Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 1 Dump it, I’m playing it real!

Chapter 1 Dump it, I’m playing it real!

"Yi Zi, the popularity of our live broadcast room has declined more and more seriously, and we have also lost a lot of fans. If this continues, I am afraid it will be bad. We need to think of a way quickly and start a new life!"

The speaker was Xu Lai, Su Ye's college classmate and best friend. He was tall, tall, and powerful. He was 1.9 meters tall and looked like a humanoid tank.

"Let me think about it!" Su Ye replied.

As a time traveler, Su Ye felt that he had failed.

I have been in this parallel world that is very similar to Blue Star for four years. I have been doing live broadcasts with Xu Lai since my freshman year. I originally thought that with my advantage as a time traveler, I would be able to fight my way through thousands of troops. Achieve financial freedom, the result...the reality is really skinny.

The entertainment industry in this parallel world is very developed. Although many songs and movies from the previous life do not exist, Su Ye, who was an ordinary person with no talent in the previous life, could not remember a single complete version of the song.

As for film and television, without resources, funds, and a team, it would be impossible to make it happen. And more importantly, Su Ye couldn't fix the script.

In terms of novels... there are some popular novels from previous lives in this world, such as Fighting to Break the Sphere. As for the ones that don't exist, Su Ye only remembers some fragments and cannot be a copywriter at all.

Taken together, the live broadcast is appropriate, but the live broadcast industry in this world is unprecedentedly developed, and there are many types. Su Ye has also broadcast live in many types, and the effect... Let's put it this way, he is 36 Fans basically pay attention to him because of his appearance.

It has to be said that Su Ye's appearance is indeed outstanding. With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, exquisite facial features, coupled with a height of 1.8 meters and a well-proportioned figure, it is definitely not an exaggeration to call Mo Shangren a jade-like young master.

[The live challenge system is being bound...]

Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in Su Ye's mind,

system! ?
Su Ye was stunned. The legendary system is necessary for time travellers! ?real or fake?

[The live broadcast challenge system is bound successfully! 】

Su Ye:! ! !
That’s right, it’s a real system!His chance to make a comeback is coming!

How did it take four years for the system to come together?Do you know how I spent these four years? !

Su Ye hurriedly thought to himself: System, please elaborate on the challenge!

[Challenge fan tasks and get rewards after success. There are all kinds of rewards for songs, singing skills, dance, Chinese martial arts, etc., and the rewards are randomly distributed.

After completing the task, the system will also reward you with corresponding points, which can be exchanged for skills, songs, scripts, novels, etc. in the system mall. Since the host has not completed the first challenge, the system mall has not yet started. 】

As the system's voice fell, Su Ye's eyes couldn't help but light up.
Not to mention that there is a system, but in terms of challenging fan tasks, this mode does not exist yet. If you choose a good task, you will definitely gain a lot of popularity, and it has to be a system. Why didn't you think of this mode? !
(Note: Su Ye traveled through time earlier, and this mode did not exist in his previous life.)
"System, doesn't there be a gift package for newbies?!" Su Ye asked in his mind.

[Gift package for newbies has been distributed. A set of the most professional and high-level live broadcast equipment. It is absolutely high-definition within a kilometer. It is waterproof and fireproof. It comes with a network signal. As long as it is within the Blue Star range, the signal is full. It has a small microphone and perfect sound collection. , and hidden.

The live streaming equipment will be delivered to your home by express delivery, so please be patient and wait. 】

Su Ye: If I don’t ask, will you stop distributing it?Quite a dog!
"Fat man, come here!" Su Ye shouted looking at the fat man who was cooking in the kitchen.

Fatty is the nickname given to Xu Lai by Su Ye. This nickname is definitely suitable for Xu Lai.

As soon as he heard Su Ye's words, Xu Lai rushed out and said happily, "Ye Zi, you have an idea?!"

Su Ye nodded and expressed his idea of ​​challenging the fan task.

Xu Lai was stunned for a moment. Su Ye patted Xu Lai and said, "Fat man, what's your expression? What's wrong with you? Are you impressed by your adoptive father's genius idea?"

Xu came back to his senses, and suddenly said with a serious face, "I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met my master. If you don't abandon me, my child is willing to worship you as your adoptive father!"

"Father!" After shouting, Xu Lai went to hug Su Ye's legs.

Su Ye: "..." "Get out! Stop disgusting me!" Su Ye dodged directly.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang suddenly, followed by a young man's voice, "Hello, express delivery!"

Xu Lai took the initiative to ask Ying to open the door, and his flattering look made Su Ye smile. Fatty is really the same, right?
Xu Lai:?
As for that?Please take it off!

This is a great idea. As long as it is done well, it might become famous and the chance to make a comeback will come. Isn’t that enough?

Xu Lai got the express delivery and opened it directly. Looking at the complete set of live broadcast equipment, his eyes couldn't help but shine. He quickly started to use it and then exclaimed, "Ye Zi, you... when did you complete this set of equipment? This equipment also It’s too powerful, it feels...a bit too high-tech, I haven’t heard of any equipment that can reach this level, Ye Zi, where did you get this equipment from, you...did you spend all your money on it?"

Su Ye didn't expect the live broadcast equipment to come so quickly. Regarding Xu Lai's words, Su Ye could only respond vaguely, "High-tech companies naturally spend a lot of money on experimental products. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first make good use of it." device."

"As expected of my adoptive father." Xu Lai said with a thumbs up.

Su Ye: "..."

after lunch,
Xu Lai has completely mastered the equipment. The deeper he understands, the more Xu Lai is naturally surprised by the power of this live broadcast equipment.

The two started broadcasting,

The popularity in the live broadcast room began to rise, reaching more than 2000 people in a few minutes.

on the public screen,
[How come Ye Zi is broadcasting live at home today? How can he survive? 】

[Brother Ye Zi’s live broadcast room has become more and more boring recently. Today indoors is probably even more boring. If it weren’t for his face, I wouldn’t come! 】

[Haha, it’s getting colder, I guess I’m ready to start wasting money! 】


At this time,

Su Ye's voice sounded, "Hello, family, without further ado, let's get straight to the point. The content of today's live broadcast is not decided by me, but by you. Whatever content you want me to broadcast, please type it on the public screen. Come out and I will choose a live broadcast content for today."

on the public screen,
【? ? ? 】

[Hey, a new way of playing?This is interesting! 】

【Is this true?If so, I hope brother Ye Zi can come to my house and marry me! 】

[Bah, you think so. When it comes to marriage, I am Brother Yezi’s first fan. I have to come first! 】


[Anchor, are you telling the truth?If you want to be honest, can you randomly find a beautiful woman with a score of [-] or above on the street, add a v letter, and then ask her to help you chop Xixi. 】

[F*ck, brother, you...what kind of imagination can you come up with this! 】

At this time,

Su Ye also saw this comment and said, "Look for a random beauty above [-] on the street, add v, and ask her to help me chop Xixi. Brothers, that's all for today's live broadcast. !”

"Dump it! What I'm playing is reality!"

(End of this chapter)

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