Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 144 asks you to identify treasures, not to catch criminals!

Chapter 144 asks you to identify treasures, not to catch criminals!

Eldest sister: "..."

what? !

Everyone in the live broadcast room,
【Fuck!Such two to three years! 】

[Is the Tridacna a protected animal?Good guy, if Ye Zi hadn’t said it, I wouldn’t have known. 】

[I don’t even know what a clam is! 】

[Tridacna is the largest bivalve mollusc in the world, belonging to the genus Tridacna in the family Tridacidae [8].Its texture is thick and rough, with many huge ridges and ravines on its surface. Some species have thick scales or thorns on the ridges.

The interior color of the shell is white.The appearance of the clam is not very beautiful, but when the shell is opened, the gorgeous colors such as peacock blue, pink, and emerald green are very attractive.Because the surface of the shell has raised radiating ribs and the edge of the shell has large notches, it is curved like a lotus leaf, like deep grooves, like a car canal, hence the name. 】

[Thanks for the popular science, I knew that I would definitely learn something from the comment area. 】


At this time, the eldest sister looked at the policeman who was paying attention to her, and her hands were shaking.
"I...I really don't know! I'm going to surrender now. Is it too late to confess and get leniency?"

Su Ye replied, "It's too late, go ahead!"

If you bought it without knowing it and voluntarily surrendered, you should be treated leniently.

Of course, Su Yelan's concern is whether he is unaware or knowingly.

Just finished talking,
The eldest sister immediately disconnected and seemed to have surrendered immediately. Su Ye continued to connect to the next person.

Xu Lai's voice sounded, "Many people have logged out of the connection. Isn't there something wrong with all of these people?"

Su Ye said calmly, "They all have IPs and locations. They can still run away. I will send the accounts of the disconnected people to the police later. This needs to be checked!"

In the live room,

[Good guy, why does Ye Zi feel so excited! 】

【Can you not be excited?In the past, fans and the police were investigating him, but now he and the police are investigating his fans. Things have really changed! 】

[Ye Zi, I asked you to live broadcast treasure appraisal, but who asked you to fish and enforce the law! 】

[How about the leaf dog? That’s not wrong at all! 】



Another eldest brother successfully connected. The eldest brother looks pretty good, but there is a fierce look between his eyebrows.
"Yi Zi, how about you take a look at these for me?" The eldest brother turned the camera to his treasures.

"The copper pot has a plain surface, with the largest diameter at the shoulder. The lid is curved and raised. The edge of the lid is folded down to form a mouth to fit into the mother mouth of the vessel. There are four buttons on the lid, all in the shape of a cirrus. The mouth of the pot is slightly extravagant and square. It has a long neck, sloping shoulders, bulging belly, and shallow round feet. There are a pair of symmetrical rings on both sides of its upper abdomen.

The overall height is about 30.8cm, the diameter of the circle is about 12.7cm, and the diameter is about 9.4cm.

A copper kettle from the Warring States Period! "


"It consists of three parts: column, basin and ring base. The basin wall is upright, the bottom of the basin is supported by a girdle-shaped column, and there is a circular ring base under the column.

The column in the middle of the copper basin is carried on the back of a turtle lying in the middle of the basin bottom. At the top of the column, a copper bird resembling an eagle flies past, holding the heads of two snakes tightly in its hands.The eagle looks like it is flying with its wings spread out, its long neck is twisted obliquely, its head is decorated with feather crests on the left, middle and right sides, and its head is raised.
With his eyes looking towards the sky, his mouth open and his voice roaring in all directions, his feathers are full and plump, showing the aura of a king who looks down on everything.There is a cylindrical claw under the bronze bird, which covers the entire column on the turtle's back, allowing the bronze bird to freely rotate around.

The outer wall of the copper basin is evenly decorated with four birds holding rings in their mouths, like eagles.The circular ring base is engraved with four groups of chinchilla patterns. Each group consists of two chimes intertwined, with the mouth holding the circle foot and the tail connected to the waist column.A small chi comes out between the two chis, followed by two chis, which also hold a ring foot in its mouth.There is a curled snake between the two groups of snakes, and the two adjacent snakes are grabbing the snake with their claws, which is harmonious and natural.The whole thing is full of vitality.

This is the eagle-column copper basin from Zhongshan Kingdom during the Warring States Period! "

[Ye Zi knows so much. As long as it’s an antique, there’s nothing he can’t identify, right? 】

[But no, there is a shortcoming in other people's appraisal of treasures, and Ye Zi has none of it! 】【Zhongshan State, as a nomadic government established by the Xianyu tribe of the Baidi people in the north, has a lot of contact with animals whether in daily grazing, hunting, or military battles.Therefore, unlike the vassal states of the Central Plains, in the choice of decorative themes, most of them are animal images, which have a unique aesthetic taste of nomadic people. This bronze is so beautiful that it has impressed my aesthetic taste! 】


"...This is a polished and scratched black pottery bird pillar plate!"


"Brother, you are willing to endure the punishment! It will be at least 15 years!" Su Ye said lightly.


The eldest brother quickly retorted, "What are you talking about? Ye Zi, if you say that, I'm going to sue you for defamation."

Su Ye couldn't help but smile, "Just these few pieces? There must be more, gold, silver, jade or anything like that?"

Although the state stipulates that any incidental income obtained from the market or dirt belongs to the individual, grave robbing does not count among them! "

"Who robbed the tomb? This is all inherited from my ancestors, Ye Zi, you can't talk nonsense!" the eldest brother said hurriedly.

Su Ye laughed and said, "Brother, are you afraid that you have forgotten that I can tell fortunes?"

From the first glance, Su Ye didn't even need to look at anything to know that this guy was definitely a tomb robber, and everything was obtained from tomb robbers. It has to be said that tomb robbers in this era are a bit rampant, and they even dare to come to the live broadcast room to appraise treasures. ?

Furthermore, you stole it yourself and you don’t know whether it’s true or false?Why, just show it off, anyway, just a word passed down from ancestors will be fine, right?


The eldest brother's expression in the camera was frozen, how could he forget about this!

This time it's useless!

When the elder brother wanted to cut off the line directly, Su Ye said first, "Surrender yourself, ask a few accomplices to come forward, and strive for leniency. Maybe you can get a few years off the sentence."

words fell,

The eldest brother was speechless and disconnected directly.

In the live room,

【have to!Judging from the guilty look on the eldest brother's face, you can tell that he was definitely stolen from a tomb! 】

[Brother wanted to show off his confidence, but he forgot that Ye Zi could tell fortunes! 】



Next person on the line,
A young man, with a big shoulders and a round waist, looks like he is in his 30s.
"Ye Zi, I want you to see my family's ancestral sword. My grandfather said it was passed down from the Ming Dynasty!" the man said in a showy tone.

Next second,
The camera focuses on the knife that the man is about to show off. Its handle is inlaid with gold, and it looks extraordinary. The blade is short and slender.

Su Ye said lightly, "It is indeed a sword from the Ming Dynasty!"

After receiving Su Ye's affirmative answer, the man became even more arrogant, "I knew that my grandfather would never lie to me. It is indeed a precious sword!"


The man picked up the knife and waved it twice in a cool way. At the end, he lightly touched the knife with his tongue. In his imagination, he must have looked so cool!
Su Ye: "..."

Good guy!
"Brother, you don't want to lick this knife!" Su Ye warned at this time.

The man asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Why can't you lick it?"

(End of this chapter)

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