Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 24 The unknown universe, the Kingdom of Absolute

Chapter 24 The unknown universe, the Kingdom of Absolute

In an unknown universe, a ray of light with a golden tail flame fell hard on the meteorite.

"What the hell is this place?"

In the crater with the magma surface exposed, the figure of the golden giant suddenly appeared in it.

Qing Xiushu stood up with strong support, looking at the vast universe and feeling confused.

Star of Light. Where did you take me?
uh. bad
The severe pain from the overdrawn body caused Qing Hideki to pause.

I'm in trouble.
The overdraft was bigger than he thought.
Qing Xiushu could only rest slowly against the edge of the meteorite, and his whole body gradually fell into a hazy feeling.

At this time, the merchant ship driven by the Z46 planet is traveling in the universe.

"Captain! I found an unknown high-energy life form in front of me, and it seems to have fallen into a deep sleep."

"It's a golden giant."

The observer quickly looked at the testing equipment and replied quickly.

Golden giant!
Upon hearing the observer's words, the captain panicked and quickly ordered his subordinates.

"Hurry to the target area!!"

The majesty behind the spacecraft instantly switched to a blue full power state and flew towards the deep pit where Qing Xiushu was.


"Who did it? He actually injured an adult of the golden clan!"

Captain Qing Hideki looked very angry when he looked like he was seriously injured.

This is the time and space where the Absolute clan exists.

There is no darkness in this time and space, and even the invasion with war weapons was easily repelled.

The ruled and protected planet has no complaints.

They know that compared to the fleeing cosmic races, having a big brother at their head is very comfortable.

This golden giant is called the "Defender of the Universe" by them.

"This level of armor coverage."

"How powerful a person must be to fight the golden giant, and the intensity is probably unimaginable."

The division of strength of the Absolut clan has always been simple.

There are only two standards they know, one is without armor and the other is with armor.

And the armored person in front of me must be a very important person.

"Captain, here we come."

The assistant immediately took a golden communication device and sent the recording of Qing Xiu Shu to the Absolut Kingdom.

in golden planet
A high-tech building built underground.

Absolut's scientists are currently conducting a top-secret research from above.

Contain the overpowering power of the Absolute Spark Tower.

"These are the future of the kingdom."

A tall, muscular figure, with a skirt of silver, gold and black, the three-color giant slowly emerged from the wormhole in time and space. His blue eyes looked at the scientists who were working hard on research.

Seeing the mysterious and powerful golden giant appear, an Absolut man with a black skirt who looked like a scientist leader quickly stopped and looked at the golden giant respectfully.

"Lord Tartarus!"

"Well Mitt, this is about the future of our kingdom."

Tartarus crossed his arms and looked at the scientist in front of him expectantly.

For him, the lights of the kingdom and the Absolut people were his honor and medal.

"Lord Tartarus, there has been no substantial progress so far. All conventional means have been used, but the energy of the Spark Tower is too powerful and cannot be contained at all."

"However, through the fluctuation of energy, we detected that the Spark Tower is still emitting more powerful energy."

"If this continues, in a few hundred years our planet will be unable to withstand it and explode."

"Can Lord Tartarus contact the king?"

"The king will definitely be able to solve it"

After Chief Scientist Mitt's explanation, Tartarus couldn't help but sigh.

Since the last time the king left a prophecy, he has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

The prophecy is that a warrior who becomes a legendary warrior will appear while the Absolut people are living abroad.
That's a legend, he's actually not far away.

It’s just that it’s not that far away and it will probably take tens of thousands of years to achieve.

"Lord Tartarus, a space merchant ship sent a message to our war room."

"Like a seriously injured Absolute!"

Diavolo's voice rang in Tartarus' mind.Absolute people living in exile.

Could it be what Wang said?
Thinking of this, Tartarus opened the golden vortex and came to the war room.

Titan said calmly when he saw Tartarus arriving.

"Lord Tartarus, we should rush to the rescue."

"Although there is no danger in the universe, it is necessary to prevent accidents from happening."

The usually calm Titan was trembling a little now.

"What's wrong with you Titan?"

Tartarus was also confused, and then when he saw the picture of the giant in the back, he, who was usually resourceful, was also frightened.

This guy
Then Tartarus opened the vortex with a serious look, left a word and left.

"Titan, Diavolo, you stay behind while I go to find out the situation."

At this time, a golden wormhole appeared next to Qing Xiushu, and then a giant that was very similar to him, but in silver, black and gold, walked out.

"This breath of power is definitely from Absolut, and the potential energy is pretty good."

"But how could it be after the over-limit state ends?"

"Who made him do this?"

Tartarus felt a little angry in his chest, and looked at the surrounding space with a terrifying murderous intent, as if to find the murderer.


Qing Hideki, who was being held by Brother Tartarus on his shoulders, groaned, and then disappeared into the universe with Tartarus.

"who is it?"

Qing Xiushu suddenly woke up and looked at the surrounding environment.

He found himself lying in the middle of a golden and transparent pool, and the energy floating in the pool was still seeping into his body bit by bit.

It made him feel extremely warm all over.

No, where is my injury?How come everything was restored?
At this moment, a very imperial sister's voice directly interrupted Qing Xiushu's thoughts.

"Are you awake? When you wake up, go down the road as soon as possible~"

"Little handsome guy~"

"Wait! You are?"

Qing Hideki looked at the departing figure of the graceful giant.

Where am I?
Wasn't it in the universe before?

By the way, golden giant. This should not be the Kingdom of Absolut.

on the platform.

"Haha, we have another comrade."

Diavolo said rather domineeringly.

Taitan leaned against the wall holding his sword and nodded silently.

"Diavolo, Titan, we are going to see the king after the Absolute man wakes up."

Tartarus looked at the two of them seriously.

It's been half a month since I rescued Qing Hideki and returned.
During this period, he also accepted a secret summons from the king.

The crisis in the kingdom is getting more and more dangerous, and not even the king can stop it.
Qing Xiushu looked at Brother Tazi and Little Jinniu in surprise.

No wonder the buildings on the road gave him a familiar feeling.

There are three giants in front of you, one SS, one A+, and one A.

Qing Xiushu looked at the unfathomable energy in Brother Tazi's body, no wonder he could use his life-killing ultimate move even though he still had some health left.

Who can withstand a monster whose normal state has reached SS?
"You're awake, are you okay?"

Tai Tan's plain voice sounded, and both Xiao Jinniu and Brother Ta Zi looked at Qing Xiushu with concern.

Feeling the caring gaze, Qing Xiushu felt warm in his heart.

What should I do if he really, I cry to death, likes Kingdom a little bit?
"Let's go! The king wants to see you"

Tartarus looked at Qing Hideki and then swept his skirt, turned and walked towards the kingdom's tower.

After hearing what Brother Tazi said, Qing Xiushu was shocked.

King Absolut...

"The legendary warrior of the Absolutes did not sleep"

Star of Light, what period have I come to?
(End of this chapter)

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