Chapter 75
A week later, Qing Xiushu built a dojo for practice and residence in Aix.

"Dadi, you have to understand the truth that nothing in this world is reliable..."

"Everything depends on yourself"

The young Dadi put on his training clothes and looked seriously at the serious face of Qing Xiushu not far away.

"I understand, Uncle Hideki."

"I will work hard"

So, Dadi waved his little fist and started to learn the basics of fighting in a decent manner...
"This kid is a bit unexpected."

Qing Xiushu crossed his arms and looked at the diligent look of Daekong Daichi.

Daiku Daichi, the protagonist of Ultraman X, will become X's human body in 15 years.

His parents mysteriously disappeared during the previous Ultra Flare incident, leaving Dadi alone alive.

However, his parents should not be dead, and should be alive in another dimension.

In the blink of an eye, another few days of practice have passed, and Qing Xiushu's situation is getting worse.

He just wanted to mention the Great Sky and the Great Land, and the main focus was on his own practice.

He set a goal for himself to master the power of S-class in five years and integrate it thoroughly.

Judging from the past, he could burst out light that surpassed S-level and reached SS- level with all his strength, but now it seems that he cannot reach SS- level.

Obviously, normal SS is not a realm that ordinary people can reach.

The top Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light, apart from King O, are Ultra Father and Zero who are normally S-level, and they can reach SS after cheating.

If you think about it carefully, apart from monsters and dark forces, the normal situation in Tartarus is SS+.

The source of power of the Absolutes is also light.
It's just different from the Kingdom of Light.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and many more training facilities were added to the dojo.


Qing Xiushu attacked the special dummy continuously, and after several consecutive attacks, the dummy was turned into powder due to the huge power.

This is a strength control exercise.
It was not obvious before the S-level, but every time it reaches the S-level, it is a huge enhancement.

And he is an all-around giant, so he has to take into account all aspects of the situation.

Of course, there are also reasons for advancing too quickly.

A normal giant would only be promoted once every ten million years, and he had reached the S-level field from B-level in just a few years.

"It's so awesome, Uncle Hideki, I want to learn, I want to learn!"

The young Dadi happily jumped around Qing Xiu Shu and muttered.

"Dadi, how about uncle finding some friends for you."

Looking at the young Dadi, Qing Xiushu took the prepared recruitment notice and walked out of the gate holding Dadi by the collar with one hand.

A reminder was instantly pasted on the door.

"The Ultimate Gym."

"Recruiting new people."

"Requirements are not ordinary people"

"Salary. Negotiable"

Not long after, a young man who lost his job because of the monster looked enlightening.

He looked at the revelation at the door with excitement, then turned around and left when he saw the request and mistook it for false propaganda.

"It's a lie that everyone has dispersed."

"Not a mortal? Could it be that he is a ghost?"

At this time, Qing Hideki was drinking lemonade in the gym.
The sour taste exploded in Ao Hideki's taste buds. This was his favorite drink.

It keeps him awake.

Opposite him were three very embarrassed men, with their heads tilted and not daring to look at Qing Xiushu.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Qing Xiushu glanced casually, and an invisible pressure shocked the three of them.

The three people were shocked by the look. After looking at each other, they exchanged their thoughts.

Finally, like a sissy, the Knuckle star looked bitter and looked at Qing Hideki and began to explain.

"Sir, we didn't know this was your territory."

“It’s just that work has been too difficult recently”

"I can't even pay the rent..."

"We really can't find a job, please take me in!"

After saying that, the three of them knelt down neatly on the ground.
After seeing through the disguise of the three cosmonauts, Qing Hideki tapped his fingers on the chair.

Balki, Knuckle and Ikars
A rare kind-hearted cosmic person in the world of X.

These three guys were able to make money despite extreme poverty. Even he couldn't do it.
"By the way, what are your names and where did you work before?"

Qing Xiushu looked at these destitute cosmonauts with great interest.People like the Kirialodians of Tiga Spacetime are not poor at all...
"My name is Mingli. I'm from the planet Knuckle. I used to do odd jobs for others."

Sissy Minguri said wearing pink clothes.

"His name is Igao, a native of Ikars. He currently works in a convenience store."

"This is Haruki, a Balki planet, now a craftsman."

After hearing the current situation of several space people, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but hold his forehead when he saw that these people were wearing street clothes.

"It's no different from ordinary humans. They also worry about food and rent."

But... these guys should be trustworthy, and it should be okay to take care of the earth.

And his kind character is also a highlight.
"Okay, then you three can stay in the gym..."

"Food and accommodation are free, and a monthly salary of 20 yen is okay, right?"

Qing Hideki took out a few contracts and handed them to the three cosmonauts.

"Haru Mu, this is true."

"Wow, wow, I met a good person!"

The three of them immediately hugged each other and cried bitterly. They looked at Qing Xiushu and said in unison.

"Boss, you are such a nice person!"

"Stop talking nonsense, sign in and come to work tomorrow."

Qing Xiushu turned around and left the room
"The boss is really a nice guy, but his aura is so scary."

Feeling Qing Xiushu's aura dissipate, Chunmu slowly exhaled.

"It should be that there is a demon slayer in the legend in the novel! A super powerful human being!"

Sissy Naguri said with her eyes shining.

"Yes, there are always a few powerful people in a race with billions of existences."

"Fortunately, we are here to make a living."

The excited Yi Qiao's mimicry instantly expired, revealing a pair of ears, and he said excitedly.

"Ikari-san, Haruki-san, our happy life is about to begin!"

Five years later, the earth is ten years old.

Thanks to Chunmu's blessing, Dadi's physical fitness has been built to be very strong, far beyond that of his peers.

"Dadi, you are already qualified in basic combat."

"What I'm going to teach you next is the legendary cosmic boxing technique!"

Wearing training clothes, Qing Xiushu's golden eyes opened instantly, and a powerful storm erupted out of thin air.

"Yes! Uncle Hideki!"

The innocence of the earth has faded, and the small face looks at Qing Xiu Shu seriously.

Over the past few years, as Dadi grew up, he discovered more and more how powerful his uncle was.

Very strong, very strong, already a transcendent existence from mortals.

"Uncle, don't I have enough willpower?"

Dadi, who was severely scolded by Qing Hideki, collapsed on the ground and looked at Qing Hideki panting.

"Huh, Dadi, you still don't understand."

"There are no miracles in this world, you can only rely on yourself!"

Long-term practice alone has transformed Qing Xiushu's willpower.

He once again understood the true meaning of power.

"Dadi, to tell you the truth, your uncle and I never believe in miracles."

"I don't believe in the so-called bonds. As long as my will is unmatched, I can control more powerful power. Only in this way can I protect everything around me!"

"And you don't need to be so extreme, but self-strength is still the key. This is the guarantee to protect the things you love."

As he spoke, Qing Xiushu's back seemed to be a giant burning with infinite will, emitting the light of infinite will.

Looking at Dadi who was thinking and having some understanding, Qing Hideki showed a smile.

This kid, Dadi, is very obedient...

"Okay, let's train Dadi."

Qing Hideki just didn't finish a sentence.
Only in this way can he protect his second hometown that is on the verge of death.
"What an amazing will."

Haruki put down the special drink that replenishes energy for the earth.

"That's the owner of the museum."

"A strong man who can take on monsters with just his physical body."

The sissy Minguri handed Daichi a handkerchief to wipe the sweat and ran over to complain.

In the past five years, Qing Hideki had beaten away four or five monsters just by fighting in his human state.

In order to develop his superb fighting will, he had to do this
Because the time and space we are going to next are extremely terrifying.
(End of this chapter)

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