Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 11 SS-level contract! 1 Become a top player!

Chapter 11 SS-level contract!Jump to the top!

Night came,

A short video suddenly posted by Su Ye's account attracted the attention of the entire Internet.
In the video, Su Ye walked out of the police station door and said, "Brothers, I have no criminal record and no criminal record. As I said, I have always firmly followed the socialist road and firmly followed the pace of the party. Learning to open locks is purely a hobby. , I have many skills and don’t overwhelm myself. I have prepared a case and will start broadcasting as usual tomorrow!”

video comment area,
【wipe!This kid is really okay! 】

[It’s a good saying that you don’t have too many skills to overwhelm yourself, but... Brother, other anchors either sing or dance, how come you are here... Your talent is unlocking? ! 】

[What am I talking about? Brother Yezi is definitely not the person with a criminal record! 】

[Great, the broadcast will start as usual tomorrow. I have to think of a good job for Brother Ye to do. 】


At this moment, netizens are racking their brains.

Just when the Internet is very busy,
Su Ye and Xu Lai had already finished a big meal and returned home. Today's challenge was successfully completed. The number of fans increased by one million. The number of fans increased by one million in one day. This is simply terrifying. What's more important is the reward from the system. Special Forces Soldier With Wang's physical fitness, Su Ye now feels like he can kill a cow.

The doorbell rang,
Xu Lai opened the door and Zhang Changzhou's face came into view, "Are you...?!"

"Zhang Changzhou, the director of the Douyin Live Broadcast Department." Zhang Changzhou handed over his business card and introduced himself.


Xu Zili hurriedly invited Zhang Changzhou into the house. Now that his and Ye Zi's live broadcast is booming, Zhang Changzhou's arrival is definitely a good thing.

After entering the house, Su Ye and Zhang Changzhou naturally exchanged a few words. Although the words were not nutritious, the process still had to be followed.

Zhang Changzhou went straight to the topic, "Mr. Su, I am here to invite Mr. Su to be the contract anchor of Douyin. What do you think of Mr. Su?!"

Su Ye replied, "I'm used to freedom, and I can't bear to be restrained."

Naturally, Zhang Changzhou was not surprised at all by such an answer.
"Mr. Su, don't worry too much. We, Douyin, are fully sincere in inviting Mr. Su to become the anchor."

As soon as he said this, the doorbell rang again. Xu Lai stood up and opened the door.
The person who came was a woman, about thirty, with a capable look and an appearance of about eighty.
Liu Si, the head of the K-hand live broadcast department.

Xu Lai's eyes couldn't help but light up. He was dozing off and he brought him a pillow. Just when he was about to talk about the key point, the K-hand man came. Needless to say, there was no need to explain his purpose. It's good to have competition!They fight, and they and the leaf fishermen benefit!

Liu Si entered the room and looked at Zhang Changzhou. There seemed to be a lightning exchange between their eyes.
Zhang Changzhou was not unexpected to Liu Si. What she was worried about was that she was late, but judging from the current situation and Zhang Changzhou's appearance, she should not be late.

"Mr. Su!" Liu Si ignored Zhang Changzhou and greeted Su Ye enthusiastically. Nurturing greetings were inevitable.


Liu Si said bluntly, "Mr. Su, you should also know the reason for my coming. This time, our K team comes with the greatest sincerity. I hope that both of us can cooperate."

Zhang Changzhou said at this time, "Minister Liu, there must be someone who comes first, first served!"

Liu Si looked at Zhang Changzhou and smiled lightly, "Okay, then Minister Zhang will come first. I want to see what level of contract Minister Zhang has prepared."

this moment,
Liu Si seemed to be sure of victory. She was sure that the highest Zhang Changzhou could get was an S-level contract.

Zhang Changzhou took out the contract from his bag and handed it to Su Ye. At the same time, he said, "Mr. Su, this is an SS-level contract. The basic salary is 8000 million yuan a year without liability. The contract is signed for five years and is divided into four parts for the company and six for you. The contract contains Many terms are beneficial to Mr. Su, please take a look at them." As soon as these words came out,
Xu Lai was stunned. He was a little confused. SS-level contract? !Damn it, this is already the top contract in the live broadcast industry, with a no-liability base salary of 8000 million!

As long as this contract is signed, after the contract takes effect, even if Su Ye does not live broadcast and fails for five years, in these five years, a lot of 8000 million a year will be credited to Su Ye's card. This...!
Xu Lai's heart is really surging now. Isn't this just one step to reach the sky? !
In just two days, they went from a small anchor to a top streamer!

Liu Si was also shocked, her eyes filled with disbelief. She originally thought that the S-class contract was the limit that Douyin could offer, but she didn't expect that it would be directly to the SS-class. This was really a big deal.

Wei Nan!

This new CEO of Douyin is indeed extraordinary!

I should really say it myself first, now I feel like I’ve fallen behind!


Su Ye's heart was also filled with ups and downs. He really didn't expect that Douyin's handiwork was so big. Of course, Su Ye had been a man for two generations and had a system. After being slightly surprised, he looked indifferent.

This made Zhang Changzhou even more impressed. At such an age, he could still be so indifferent in the face of such huge wealth. This kind of person is definitely capable of achieving great things. His vision and intuition are indeed correct.

At this time,

Zhang Changzhou looked at Liu Si, "I wonder what level of contract Minister Liu is planning to sign with Mr. Su?"

Liu Si pursed his lips, looked at Su Ye and said, "Mr. Su, when I come here this time, I have also prepared an SS-level contract. The basic salary and content are similar."

What? !

Xu Lai was shocked again. Even if Douyin came up, it would be Wang Zhao, but the K hand was also the same?
Are leaves... so valuable now? !
Zhang Changzhou was also shocked. Now it seems that it has to be Mr. Wei. If he really gets the S-class contract as he wants, today will be in trouble.

This time, the K player is really courageous!

Su Ye: "..."

K-Shou actually offered a top-notch contract.

Zhang Changzhou said at this time, "Mr. Su, please take a look at the contract. If there is anything you are dissatisfied with, feel free to mention it, or if there are any additional conditions, I will be satisfied if they can be met."

Liu Si hurriedly said, "Mr. Su, so am I!"


Su Ye read the contracts prepared by Douyin and K-Shou respectively. The contents were completely different but basically the same. In fact, Su Ye's heart naturally favored Douyin, but if he directly rejected Liu Si, wouldn't Liu Si be embarrassed? !
Zhang Changzhou felt Su Ye's difficulty very keenly, and then said,

"Mr. Su, regarding the basic salary, we can increase it to [-] million, and we can also set more preconditions in terms of liquidated damages. Even for company problems, we can pay compensation to Mr. Su. During this year, if Mr. Su’s popularity is basically maintained, and the fee for sharing can be discussed again, and [-] is not out of the question!”

Such conditions are entirely Zhang Changzhou's decision, but... Mr. Wei should agree. When the matter reaches this point, it must be a gamble.

words fell,

Not to mention Xu Lai and Liu Si, Su Ye couldn't help but feel a little shocked. This condition was really over.
Su Ye looked at Liu Si. Regarding the change of contract mentioned by Zhang Changzhou, Liu Si could not make a decision on her own. It was beyond her authority. At this moment, Liu Si was a little confused whether to take a big gamble or not.

(End of this chapter)

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