Chapter 116 He Pretends Again!


Master Chen and the other chefs all had their glasses rounded.

Soft pocket grows fish? !
If they heard correctly, Su Ye was talking about soft pockets that grow fish, right? !

This is also a long-lost dish among state banquet dishes. Su Ye actually knows it?

This made them excited. Who is Su Ye's master?A dish of boiled cabbage and a dish of long-lived fish. How many lost state banquet dishes will Su Ye have?

"You... really know how to do it?" Master Chen asked in shock.

Su Ye smiled faintly, "Whether it will happen or not, we'll know when it's done, right?"

In the live room,

[Looking at Master Chen and the other masters, what Ye Zi will cook next is another lost state banquet dish? ! 】

【Soft Pocket Long Fish, I have never heard of this name! 】

[I checked it out and found that it is indeed a lost state banquet dish, seems to be ranked higher than Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. 】

[I really want to open Ye Zi’s brain to see what kind of brain he has to be able to master so many skills! 】


as time flows,
Su Ye's soft-pocket fish was prepared first. Compared with Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, the process of soft-pocket fish is much simpler.

When the soft-double long fish came out of the pot, Master Chen didn't care about his own dish and asked his apprentice to help him order it. He couldn't wait to taste the soft-double long fish made by Su Ye.

When the fish entered his mouth, Master Chen's eyes flashed with shock.
Although the soft-double long fish has long been lost, he knew as soon as he took his mouth that it was a lost state banquet dish.

The other chefs did not rush to praise Su Ye, but kept cooking as if they had never eaten such delicious food in their lives.

This scene, placed on a group of five-star chefs, really shocked everyone.

in front of the screen,
I don’t know how many people drooled. They were really greedy and wanted to try it.

Even the five-star chefs wolfed down the food, and it would take all their tongues to eat it.

【hateful!Don't eat it so delicious, okay? Who can bear this? 】

【They deserve to die! 】

【Tomorrow’s challenge, let Ye Zi cook for fans! 】

【Agree! 】

[Just do it! 】


"Mr. Su, how do you make this soft pocket fish?" Master Chen asked respectfully, with a flattering look on his face at this time.It is true to say that Master Chen has learned face-changing in Sichuan Opera.

Su Ye answered calmly, "The soft pocket is not what most people think. It means that when the dish is served on the table, it is picked up from the middle with chopsticks and the two ends hang down, like a child's belly pocket. It is a way of cooking. , there is a thickening process at the end of the preparation of this dish. The flavor of the seasoning must be fully absorbed into the eel strips, and the tenderness of the eel strips must be maintained, that is, soft. Even if the eel belly is fried hard at the beginning, At this time, it is also necessary to soften the eel strips in the gravy juice and use the gorgon juice as a base to wrap the eel strips softly in a pocket, which is called a soft pocket.

This dish uses long-stemmed fish that is harvested around the Dragon Boat Festival and is carefully prepared.When the dish is ready, the back will be shiny black, extremely soft and tender, fresh and refreshing. Serve it while it's hot. When you pick it up with the chopsticks, it will tremble slightly. It will be shiny, smooth and tender in the mouth. It will melt when you sip it gently, and the teeth and cheeks will be fragrant. "

Listening to Su Ye's description, the netizens in the live broadcast room became even more greedy. They wanted to eat, they wanted to eat,
[Suddenly I feel that the fairy sister is so happy! 】

[Damn it, why are you mentioning this all of a sudden? Thinking that the fairy sister can eat it every day makes me feel numb! 】

[I used to think that Gouzi Zi was not worthy of the fairy sister, but now it is really a perfect match! 】


In a flash,
Master Chen's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is also ready. There is no doubt that Master Chen, who has made this dish too many times, has already perfected this Buddha Jumping Over the Wall to the extreme, which made several chefs present, including Su Ye, There was a burst of praise inside.

As a result, it is difficult to evaluate the outcome of this game. The two dishes can be said to be neck and neck.

However, what Su Ye cooked was a long-lost state banquet dish, and his taste was better than Master Chen. Naturally, the final winner was Su Ye.

The third dish is also the last dish competition. According to the best of three games, Su Ye has already won, but Master Chen is still stubborn and wants to compete again. He doesn't care about winning or losing. He has already lost. Why should he care about it? ?

Master Chen wanted to see if Su Ye could still cook the lost state banquet dish.

However, the outcome of the matter did not surprise Master Chen. Su Ye really can do it!

The third dish, what Master Chen made was Kung Pao Chicken, in which dried chili peppers and peanuts were stir-fried into diced chicken, forming a mixture of sweet, sour and spicy flavors that is a famous dish in central Sichuan. This life gave rise to many dishes named after Kung Pao, such as Kung Pao tofu, Kung Pao shrimp balls, etc.This dish is prepared with sugar and vinegar, supplemented by the color of soy sauce and the taste of cooking wine, which can be called the golden ratio.

It tastes sour and sweet at first, then spicy, then salty, with oil but no juice, which is very distinctive.

This dish is a common dish, but it is not an easy task to make it well.

What Su Ye makes is squirrel mandarin fish. He uses carp to take out the bones, carve patterns on the fish, add seasonings and marinate briefly, add egg yolk paste, fry it in a hot oil pan until it is tender, and then pour hot sweet and sour sauce on it. The marinade is shaped like a mouse, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, sweet and sour.

When the squirrel mandarin fish came out of the pot, all the chefs present were surprised. Master Chen and several chefs commented one after another,

"The process is delicate and the shape is unique. Wash the boneless fish with the meat outward, cut it with a diamond-shaped knife pattern, dry the starch and put the fish head in the oil pan slightly, and the fish tail is high, deep-fry until golden brown, take it out on a plate, pour marinade on it, and stir. Squeaking like a mouse, it looks exactly like a squirrel walking slowly with its head bowed, it is really powerful."

“It has color, fragrance, taste and shape, and what’s even more interesting is the sound.”

"The head is held high, the tail is raised, the color is funny, the shape is like a squirrel, and it squeaks"

"This is also a Kung Fu dish. This dish requires cutting, pickling, powdering, pouring oil, and pouring sauce all at once. You must pay attention to changing the oblique knife into a flower knife, which requires certain knife skills. Then, The fish skin cannot be cut, which makes it easy to fry and shape, and the sauce is also very particular!”


The live broadcast room was also in a state of excitement. Su Ye's cooking skills were so high.
Originally, I wanted to see Su Ye being tortured, but in the end, Su Ye pretended to do it again. How abominable!
What else can't Su Ye do? !

The live broadcast lasted for a long time, and Su Ye seemed to know everything. The key is that the police had already investigated Su Ye clearly. Is there really a genius in the world who can learn everything quickly and master it instantly?
No matter what, people from all walks of life are thinking about it. They all want to challenge Su Ye, but they still don’t believe it. Su Ye can do everything? !

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
This game finally came to an end with Su Ye's victory. Just when everyone thought that this challenge was about to end, and Su Ye was about to decisively end the broadcast, something happened that shocked everyone. .

(End of this chapter)

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