Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 132 Live fortune telling: Netizen, your head is a little green!

Chapter 132 Live fortune telling: Netizen, your head is a little green!

In the live room,

[Ye Zi, I am definitely your biggest fan. I have been following you since you first started broadcasting. Choose me! 】

[Ye Zi, I want to calculate how my fortune is! 】


[Brothers, please help me. I was in a meeting at the company. The boss farted. The whole place was quiet. The boss looked at me and asked me, what should I do? 】

[You said this: Look at what I’m doing. It’s not me who released it. Who is it?Who put the fart in the boss's pants? Okay, okay, just kidding. I was the boss's fart just now, and I will be the boss's fart from now on! 】

[Hold the boss and say, "Bad fart, bad fart, it scared the baby!"]

[I saw a comment a few days ago: "The old man's buttocks are loose and his farts are noisy" [Crying loudly]]

[The boss is talking anxiously! 】

[Hahaha, damn, I’m going to die laughing! 】

[I pretended not to see it, and was scolded by my boss for a while, so I went home and sulked and asked my boyfriend to guess [smile]]

[Good guy, it’s been eight lifetimes of bad luck to be your boyfriend! 】

[The boss usually talks like farting, but I didn’t expect the leader’s farts sounded like talking [Comparison of Hearts]]

[I really want to learn [crying] Can you give me a correct answer, but there is no serious person [crying] in the comment area]

["Hahaha, our leadership talents are exposed..."]

【? ? ? 6! 】

[Stand up and say: Yes, hahahahahaha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha]

[Ahem (clear your throat quietly to smooth things over), the leader’s sense of humor is still so strong, which relieved some of the anxiety caused by our meeting.Just like the theme we discussed at this meeting, we must dare to identify problems and solve them in order to make progress.A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest.Small mistakes, if not faced squarely, will cause big problems in the future.As the saying goes, if you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to become a river or a sea; if you don’t accumulate small steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles.We must use the spirit of perseverance and perseverance despite repeated hardships to meet new challenges. Next, please ask the leader to make an important speech for us! 】

[Shit, you are the most serious! 】

[Pretend not to hear, go home and laugh to death! 】

[One point for the coward group! 】

[Exposing the leader’s funnyness: 1000000%
Douyin prompts are risky and funny: 10000000000000%]


The comment area was quite lively, and Su Ye also randomly connected with a friend,
"Me? I got connected? Damn it, am I so lucky?! Hahahaha~" The eldest brother who got connected was extremely excited.

At this time,

Su Ye's voice sounded, "This netizen, please calm down and turn on the camera?!"

After saying that, the elder brother on the line turned on the camera, and Su Ye asked him to tell his birth date.

"Mr. Su, I want to calculate whether I have any major disasters?" The eldest brother asked about wealth luck.

Su Ye looked at his face, calculated his horoscope, and slowly said, "This netizen, your destiny is not bad, there will be no major disasters, have a little green on your head!"

The elder brother in the camera was slightly confused and looked up. It was a little green?
In the live room,

[No way, hasn’t this big brother reacted yet? 】

[A little slow to react!By the way... I know my friend has been cheated on, how should I remind him tactfully? 】

[Take him to eat hot pot and order a table of green vegetables, understand? ! 】

[Eat hot pot with all vegetables. If you don’t understand this, you can die on the spot! 】

[...] The eldest brother also reacted at this time, "No, it's impossible. We are college classmates and each other's first love. We have been together for eight years. We plan to get married next year. We are also very affectionate on weekdays. , Impossible! How is this possible?! Mr. Su, did you miscalculate?"

At this time, the eldest brother cannot accept this matter no matter what.

He thought maybe Su Ye had made a miscalculation, right!It must have been a miscalculation.

"Are you not at home now?" Su Ye asked.

The eldest brother nodded, and Su Ye continued, "How about... you go back and take a look?"

Seeing what Su Ye said, the eldest brother still listened to Su Ye's words and decided to go back and take a look.

In the live broadcast room, everyone is looking forward to it. Su Ye must not have made a mistake. This good show of catching an adulterer is about to be staged, and more and more people are online.


When the eldest brother arrived at home, he opened the door gently and walked slowly into the house.

This is an old rented house, and the sound insulation is not very good. You can clearly hear the sound from the bedroom while standing in the living room. That sound... is definitely... Before anyone can listen more, Su Ye mutes it, and the picture is temporarily changed. Process it, otherwise the live broadcast room will be closed directly.

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!Ye Zi's calculations are really accurate. 】

[Ye Zi’s fortune-telling skills can definitely predict a fortune! 】

[Brother, be strong! 】

[This eldest brother seems to be an honest person at first glance, the kind who is very loyal to his feelings. What a pity! 】


At this time,

The eldest brother went up and kicked open the bedroom door. The scene inside was exactly as imagined.
The sudden door kick caused the two of them to hide under the quilt in panic. The man obviously had a guilty conscience, but the woman, on the other hand, calmed down from her brief panic.

At this time, the lens also returned to clarity.
"You...why? Why?!" The elder brother looked at the woman on the bed with tears in his eyes.

"Why why? I didn't do it on purpose, it was just for fun. The atmosphere is here, and besides, he wore it, so I will take medicine afterward." The woman said it confidently.


The eldest brother is getting more and more angry. Now he really wants to kill someone and chop this bitch to death with a knife.

He really didn't understand why the two of them had been in love for so many years.Why did she cheat, and... the cheating was so justified.

In the live room,

[Holy shit, this woman, shit!How could she be so confident? 】

[He wore it, after-effects medicine, what the hell is this classic scumbag saying! 】

[If it were me, I would have already gone to the kitchen to cut it! 】

[It feels like this big brother is already on the verge of holding a knife! 】


Su Ye's voice sounded at this time, "Calm down, there is no need to sacrifice yourself for their lives. You will have your own future when you go back, and they will not end well."


The eldest brother calmed down a lot. Su Ye was right. There was no need to sacrifice his future for two bitches. It was not worth it. It was not worth it.

"Get out! This is a rented house, pack your things and get out!" the eldest brother shouted.

"Are you going to break up with me? I still love you. I just made the same mistakes that girls make. Putting aside the facts, I was at fault. Don't you have nothing wrong at all?! Be a human being It's better to be confused, I really still love you, and I won't do this again!
I don’t want this either. Do I still have to bear everything by myself in the end? !
You are going to chase me away now, right? Well, well, well, fortunately I am not with you. What a man, you are so stingy! "The woman is still confident and confident, without any attitude that she should have when she makes a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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