Chapter 51 The Will of the Ocean

Prolon-Calamos, the management facility of Alchemy Star.

It was a research institute established to investigate particles within the earth. It was closed for some reason two years ago. Before the closure, it was a research base controlled by Dr. Fujimiya and Inamori.

"This is the place that senior mentioned, right?"

"What a nostalgia."

Fujimiya, who had just cooperated with Team Lightning to defeat the monster, knelt down and landed in the woods.

Looking at the place where he had worked so hard, Fujimiya couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

“Hope to gain something”

"And Inamori. Sorry."

Over the past few years, Fujimiya has awakened from the deception and discovered the kindness of the people around him and what the consciousness of the earth really means.

Four years ago, Alchemy Star entered the final stage of development of the optical quantum computer Chrysis hosted by Fujimiya.

"Phase one, phase two concluded successfully."

"Every line is normal!"

"Dr. Fujimiya, the final stage has been prepared."

"let's start!"

Fujimiya, who is in his twenties, is already the project leader of the quantum computer. Next to him is the female assistant Dr. Inamori and the future speaker Daniel who is the assistant.

At this time, Fujimiya, a super genius, was already an important member of Alchemy Star.


Fujimiya looked at Krisis with firm eyes and slowly put on the headphones. He could only pray silently while feeling nervous.

"Please, Chrysis, your prediction is about to lead humanity around the world to need an answer."


The light path of Krisis rotated rapidly, and everyone in the institute stared closely at Krisis.

Dr. Inamori looked at the computer nervously.

"The optical quantum circuit is on track successfully!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was overjoyed and showed happy expressions.

"It worked! Great!"

"Congratulations, Fujimiya!"

Daniel continued to direct.

"Okay, everyone, continue to monitor your own lines."

"Thank you Dr. Inamori!"

“Your suggestions also gave me a lot of inspiration!”

Fujimiya breathed a sigh of relief and said to the talented female scientist who accompanied him day and night.

Hearing this, Inamori lowered his head shyly, then raised his head and found that Fujimiya was already communicating with the fat hamster.

"Lili, you are also a witness to history."

Fujimiya looked at the hamster with a happy face.

"What a lovely girlfriend."

The female assistant also approached Kon Fujimiya and looked at Fujimiya's profile.

"Originally I was going to use it for experiments, but it was too popular."

The alarm suddenly sounded.

"What happened?"

"The computer speed is uncontrollable!!"

"Restart the host! Quick!"

Fujimiya calmly arranged for personnel to deal with the emergency, but he was very uneasy in his heart.

The computing speed of the main body of Chrysis is getting faster and faster, and the entire machine seems to explode.
At this time, an accident happened
A flash of blue lightning appeared in Fujimiya's mind through the device. Fujimiya's whole body seemed to have suffered an electric shock, and a strange picture appeared in his mind.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, a blue giant looked back at him.
That is?


"Are you OK?"

The female assistant's concerned and anxious voice woke Fujimiya up.
"Text appears!"

Daniel reminded as he looked at Crisis.

Fujimiya looked sharply at the translated text on the computer screen.

"In the near future, the fundamental body of death that brings death to the earth and mankind will strike."

"What is the root cause of death?"

Fujimiya questioned.

"It's something that will bring destruction to the earth!"

Chrysis, who had been manipulated, responded.

After a while, Daniel collapsed after importing various data.

"Why, why can't we change the prophecy of Chrysis!!"

"Is humanity doomed?"

The atmosphere in the institute was very tense for a while.

Fujimiya looked at the results of his adjustment anxiously and said.

"It has changed."

"That is to delete humans so that the earth will not be destroyed."

Somehow, the figure of the blue giant suddenly flashed across Fujimiya.
Do you think so too?
In the end how to do?
The destiny of mankind.
In the laboratory, Fujimiya leaned on his seat and thought about the method.

"No. 12 checks have been completed, Doctor, and there are no problems."

"Keep going until you find out!"

The word "AGUL" appeared on the computer screen in front of Fujimiya, whose thoughts were swirling. "Aguru? What do you mean?"

In just the blink of an eye, Fujimiya was absorbed into the space by the light.

Fujimiya frowned at the blue giant and asked.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Phew, here we are again."

Fujimiya's figure flashed quickly among the trees, and he quickly arrived at the research institute where he once fought.

"Hasn't Inamori left yet?"

Fujimiya looked at the road where people were moving and couldn't help but change his expression.

"Fujimiya, you are so stupid."

Thinking of Fujimiya standing there, taking a few deep breaths, calming down and heading to the research institute with firm steps.

I'm not afraid anymore.

Within the institute, Dr. Inamori is still conducting research on saving humanity.
"What is the truth?"

"Can we really understand the heart of the earth?"


Perhaps because he was tired, Dr. Inamori looked at Fujimiya's "girlfriend" and asked with a smile.


When he came to the research institute and looked at Dr. Inamori, who was playing with his hamster, Fujimiya's expression softened.

He took a few steps forward and looked at the person he had let down.
"Daomori, I'm back"

Dr. Inamori heard a familiar voice and suddenly turned his head to look at Fujimiya.

"Fujimiya you"

As soon as he spoke, Fujimiya hugged him tightly.
It's like feeling the body temperature of someone who is thinking about you day and night.

Inamori's voice trembled.

"It'll be good if you come back, it'll be good if you come back."

"By the way, I brought your girlfriend."

Inamori tried hard to push Fujinomiya away but found that he couldn't, and his face turned red instantly.

"Inamori, that's our girlfriend"

'Yep! '

Looking at Fujimiya's face, tears welled up in Inamori's eyes.
Fujimiya quietly wiped away Inamori's tears, held Inamori's face and said.

"We will face it together next..."

"By the way, Daomori, please join XIG with me after this time."

"I want to take you to see the light of the ocean this time"

"I'm not afraid anymore"

"This guy"

"Why do you feel a little uncomfortable?"

Outside the research institute, Qing Xiushu was sensing the two people who were Tie Tie with his telepathy.

This time he followed Fujimiya just to see the light of the ocean.
"It's a pity that Fujimiya didn't go to Reiko."

"But this is good..."

Inamori and Fujimiya came to the pool
Facing Inamori's admiring eyes, Fujimiya comforted him.

"Don't worry Daomori, I'm not afraid anymore."

As he spoke, Fujimiya jumped into the pool and swam towards the depths.

"Aguru, I understand."

"If you want to survive, you can only unite the power of mankind and the earth to fight to the end!"

"Keep giving me strength!"

All kinds of memories in Fujinomiya's mind rolled over, and he suddenly woke up.
It turns out that there is another kind of power called protection.

hum! !

Blue light instantly filled the bottom of the water

Looking at the giant that appeared again, Fujimiya stretched out his finger.

In the corridor, Daomori looked at the bottom of the water with a worried look.

At this time, someone suddenly appeared around her and disturbed her.

"you are?"

The person who came was none other than Qing Xiushu.
"I am Fujimiya's senior."

Saying that, Qing Xiu Shu jumped into the water and looked towards the blue light.

"Is this the will of the ocean?"

Fujimiya was under a new kind of power, and a feeling of gentleness and tolerance for all things came to her heart.
"How is this going?"

Looking at Aguru who suddenly stopped walking, Fujimiya said doubtfully.

"Light of the Ocean."

Aguru turned around and looked at Qing Hideki behind Fujimiya, and nodded in Fujimiya's confused eyes.

"Senior, Aguru is like this, please don't mind."

After landing, Fujinomiya explained to Qing Hideki.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything."

"Who is this"

As Qing Hideki said this, he pretended to look at Daomori with a puzzled look.
"This is Daomori, senior, don't worry, she won't tell."

Looking at Fujimiya who was protecting Inamori behind him, Ao Hideki had a dark streak on his face.

Am I so terrible?
At this moment, there was a planet's will establishing contact with Qing Xiushu.
Feeling the awe-inspiring aura, Qing Xiushu's eyes lit up.
"Finally here"

(End of this chapter)

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