Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 139 Challenge: SPA for dogs?

Chapter 139 Challenge: SPA for dogs?

Knife stop!
The last stone was divided into pieces, and it was undoubtedly green, and the last piece was already green.

[-]% probability of going green.

"God!" Han Zhiqiang looked at Su Ye seriously.

He is convinced now, no!He was already convinced when he only had the last few pieces left. Now he is even more convinced, and he already regards Su Ye as a true god in his heart.

Not what is God?
Whose family can have a [-]% chance of getting green when betting on stones?It's simply not possible for humans to do it.

In the live room,

[What are you talking about? This time, Ye Zi has another big one. 】

[Today is a day that the stone gambling world should commemorate. Their god was born. 】

[The [-]% green probability is really too exaggerated. 】


At this time,

Su Ye looked at the jadeite in the last stone. Not surprisingly, the quality was the best among the bunch. Of course, it was not high-end quality like imperial green. There was no way that the stone he chose could produce green. , it is already very good. If it produces high-quality jade, it is considered excellent.

If you come up with something of extremely high quality, I’m afraid this market won’t be able to open up.

It doesn't matter whether it's imperial green or not. The quality of this piece is sufficient, and it's probably about the size of a fist. It's definitely enough for a set of jewelry for my wife.


Han Zhiqiang reacted and knelt in front of Su Ye with a pop, "Master, please accept me as your disciple! Master, please accept my disciple's worship."

With that said, Han Zhiqiang was about to kowtow, but Su Ye held him back, "Get up quickly. There is no need to become a disciple. We can discuss it together when we have time."


Han Zhiqiang refused. Can this kind of skill be taught through casual discussion?Then you have to become a disciple. How can you teach without becoming an apprentice?

Seeing that Han Zhiqiang refused to get up, Su Ye also knew what he was thinking, "If you don't get up, then we won't even have to discuss it in the future."

words fell,

Han Zhiqiang's knees seemed to be equipped with springs, bouncing up from the ground almost instantly.

"Brother, you will be my eldest brother from now on!" Han Zhiqiang smiled very flatteringly.

Su Ye: "..."

How old are you that you have the nerve to call me brother?You are really not afraid of losing my life!
"Just call me Ye Zi, don't call me brother!" Su Ye said.

Han Zhiqiang nodded solemnly, "Okay, Brother Yezi!"

Su Ye: "..."

The main character is someone who refuses to change despite repeated admonitions!

never mind!

Seeing Han Zhiqiang's flattering look, no one looked down on him. Su Ye could teach him two tricks. They were even more flattering than Han Zhiqiang, man!You must seize the opportunity. Face is nothing when there is no strength.

As the saying goes, a man without money is a mollusk whose backbone has been taken away.

It doesn't sound nice, but this is the reality of Chi Guoguo, cruel but true.

after that,

Except for keeping the last piece of jade, Su Ye sold everything else on the spot, making a profit of almost ten times.

After selling out, Su Ye decisively stopped broadcasting, and Han Zhiqiang stepped forward at this time.

"Brother Ye Zi, do you want to give this piece to your sister-in-law?"

Su Ye: "..."

This title is so awkward!

If my daughter-in-law were here and saw such a big person calling her sister-in-law, what a scene...!
"Get ready to buy a set of jewelry!" Su Ye replied calmly.Chen Zhiqiang smiled brightly, "Brother Ye Zi, if you can trust me, just give it to me. I open a jewelry store and I know a master who will definitely satisfy you. You don't have to pay a penny. Just give me the leftovers." That’s fine with me.”


Su Ye did not refuse Han Zhiqiang's kindness. Everyone had already said it, and it was not a big deal. Besides... he really didn't know where to go to make jewelry. Since there was something ready-made, let Han Zhiqiang do it.

"That's troublesome!"

Han Zhiqiang shook his head quickly, "No trouble, no trouble at all. Brother Ye Zi, don't be polite to me. If anything happens in the future, you can just give me your orders at any time. When you are free, you can just chat with me."

Su Ye nodded slightly, "Let's go, it's still early, why don't we go somewhere to have tea?"

Han Zhiqiang's eyes were sharp, "Brother Ye Zi, come to my place! I also opened a teahouse! I have a lot of good tea in my collection, you must try it."

This guy has indeed made his fortune by betting on stones, and the property under his name is really not good.

"Okay, let's try it!"

after that,

Su Ye and Xu Lai followed Han Zhiqiang to the teahouse he opened. While going,

The system sounded,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission and obtaining the Everything Can SPA skill! (Note, it can be used as a SPA for all things)]

Su Ye: "..."

Dog system, what kind of weird skill are you rewarding?
You really deserve to die!

When we arrived at the teahouse, we naturally drank tea and chatted about stone gambling.

They chatted until evening before Su Ye and Xu Lai left. Han Zhiqiang wanted to stay with the two of them for dinner, but Su Ye refused and pushed it to another day. As for which day it was, it was hard to say.

Han Zhiqiang did not try to persuade him to stay. It would not be good to force him to stay. He could only wait until later. After chatting for several hours, he benefited a lot and he had to digest it.

When chatting with Su Ye, the more he talked, the more frightened he became. He could not imagine that Su Ye looked so young, but in the stone gambling industry, he was better and more mature than him.

It really shocked Han Zhiqiang!

Leaving the teahouse,
Su Ye and Xu Lai went home respectively.
When she got home, Liu Feifei had already prepared dinner, "You're back? Wash your hands and eat!"

"Good daughter-in-law!"

This night was like usual. After dinner, the two of them cuddled together, read books and watched movies. Nothing special happened, so naturally they had nothing to say.

silent all night,
The next day,

Liu Feifei left early and left breakfast for Su Ye. Su Ye met Xu Lai after breakfast.
The two started a new day of live broadcast,

In the live room,

[Challenge: Live broadcast to explain how to bet on stones! 】

[You can have this. I have already made a notebook and will wait for Ye Zi to explain it. 】

[When I realize it, I will make a fortune. 】

[Ye Zi, stop inking, this is the only challenge, get rid of it now! 】


Looking at this challenge, Su Ye said calmly, "You can't learn by just talking about it. You don't need to think about this. Listen to my advice and don't touch it! Nine times out of ten you will lose!"

As for teaching stone gambling in the live broadcast room, this is definitely not possible. Su Ye directly rejected this challenge.

[Brothers, come on, come up with a big idea, can't you make Ye Zi make a fool of yourself?I don't believe it. Ye Zi can really do anything? 】

[Brothers, it’s time for brainstorming. Think quickly, I want to see Ye Zi make a fool of himself! 】


[Challenge: Ye Zi, come to my house and give my dog ​​a full-body SPA so that my dog ​​can show an expression of enjoyment. 】

(End of this chapter)

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