Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 29 Hua, are you the only one worthy of stopping me?

Chapter 29 Hua, are you the only one worthy of stopping me?
After watching Kirino slowly leave the courtyard, Ao Hideki couldn't help but sigh.

This guy is getting more and more powerful, much more powerful than the original plot.

It's a pity that it's a human body after all.
After all, human beings have to face opponents who transcend countless levels of life.

Plus the boundless darkness
Human beings are only well protected by those guardians.

For example, Tiga, Victory Team, etc., that is, there are giants on the earth.
In the vast universe, the extremely prosperous cosmic civilization was easily destroyed.

And the destroyer might even be a little monster
Or an arm.
The human body is too fragile, and even if it survives, it will not be able to fight back at all against the Destroyer.

This is why he seeks evolution.
Not even humans care what ants think.

The strength attribute is not important, as long as the purpose is achieved.

And Lina is too emotional, and so is Da Gu, so the two of them can be together.

This is also where Ao Hideki failed to correct Dagu, and Masaki naturally looked down upon Dagu who thought this way.

"Disaster must be nipped in the bud."

Qing Xiushu looked at the earth, which was full of life.

But precisely because of this, Dagu was able to resonate and "shine" from then on.

I have to admit that he and Masaki are both realistic and not idealistic.

If he had gone to the Kingdom of Light, he might not have been chosen by the light, right?
Since embarking on the road of evolution, there have been twists and turns along the way, with many things being harvested and stolen, and finally I have reached A-level strength and even unlocked the ultimate state.

There is still a long way to go before Gatanjie, let alone the possibility of a stronger monster, Demojie.

A super monster that can kill Tiga with just a few skills.

Even the shining form was captured by it, and its strength can be imagined.

It would be great if I could ask Brother Tazi to be kidnapped and brought back to make an artifact for the country.

Brother Tazi works hard, wouldn’t it be nice for me to get rewarded?
With his relationship with Brother Tazi, it shouldn't be a problem.

Alas. What a pity.

"Sir, some unknown flowers appeared in the yard."

"It seems a little strange."

Obik looked at Qing Xiushu, lowered his head and said very respectfully.

Your Excellency can be regarded as his benefactor, because the former village is alive again!

Qing Xiushu suddenly became alert.

"Look, sir, this is it!"

Obik took out a large handful of flowers and handed them to Qing Xiushu.

The golden petals and orange stamens look beautiful.

But it seems to be particularly attractive, not so much the flowers, which feel like a must-have for drug addicts.

"This thing is very dangerous, don't touch it again!"

While Qing Hideki warned Obik, the power in his hands gathered and destroyed the flower directly.

The culprit of the destruction of the super ancient times, Qijela
By seducing desire, the so-called human selection destroyed super-ancient humans.

it's ridiculous
There is still pollen scattered everywhere in the air, and when it falls on the ground, it turns into big yellow flowers, which look beautiful and magical.

It seems that Zijla flowers have appeared all over the world.

This is the super-ancient plant monster, Zijra.

It can be said that it is the easiest thing to destroy super ancient humans. Compared with many powerful monsters, the space people have become the ultimate clowns.

Its pollen is like a drug, which makes people fascinated. From then on, they get lost in it and finally make the so-called choice.

Just like a kidney that was taken away drunk.

The super-ancient humans who were obsessed with Qijera, after the giants left and returned to Orion, Gatanjie appeared. From then on, the super-ancient civilization perished.

Qing Xiushu looked at Qijela in the yard with twinkling eyes.

This thing is very attractive to people with low levels of life...
"Obik, organize a flower-pulling competition in the village."

"Pluck all these flowers for me!"

After giving orders to Obik, Qing Hideki turned into a stream of light and disappeared.
At this time, the victory team drove the No. [-] machine to a plateau to investigate the plasma reaction detected by the headquarters.

"and many more!"

After seeing his teammates approaching and Qijelahua, Dagu suddenly saw Gene's memory.

Flames and burning buildings are traces of the demise of super-ancient civilizations.

"Who are you!" Not far from the birthplace, a man at Qijela's root node looked at the Qing Xiu Shu who appeared with fear on his face.

Qing Hideki's eyes lit up as he looked at the man wearing a blue robe and turban who seemed not to be human.

Super-ancient refugees are biochemical cyborgs transformed through ancient technology.
"Ultra-ancient humans, no, they can't be considered humans anymore."

Qing Xiushu saw through the man's vital signs.

Are you here to get Qijela serum?
"No matter what you think, tonight I will destroy Zijra."

Feeling that Qijela had not yet formed a monster, Qing Hideki frowned and warned.

The man looked horrified. Have humans evolved to this extent?

Neither darkness nor light, pure powerful force
Or, he's not human.

Looking at Qing Xiushu leaving quickly, the man had a complicated expression.
If only we had people like this back then
Maybe we don’t have to look for new land anymore.
Here, the exploring victory team was suddenly enveloped by Qijela's pollen. Except for Dagu, who was not affected, both Xincheng and Lina inhaled a considerable amount of pollen.

"Is it okay! Lina!"

"New Town!"

Dagu quickly ran over and called the two of them vigorously.

But there was still no way. It was obvious that the two of them had fallen into a dream world.

The long-haired girl who followed Dagu said calmly with a few flowers in her hands.

"Once you go to the dream world, no one wants to come back."

The girl squatted on the ground and took the Flower of Qijela slowly and leisurely, seemingly unaffected by anything.

"They're all going to perish soon anyway, why don't you be happy?"

Hearing that the girl actually knew so much, Dagu suddenly became curious and began to ask the mysterious girl.

TPC headquarters.

Dagu took the three people directly to the base to find a solution.

"Captain, Zijra has begun to spread."

"Immediately remind each branch and report to the director at the same time."

Hui Jian looked solemn and was thinking about where he got the news from the mysterious girl.

The girl's name is Dina, and her father is a super-ancient man who escaped 3000 million years ago, and is also responsible for the man who is looking for a new land.

The father and daughter have been wandering in the universe, and they plan to return to Earth because of Qijela's incident.

According to Dina, this kind of flower will only appear when human beings are destroyed.

Is humanity about to perish?
"Have you found anything?"

Bad news emerged one after another, and Hui, the intermediary, contacted Hori Michou with a heavy face.

"It's actually similar to the plant structure on Earth."

In the laboratory, Horii was a little confused.

"So I just said..."

Dina said as if she was an outsider jumping up and down in the war room.

"Zijela is the plant of the earth."

In Qing Hideki's perception, Qijela spread all over the world in almost a short time except for the village.

When Ao Hideki came to the street, he looked at the humans who seemed to be trapped in an infinite moon reading.

It should be feasible to use this Qijela to develop virtual games.

"Zijra comes to the surface only when she is ready to mature."

The man in the turban looked at the chaos on the streets, unmoved.

3000 million years have passed, and humans still have not made any progress.

However, it seems that there are a few more giants than we had back then.
Especially the one in front of me.
"Don't you want to make people happy? People will face the cruel reality after destroying Zijra."

The turbaned man glanced at the happy people, paused and said.

"Are you worthy of stopping me?"

A cold voice sounded.

 I recommend a book, a friend’s book, also about Ultraman, and the protagonist also takes an unusual path, being Jakura’s demon form.

  Book title: I am in Ultra, and Beria is mad at the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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