Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 7: Kakuma is torn apart by hand, the monster feels no pain!

Chapter 7: Kakuma is torn apart by hand, the monster feels no pain!

After making a plan in his mind on how to take advantage of Masaki, Ao Hideki quickly came to Kuroshima.

A ball of light landed on the island and took the form of a human.

At this time, several workers outside the mine were communicating with TPC ground troops.

The head worker said anxiously.

"Hello, Captain, what's going on inside?"

"Several of our co-workers have disappeared!"

"Please wait patiently, we are still working hard to investigate."

At this time, the director of the mine, the capitalist, came out quickly and said.

"Go to work for me!"

"Everyone, go to work quickly!"

Upon hearing the boss's unreasonable request, the worker screamed

"Kakuma really does exist!"

Ao Hideki was hiding on the side, looking at the stunned Ao TPC ground team members who didn't know the monster was scary, and shook their heads.

The basic attributes of the TPC ground troops are similar to those of the Victory Team.

However, the priority is lower and the mortality rate is very high.


Qing Hideki sighed slightly and rushed in at high speed.

In the mine, four team members were holding instruments and going deep into the mine area in a desperate manner.

"Senior didn't react at all."

The team member standing at the front was holding a detection instrument with an antenna and was filled with doubts.

"Hey, Harada, how are you doing there?"

Before Harada could answer, Qing Hideki instantly appeared among the crowd and said in an indifferent tone.

"You guys, let's go, this is not the place for you to come,"

Immediately, several TPC ground members took a few steps back in fright, and the leading captain swallowed.

"who are you?"

Look at Ao Hideki’s outfit and the weird way he appears.

Obviously the person in front of me is not an ordinary person, or rather not a human being!
As the captain of the TPC member, his expression changed and he made up his mind.

"let's go!"

He didn't want to run away for his own sake, but if these team members were still young and there was a monster, what would he tell the families of these young team members?

Before he could step back for two seconds, a huge claw appeared where Harada had just been standing.

"what is that??"

The members of the investigation team rolled and crawled back one after another with fear on their faces.

Kakuma's petrification ability has no effect on Qing Hideki, but for these ordinary people, it will probably kill him.

The captain of the investigation team said with a pale face.

"Who are you? That huge claw just now"

Upon hearing this, Qing Hideki just glanced at the captain and continued walking towards the depths without answering.

"Hey! It's dangerous in there!"

"Why don't you come with us!"

Only then did the captain realize that there was no trace of Qing Xiushu in front of him, and only a group of investigation team members were left looking at each other.

Harada had just experienced a life and death crisis and said with a dry mouth.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

The investigation captain's expression was uncertain. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Let's go! Anyway, now we know the basic situation!"

"My superiors blame me for taking the blame!"

"Captain!! (T_T)"

Hearing this, the remaining team members slowly exhaled a long breath.

Qing Hideki, who came to Jakuma's lair, looked at the miner's lamps scattered on the ground, and his inner anger became more and more violent.

"Haha, interesting! But the plan must be implemented normally."

Qing Xiushu, who knew the importance of the vest, still chose to take action.

The character that can be drawn by wearing neutrality is much better than pure darkness or light.

After all, he can be Diga's big brother, so why not?

Qing Xiushu's eyes gradually became clearer, and he never forgot his goal.

That is to become strong enough, so what if I help you with enough benefits.

Kakuma, who found him in front of him, roared and looked at him with cold eyes filled with hatred.

The pangolin-like body rushed directly towards Qing Xiushu.

The entire mine was shaking, and lime kept falling.

This guy seems to want to get his lunch box early.Qing Xiushu's pupils shone with golden energy and his face was calm.

Instead, he rushed in the direction of the one-horned Gakuma. While running, Ao Hideki was wrapped with golden lightning and completed his transformation.

Kakuma only felt like he was being suppressed by a creature with huge power. The light dissipated and a golden giant easily resisted the attack of the one-horned Kakuma with one hand.

The guy who was defeated by the Victory Team in the original work was really pitifully weak.

With a little force, Qing Xiushu's strong arms directly smashed Gakuma through the mine to the ground. The original mine had turned into an open-pit mine.

Roar! ! !
Feeling that all the bones in his body were about to be twisted, the one-horned Gakuma let out a painful cry, and painful emotions appeared in his big cold eyes.

Qing Hideki waved his hand and hugged the one-horned Kakuma directly. He was ready to make the Kakuma experience extreme pain.

Feeling the lifting of his body, the one-horned Gakuma began to wonder, and then the golden giant made a gesture of tearing the Japanese apart with his hands.

The golden giant was much taller than Tiga and almost reached 60 meters. At this time, his muscles were bulging and his whole body was exerting strength.

What followed was Gakuma's desperate roar and heart-wrenching pain, and the entire beast was torn in half alive.

Just a C-class monster.


Just as the one-horned Kakuma died, another Kakuma emerged immediately, this time with two horns.

This Kakuma's fighting instinct is a little higher, and it shoots petrifying light directly at Qing Hideki.

Qing Xiushu allowed it to bombard his body without blocking it, and the continuous energy in his body directly offset the petrification effect.

After 30 seconds of exhaustion, Shuangakuma gasped for breath, while Ao Hideki's standing figure didn't move even a moment.

"That's the Kakuma I saw!!"

"Isn't the giant too cruel? He just tore it apart with his hands!! Isn't it a bit cruel?"

"Cruel? Do you want to ask Umekawa-kun and Oda-kun how they felt when they were eaten?"

The workers and the TPC survey team who watched the quarry turn into an open-pit mine instantly came over quietly.

They already knew that giants and monsters were fighting when Kakuma was just bombarded by Qing Hideki.

"The golden giant is very different from the three-color giant that appeared some time ago."

"It's definitely not the same giant. This giant is armed to the teeth. His arms alone are twice as big as the previous giant's.

Looks domineering.The two look like a battle-hardened warrior and a new recruit! "


The golden giant directly stepped on the power that made the earth tremble, and ran towards the double-horned Gakuma.

Seeing this, the two-horned Gakuma, who was shocked by the physical resistance to the light, turned around and ran away and started digging a hole.

But it was still to no avail. The double-horned Gakuma was thrown into the sky by the golden giant's thick arms.

Then the giant crossed his hands and condensed a ray of light that was filled with gold in addition to a few rays of red and exuded a temperature that distorted the air and struck hard on the double-horned Gakuma.

Fire destroys light!

Gakuma, whose body tissue was burning with flames, suddenly let out a cruel roar.

The entire beast was directly pushed up into the atmosphere by the Qingxiu tree and reached outer space.

In order to be more democratic and less environmentally polluting, Qing Xiushu chose to let it think about life in outer space.

After a while, the light of Gakuma's explosion came from outer space.

Looking at the dead monster Qing Hideki, he had no mercy. After all, monsters can't feel pain.

Qing Xiushu glanced at Dagu's fighter jet and turned into a ball of light and disappeared next to the open pit.

Then an engine sound like a dragon's roar sounded in the sky.

The victory team's fighter planes quickly appeared in the sky. They had been watching the battle for a long time.

When they reached the ground, everyone was a little silent looking at the quarry that had turned into an open-pit mine and the scattered corpses of monsters.

Is this the power of giants?
It's really awesome.

"The combat video has been sent back to TPC headquarters."

"Perhaps we really need to think carefully about the relationship between giants and humans."

Dagu, on the other hand, was silent on the side. Is this the power of a giant?

He seems a bit unable to fully perform.
You Lian's voice echoed in his heart. He was very concerned about the prophecy of the time machine after the last time it was confirmed that Dagu was boiled into soup.

But this new prophecy made him a little confused.

What true darkness will be resurrected, dark giants, ruins, whatever.

So is this golden giant an enemy or a friend?
Although he doesn't look like a good guy, he is still fighting monsters.

Moreover, he didn't feel like Ultraman, that light seemed less gentle and more like a real warrior!

"Dago, what are you thinking about?"

Lina on the side looked at Dagu who was a little silent and concerned.

"I'm fine..."

Dagu looked at the monster's remains scattered on the ground and fell into deep thought.

The whole thing reminds me of the invincible look of the golden giant.

Perhaps, this is the way to start a giant battle?

(End of this chapter)

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