light to forcefully bypass Zero's Paraji barrier.

It blasted directly towards Max and Ax, who were merging and standing up slowly behind.


In an extremely anxious situation, a giant with golden light landed at the epicenter of the intense space earthquake.

He opened a golden vortex with one hand and easily caught the terrifying dark light.



Seeing the powerful light coming from the golden giant standing in front of him, Dadi felt relieved and even felt that Aix's timer energy was recovering rapidly.


Victory, who had merged with Xiang in the auditorium light, also appeared in the bright light and started fighting Gua directly.

Facing the powerful Fusion Austria, Gua just retreated.

Immediately afterwards, two powerful rays of light bombarded Gua.

"That sir! Please give me power again!!!"

Gua looked at the terrifying light emitted by Galaxy Victory, gave up his defense, raised his chest and prayed towards the unknown darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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