Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 101 Gambling and cheating!

Chapter 101 Ten gambles and nine cheats!

Seeing Ye Zi actually folding his cards, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

【? ? ?Three queens and the leaves folded directly?Is there any mistake? 】

[No, Ye Zi, you dared to go up just now with an A, but now you are afraid of three Qs? ! 】

[Ye Zi, tell me, are you here to make a joke? ! 】

[It’s true, you don’t want such a powerful card?If you give me this, you will get [-]% interest on the loan! 】

[Is it possible that the three Qs are a routine? 】

[Maybe! 】

[How come Ye Zi is so sure?Everyone had shuffled the cards, and it wasn't dealt by anyone from the casino. How could that be possible? 】


While everyone in the live broadcast room was talking, there were only two people left on the card table. One was the middle-aged man who just talked to Su Ye, and the other was a thin young man with extremely high cheekbones on his face.

"One million, don't open it!" the young man said confidently.

The middle-aged man said with a smile, "Follow me!"

Now that the money on the table is several million, it can be said that the game is huge.

The middle-aged man's calmness made the young man hesitate obviously. He didn't expect that the middle-aged man would still follow.

He took another look at his own card, three kings. Such a card instantly gave him confidence. Except for three kings, 258, the opponent's cards were absolutely impossible to beat him. He couldn't have picked such a card by chance! ?

"Another fifty!"


"Add fifty more!" the young man said while biting.

His current appearance is that he is already on top and has full confidence in his cards.


After a few more rounds of this, the young man's face was sweating, but the middle-aged man was still so calm and calm, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all, and the money in front of him was just a pair of waste paper.

"Aren't you going to open it yet?" the young man asked.

As soon as he said this, he was already at a disadvantage. If so much money had not been invested, there would be no room for failure, otherwise the young man would most likely give up.

The middle-aged man said calmly, "You can open or fold, I will always follow."

The young man looked at the middle-aged man and gritted his teeth, "If you are cruel, I will shoot you!"

When the young man threw the three kings out, he wanted to see panic on the middle-aged man's face, but the middle-aged man was still so calm, even with a smile in the corner of his eyes, and slowly opened his cards, "Sorry, 258 bombs."


The young man slumped down in his chair, unable to believe that this was true.

"No! You are cheating! Come on! Come on! Check him out, he's cheating on you!" the young man shouted loudly.

words fell,

Casino staff came and examined the middle-aged man.
After a body search and surveillance, there was no evidence that he was cheating.
The young man suddenly became decadent and murmured, "It's over! Everything is over!"

At this time,

The middle-aged man looked at the young man and said coldly, "You know what will happen if you slander others and cheat!"

The young man's face was flustered. Before he could say anything, the middle-aged man continued, "Forget it. Seeing that you have lost so much, out of extenuating circumstances, I will spare you this time."

The young man was about to leave in despair, but the middle-aged man said, "Stop, why don't you even say thank you?"

"Thank you!" The young man held it in for a long time and finally got these two words out of his mouth.

At this time,

The middle-aged man looked at Su Ye with interesting eyes, "Which path are you on, brother?" Su Ye replied calmly, "I am on the path of socialism, how about you, brother?"

The middle-aged man's face froze. Damn it, you are such a dog!
"Me too, me too!" As he said that, the middle-aged man gave Su Ye a deep look, asked someone to put away the chips, and left directly.

In the live room,

[Hahahaha, this sentence is really tried and true! 】

【6! 】

[Middle-aged man: Dare I say anything else? 】


At this time,

Xu Lai came to Su Ye's side and said, "Ye Zi, was that middle-aged man out of business just now?"


Everyone in the live broadcast room listened with their ears pricked up. 258 cannot be any smaller among the cards. How dare a middle-aged man play with this card? !Can he be sure there is a bomb?
The key is, one of Su Ye and the young man has three Qs, and the other has three Ks. If there is such a coincidence, it must be that the middle-aged man is cheating.

But he didn't have any cards on him, and there was no evidence on the camera that he was cheating.

Su Ye whispered back, "It's true that he made a fortune, but he relied entirely on his skills, and the cards are all marked. He should be from the casino."

Hearing Su Ye's words, everyone was shocked. The middle-aged man in the camera was shuffling and dealing the cards. He looked normal and didn't notice any clues.


Everyone was also happy. Fortunately, Su Ye saw through it and didn't follow him, otherwise he would have lost a lot of money.

Xu Lai suddenly asked out of curiosity, "Yi Zi, every walk of life has its ancestor. Who is the ancestor of the scammer?"

"A scholar!" Su Ye said lightly.

Xu Lai:? ? ?
"Yi Zi, are you kidding me? How can I, the grandmaster of a con man, be a scholar?!"

Su Ye smiled and replied, "I'm really not joking. It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, a scholar went to Beijing to take the exam. On the way, he encountered robbers and robbed all the Sichuan property. The scholar thought about it and was at a loss. In desperation, he decided to rely on A deceptive word to achieve temporary luck.

Having made up his mind, he straightened up his clothes and went to the county government to see the magistrate. He falsely claimed that he was a relative of a certain government in the capital. He was ordered to go to the capital to take up an important position. When passing by, he was unfortunately robbed. He requested that troops be sent to hunt down and retrieve the lost property as soon as possible. In order to see the emperor as soon as possible.

After hearing this, the county magistrate did not dare to be negligent. He sent troops into the city to search and arrest, and at the same time served wine to calm the scholar. As a guest of honor, he was afraid that the reception would not be good, and tried his best to act like officials protecting each other. After the scholar fired the first shot, he used both soft and hard tactics to solve the case within a time limit.

The county magistrate was very attentive to the scholar and complained in all kinds of ways, meaning that he wanted him to show some friendship without going into details. As long as he went on his way early, Cheng Huo Congfeng was not a problem. Seeing that the scholar had achieved his goal, he made his way to Beijing.

The scholar made a small plan that day, and after it was successful, he saw through the favor and had no intention of starting a career, so he gathered a group of people who had failed in the same year and worked hard on this scam, specializing in business without capital. The more times they did it, the more experience they gained. I am getting richer, I am more courageous, and my achievements are becoming more and more impressive.

Passed down from generation to generation, later generations of people regard him as the founder. "

Xu Lai: 6! know a little too much about Ye Zi.

In the live room,

[Good guy, Ye Zi knows so much!To be honest, do you know how to do a thousand arts? 】

[No need to ask, designated meeting, my intuition tells me that the level is not low! 】

[Ye Zi, are you really not going to confess and be lenient? 】


after that,

Su Ye wandered around the casino for more than two hours and basically played all the games. It seemed that he didn't win much every time, but in total, he won more than [-] million.

Just when Su Ye felt that it was almost time to leave today, he was stopped by a young and beautiful woman, "Handsome guy, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. You have gained a lot tonight, go and have some big fun?!"

(End of this chapter)

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