Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 122 No one can resist the sweet girl!

Chapter 122 No one can resist the sweet girl!
Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙!
In the live room,

[Hahaha, all ten princesses ran away crying. Those who didn’t know thought they were destroying the factory! 】

[Oh my god, Ye Zi shouldn’t be beaten in this battle!No way?No way! 】

[Brother, I didn’t hear worry from your words, but I felt a little excited?Don't think about it, with Ye Zi's strength, can he be beaten? 】

[But it can be said that these people are not enough to fight with leaves!One punch at a time is just a basic exercise! 】

[Just wait for a good show to come on! 】


Su Ye said at this time, "Is there any misunderstanding? I'm not here to cause trouble!"

"Okay, okay, you still dare to be tough. You're not trying to ruin the show. You ordered ten princesses? You ordered ten princesses. You even cried. A few people just cried and told me that they wanted to resign. Brother, you can do it!" Manager! He said very viciously.

If he does this, isn't it going to ruin his job?Can this spare Su Ye and Xu Lai?

Absolutely not!

Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: "!!!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room: ⊙⊙!
Not only crying, but also resigning?
Does Ye Zi’s song have such a powerful effect? !This is a bit cruel!
"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding! I just sang a song and they were like that." Su Ye explained.


The manager smiled contemptuously, "You just sang one song, and they were like that? Who do you think you are, a singing god? Or are you singing to such a terrible level? Do they really want to sing because of you?" If you cry, I will stand on my head and eat my daddy!"

It’s just a song. Is it good enough to make you cry?He doesn't believe it!

As for's hard to hear, how hard can it be?Is it hard to make people cry while singing?
Absolutely impossible!
In the live room,

[Seeing how arrogant the manager is, I really look forward to seeing if he can still be so arrogant! 】

【Eating daddy while standing upside down?Manager, you said this yourself, but no one forced you. I hope you can keep your word! 】

[You must do what you say, this is the most basic conduct as a person! 】

[Want to see, I hope the manager can fulfill his words! 】


Just when the manager was about to give an order to have a group of his boys beat up Su Ye and Xu Lai, the group of girls just came running over.
"Manager, misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding!"

"Manager, this big brother really didn't do anything to us. We just listened to the music and cried!"

"I promise, I swear, everything we say is true, otherwise we will be struck by lightning and die!"


Looking at the ten princesses who testified, the manager felt numb all over. Is it... really because of singing?

There is no need for them to lie. With so many people on their side, it is not easy to take down Su Ye and Xu Lai?
Why didn't you tell me earlier? !

Can singing really make people cry?Good guy, this guy has to sing so hard!

As for the good-sounding aspect, he didn't think about it at all. It was impossible, absolutely impossible!
and many more!

If he really cried because of singing, then... wouldn't he be... finished!'s just casual talk, no one will take it seriously!
In the live room,

[Little brother, why are you still confused?Where is your arrogance and domineering energy?You have to take it out! 】

[Confused, he is confused! 】

[Say nothing more, manager, please start your performance! 】

[Manager, I think you are a man of your word!Come on, don't let us push you! 】



The manager quickly asked everyone to leave, and apologized to Su Ye and Xu Lai with a flattering look on his face.

He promised that he would pay for all today's purchases and give Su Ye two new princesses.

As for why there are two, because these two have extremely strong endurance, what if there are ten more and Su Ye can sing and run a few more?Risks must be completely eliminated in the cradle.

Regarding the manager's words, Su Ye directly refused on the grounds that he was not in the mood.
It was not easy for the manager to persuade Shan to stay, so Shan was naturally exempted. When Su Ye left, he sent him out respectfully, giving him enough face.Su Ye didn't even mention the harsh words about him letting go, so naturally he had to realize what he was doing.

After Su Ye and Xu Lai left, the manager breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the first time he had seen such a ruthless person!
I made the ten princesses cry, it was really a great experience!


Su Ye was thinking about turning off the live broadcast when he saw a man running in a hurry on the street, looking like he had committed something.

In the live room,

[Let’s make a bet, brothers. The guy who ran away must have committed a crime. Believe it or not? 】

【letter! 】

[Perhaps there is something urgent?It doesn’t necessarily mean that something has happened! 】

[Believe me, I know very well about this situation, something must have happened! 】


At this moment, a beautiful woman caught up with him and said in a sweet baby voice behind him, "Hello, handsome~"

The elder brother who was running in front turned around and the beautiful woman's voice sounded again, "Hello, please take a look at your ID~!"


The man didn't hesitate and took out his ID directly, "That's right, it's you~!"

words fell,

Two plainclothes police officers suddenly appeared, took the elder brother into custody, and took him away.

And such a scene naturally caused the live broadcast room to explode.
[Hahaha, indeed, no man can resist the sweetness! 】

[According to normal circumstances, the eldest brother would want to resist, but now his whole body is numb and he can't resist. He can't resist at all! 】

[Hello, I need to be shot~! 】

[Actually, we Northeastern girls also speak like Jiang Zi~]

【It’s not easy to pinch~! 】


[Sweet girl policeman: "You will be shot later." Wanted criminal: "Then please stay away later."]

[Policewoman: You have a case. It’s quite serious. The death penalty needs to be carried out here. It might be a little painful~
Suspect: I do! 】

[I thought it was an affair, but I didn’t expect it was a prison [face covering]]

[Hahaha~ Do you really want to laugh me to death? 】

[Wanted criminal: I even want to say a few more words [pig head] [pig head] [pig head]]

[Hello, you deserve the death penalty~Thank you!

Okay, okay, thank you. 】

[It’s so suitable for telemarketing, so it’s hard to get hung up on! 】


This incident was just a small episode. After that, Su Ye decisively removed the broadcast.

After the broadcast, Su Ye and Xu Lai separated again with a tacit understanding.


The screen turns,
The archaeological team that entered the tomb was in quite a panic, and the number of people was obviously smaller than at the beginning.

"How can this tomb be so evil? What on earth are those bugs!"

"Professor, those...should be corpse crickets. I seem to have seen this tomb scene before!"


"It seems a novel..."

(End of this chapter)

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