Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 16 I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people

Chapter 16 I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person...


The competition between Ye Feng and Su Ye began. It started with a 100-meter run. Su Ye had to be in front of Ye Feng.
After starting the 100-meter run, you have to turn around the sign flag, then cross the three-step pile, cross the ditch, and jump over the low wall.

In this process, Ye Feng and Su Ye were almost on par.

Looking at such a scene,
Lei Qingshan's eyes flickered, and he could naturally see that Su Ye didn't have much technical skills, and mostly relied on his own physical fitness. This made Lei Qingshan even more surprised. Su Ye's physical fitness was really terrifying.

This also made Lei Qingshan even more interested in talents. If there were no problems with Su Ye's resume, he would try his best to recruit Su Ye into the team.

Such a person is simply born for the military, and he should shine in the position of a people's soldier.

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙!
In this short period of time, the shock he received was too great.

We agreed to be trash together, but now... Ye Zi is going to defy the heavens!
In the live room,

[Ye Zi... can't really beat Ye Feng! ? 】

[Who is this guy...?The King of Soldiers returns to the city? ! 】

[Don’t say it, don’t say it, you really have such a sense of déjà vu! 】

[The cool article template is now available, I will start the book now! 】

[Open, must open, as long as you dare to open, I will watch! 】


At this time,

Su Ye and Ye Feng climbed over the high board platform, the ladder, the single-plank bridge, and the high wall.
At this time, Su Ye was already ahead of Ye Feng. Su Ye was already halfway through climbing the low pile net, but Ye Feng had just started.
The next step is to go around the flag and turn back, cross the low pile net, climb the high wall, go around the pillars under the single-plank bridge, pass the ladder, pass the high board jumping platform, drill through the hole, jump down and climb the trench, cross the five-step pile, and go around Turn after passing the sign flag,
After turning around the sign flag, Su Ye still left Ye Feng's behind.

Ye Feng fully exerted his strength to the extreme, but still couldn't catch up with Su Ye.
When the last 100 meters came to the finish line, Lei Qingshan pressed the timer.

One minute and fifty-five seconds!

When looking at the time on the timer, Lei Qingshan's eyes couldn't help but froze.
The other team members were shocked and asked, "Captain, how long did it take Su Ye?"

In their opinion, Su Ye surpassed Ye Feng by a lot, and may have reached the best record in the entire army. Even if he couldn't reach it, the gap would only be one second. As for surpassing?They didn't dare to think about it, and it was not possible.

Su Ye is very strong, but to say that he surpasses the entire army is somewhat outrageous!

In the live room,

[Looking at Captain Lei’s expression, Su Ye’s grades should be very strong! 】

[This... is really outrageous!Su Ye actually defeated Ye Feng! 】

[Don’t say anything else, it’s a stone hammer, the King of Soldiers is in the city, the novel is reflected in reality. 】

[Su Ye: I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in exchange was alienation. Stop pretending, let’s show off, I am the King of Soldiers! 】

[Brother Ye Zi is so awesome, woohoo~ I’m so in love, I want to ride a rocking car with Brother Ye Zi! 】

【? ? ?Girl, how old are you and still riding a stroller? ! 】

[Brother, you obviously don’t understand that when you were a kid, riding on a rocking car had a soundtrack, but now riding a rocking car has its own soundtrack! 】

【Fuck!Brother, this is such a perfect description, it has to be you! 】

[The music of the rocking car and the sprinkler truck is the pinnacle! 】

[Even though the heavy rain keeps releasing floods, we still try our best to block the gap until we pay countless lives! 】

【6! 】

At this time,

Lei Qingshan took a deep breath and said slowly, "One minute and 18 seconds!"

On the words 18 seconds, Lei Qingshan's accent was extremely strong, and he was obviously very shocked.

What? !All the armed police members were the most shocked. One minute and 18 seconds? !This is a monster!
"Captain, the current best time in the army is one minute and 22 seconds, and his time is 18 minute and [-] seconds? Captain, is there something wrong with your watch...?"

"Yes! Captain, is there something wrong with the watch?"

They really couldn't believe that Su Ye actually broke the best record in the entire army, and it was four seconds faster. This... was simply off the charts.

Xu Lai is already petrified at this time. Is this still his brother?

The live broadcast room even exploded.

【How can this be? !One minute and 18 seconds, breaking the highest record in the entire army! 】

[I thought Su Ye was awesome, but I didn’t expect that he was actually the best! 】

[Brothers, who knows!I'm already numb! 】

[Check carefully, there is a problem, there is definitely a problem! 】

[There must be something wrong with the watch! 】


At this time, everyone was shocked and thought there was something wrong with the watch.
That's a record for the whole army, has it really been broken? !What a joke!
Looking at the military, how many elites and records set by the entire military have been broken by an internet celebrity?
This... is simply outrageous. Opening the door to outrageous people is so outrageous!

Lei Qingshan said at this time, "The watch is absolutely accurate, there is no problem, it is indeed one minute and 18 seconds!"

After receiving Lei Qingshan's affirmative answer, all the members of the armed police immediately stared at Lei Qingshan, their eyes full of shock.

At this time, Ye Feng strode up to Su Ye, cupped his hands and said loudly, "Brother!"

No matter what identity Su Ye is, he is willing to admit defeat, and Su Ye is better than him. He is really convinced by his big brother call.

"No! Today's condition is indeed surprisingly good, it's just a fluke!" Su Ye said hurriedly.

"A manly man, every spit is a nail!" Ye Feng was serious and serious.

In all his life, he puts faith first and always believes in it. If a person has no faith, he must keep his word. Otherwise, what kind of man would he be? !

Seeing Ye Feng's determination, Su Ye did not refuse anymore and accepted the title of eldest brother calmly.

Ye Feng said again, "Brother, my younger brother wants to compete with you in boxing and kicking. Please give me some advice!"

In Ye Feng's view, Su Ye's boxing and kicking skills must be extremely high, and he did want to ask for advice.

Upon hearing this, Su Ye hurriedly said, "I really just have good physical fitness, and I really don't know anything about boxing and kicking."

The system reward only rewards physical fitness, but he is not good at boxing or kicking.

If this was really a beating, he wouldn't be able to get a fat beating!

Everyone: "?!"

I believe your evil deeds, right?Just pretend!
[Ye Feng doesn’t need to ask any questions, just get started! 】

[Ye Zi, it’s already at this time, it’s too late to think about hiding one’s clumsiness! 】


Lei Qingshan said at this time, "Su Ye, you don't have to be humble, just discuss with Ye Feng, so that you can teach Ye Feng a thing or two."


Without waiting for Su Ye to say anything, Lei Qingshan gave Ye Feng a direct look and said,
Ye Feng understood Lei Qingshan's meaning instantly. Before Su Ye could say anything, Ye Feng took action directly, extremely fast!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the live broadcast room called Captain Lei an expert, so he had to do this!

They were looking forward to seeing how powerful Su Ye's boxing and kicking skills were!

(End of this chapter)

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