Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 22: Changes in Tiga Time and Space

Chapter 22: Changes in Tiga Time and Space

"Senior, the darkness here seems to be somewhat related to the darkness under the Pacific Ocean."

"Moreover, it seems to be getting stronger and stronger in the past few months."

In the research room, the increasingly mature Masaki looked at the stone statue that was placed on the device in front of him and still exuded a strange aura.

"as predicted."

In the past few months, Qing Hideki has continuously integrated Masaki's light, and the light in his body has reached its limit.

But I still have no clue about the key part of reaching A-level, as if I am stuck in a bottleneck period.

"What the hell is going on?"

Qing Xiushu couldn't help but think.
Could it be that I need to calm down now?
During this period, Zhengmu and Dagu teamed up to deal with many monsters such as Sunagui and Golzan.

As for why we say we are joining forces.

I don’t know what’s going on with the darkness in this time and space.

As the plot progresses, the monsters are vaguely close to reaching A level.

Especially the enhanced version of Golzan made the two of them suffer a lot to solve it.

It is obvious that most of the monsters in Tiga Spacetime are only B-level.

Things are getting more and more wrong now.

Could it be that just one more me has such a big impact on time and space?

Dagu and Masaki gradually became familiar with each other through fighting side by side.

After knowing that he had a comrade fighting side by side, Dagu always secretly had fun alone and even joined Sedic Company.


The door opened, and Dagu, who was showing his muscular body, wiped his head with a towel and walked into the secret base.

"Masaki also has seniors, is this the culprit?"

After watching Qing Hideki and Masaki Dagu say hello, they immediately looked at the stone statue that exuded a dark aura.

Masaki, an outstanding graduate of Ultra training, was succeeded by Dagu.

Ever since he discovered that exercising would make the red form more intense, Dagu has completely fallen in love with this training method.

A day without being hit by a jeep would make him feel uncomfortable.

At first, Qing Xiushu actually refused in his heart.

Qing Xiushu immediately became fragrant later. After all, it is not common for a car to hit Tiga, the idol of the same year.

"There are abnormal fluctuations again."

Masaki's face darkened as he watched the detection device he was researching beeping alarms.

After all, every time a cosmic person appears, a large number of human beings will die.

Masaki immediately changed the scene, and an angel-like being appeared above the city.

The radiance attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

The female reporter who came to the scene was interviewing the old woman who was looking at Yu Cheng. The old woman looked at the female reporter with a smile and said.

“Angels are watching us all the time.”

"Have you ever seen an angel?"

When the female reporter asked, it was actually Captain Hui’s mother-in-law who was intervening.

"Yes, I saw it. The angel's whole body was shining with dazzling light."

After seeing the live broadcast on TV, Masaki was a little angry and looked at the floating angel with cold eyes.

"It's these cosmic beings who want to rule the earth again!"

"Is the earth so easy to attract attention? Is there something attracting it?"

TPC war room
"There is always an ominous premonition"

"By the way, where's Dagu?"

Looking at the angel Lina on the screen, she was a little worried.

"Dagu took a day off today. It's been like this lately."

Horii, who knew Ogu's situation, said.

"Could it be a holographic projection produced by some company?"

Looking at the angel Horii frowning in the picture, he came to Ye Rui and said.

"No, if it is a holographic projection, it will generate huge energy."

"The Intelligence Bureau will not ignore this kind of thing!"

Ye Rui looked at the data on the computer and analyzed it briefly before saying.

"Contact Xincheng!"

Seeing that the captain was not around, Vice Captain Zongfang gave direct instructions.

"Xincheng, there is an abnormal reaction in your area, please go there immediately."


Xincheng drove the fighter plane directly to the abnormal area, but Xincheng suffered from a headache during the driving time.

Not long after, a man appeared on TV.

Behind him are phantom angels.

"A door is about to open, and both humans and giants will be judged by God!!" "That's it!"

Dagu looked at the man in astonishment.

Wasn't it eliminated by the seniors?

Qing Hideki was a little shocked when he saw the prophet whose eyes turned black on the TV.

Is darkness actually so powerful?

The darkness before was not considered powerful. It could only be said that it was very powerful in nature and was still developing under the conch.

But now it seems that the darkness is getting stronger after absorbing something.

Is it absorbing human despair or negative emotions?

"Dagu, Masaki, we will set off soon!"

It seems that the gate to hell is about to appear.
According to the witch, the legend is that it is the hometown of their Kiriarod people, and it is also the place where God exists.

The witch just described that this god was in a crushing state for them.

At least it's Grade A.
As for why he is not at the same level as Gatanjehe.

The witches were talking about Gatanjeal, whom they called the Great Dark One.

Then this proves that it should be able to fight.

The night gradually fell.

A strange gate a hundred meters away appeared in the dark night sky.

The door was filled with a strange aura, and had various strange patterns engraved on it.

At this time, the door revealed a crack, and inside the door was an unknown purple light.

"Is that the gate to hell?"

Masaki, who was on the high-rise building, crossed his arms over his chest and said with a serious face as he looked at the Gate of Hell in the sky.

Then he looked at the ignorant people below and couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"Sure enough, there are many foolish people among mankind who actually believe in so-called gods."

“It’s best to have the destiny of mankind in your own hands.”

Dagu who listened to Masaki's speech also agreed very much.

In fact, human beings' destiny is always the result of their own choices.

"That's why we need to fight for it."

"That door must never be opened."

Victory team Xincheng drove the Feiyan to launch lasers and attack the gate of hell.

However, they were blocked one by one by the unknown lightning shield of the Gate of Hell.

"Come on! Masaki."

Seeing the victory team appearing, Dagu and Masaki looked at each other and took out their transformers to transform.


Two giants, one red and one white, instantly appeared under the Gate of Hell. They looked at each other and rushed toward the Gate of Hell.

"Hmph! It's indeed Diga and Lian Ying!"

The prophet on crutches emerged from the ground, his eyes shining with strange red light looking around.

Didn't show up?
Also good
"Little ones, give it to me!"

The prophet roared, and more than a dozen Kirialodians of the first generation descended with a strange aura.

The prophet didn't hesitate either.

The whole person instantly became huge, and the prophet's black armor covered his energy core.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, Ultraman, today is your day of death."

The prophet wants to avenge himself even more. The darkness doesn't believe in him since the last failure.

Even contacted their god.

It's all the damn golden giant's fault, otherwise he should be the one to become a god! !

"Kirielord people!"

Masaki and Dagu were slightly startled, and then started fighting with the Kirialodians.

With more than a dozen B-levels and a prophet who is about to break through to A, it will take a while for Diga and Lian Ying to deal with them.

"Giants, monsters..."

"Come on! Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Lianying!"

Xincheng couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the two giants and monsters appearing in the city.

"Senior! The gate to hell is close to you!!"

Qing Hideki looked at the strange gate of hell, his eyes flickered and then he completed the transformation.

Arriving in front of the gate of hell, Qing Xiushu felt the rich and dark atmosphere.

There seems to be a habitat inside the door.

There seems to be an extremely powerful life form in it that is devouring life and rapidly becoming stronger in his perception.

It's actually transitioning towards S-level energy...
(End of this chapter)

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