Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 170 Challenge: Participate in the screenwriting competition

Chapter 170 Challenge: Participate in the screenwriting competition

After reading the comments, Su Ye thought about it, it would be okay to write, direct and act in a play.

Before Su Ye could say anything, another challenge appeared.
[Challenge: Ye Zi, do you dare to participate in the screenwriting competition and choose one of the entries to film! 】

【This is also possible! 】

[Screenwriting competition?Are you serious?Are you sure the leaves will work? ! 】

[You can go, this is more interesting than a single self-written, directed and starred film! 】

[Okay Ye Zi, that’s it! 】

[Screenwriters are not easy to do, I don’t believe it, screenwriter Ye Zi is not a good one either! 】


Su Ye: "..."

This is not bad. I have received rewards from the God of Screenwriting before. There were so many hit scripts in my previous life. If I sort them out, I can definitely become popular.

"Challenge to participate in the screenwriting competition, choose one of the entries to direct and act in, no matter what, what I play is real!" Su Ye said loudly.

Xu Lai: "...!"

What the hell!

Ye Zi, are you serious? !

Can you do this job as a screenwriter?
In the live room,

[Ye Zi is so confident, why do I feel that Ye Zi’s screenwriter is so good? 】

[Indeed, looking forward to it! 】

[Come on Ye Ye, the whole hot style is out! 】


Originally I wanted to see Su Ye make a fool of himself, but seeing Su Ye's confident look,

They feel that Su Ye might be really good. There is really nothing to watch in TV series and movies nowadays. If Su Ye can really make a hit, that would be great.


Su Ye and Xu Lai went directly to the scene of the screenwriting competition. When they arrived at the scene, they were warmly received by the director. The competition was actually not very popular this time. The audience was already numb to the screenwriting and other aspects.

There are really too many thunderous dramas, which almost rub the audience's IQ to the ground.

This time the screenwriting competition is also different from the past. It invites all the great gods in the screenwriting world, the absolute top gold medal screenwriters, and the contestants are all carefully selected young elites.

It's a pity that even so, all the publicity methods have little effect.

This time, the screenwriting competition will most likely not be able to make any waves.

But with Su Ye joining, it will be different. You must know that Su Ye's popularity is terrifying. As long as Su Ye joins, there is no need to worry about the traffic of the show.

As for whether Su Ye can write a good script, it doesn't matter, not at all.

Moreover, the worse Su Ye is, the better, so the traffic will be higher.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the director took Su Ye into the backstage of the competition.
Including Su Ye, there are 36 contestants in total. After the director left,
Su Ye could clearly feel that the other players looked at him with contempt.
In their opinion, Su Ye used the back door. He knew how to write a screenplay? !Stop it!

The current screenwriting industry has been seriously harmed. I really don’t know what the director was thinking, but he actually asked Su Ye to participate in the competition. Oh, yes!
Su Ye is very popular. The director wants Su Ye's traffic, but this is really insulting to them. As long as the work is excellent, they still need his traffic!
As a result, the atmosphere at the scene was a little subtle, and no one paid any attention to Su Ye.In the live broadcast room,

[How do I feel that Ye Zi’s pretentious and slap-in-the-face part is about to happen! 】

[These current players look very much like the little Karamie in the novel! 】

[Ye Zi, let them know later what a real screenwriter is! 】



The contestants came on stage and each introduced themselves.
At this time, the director was watching the live broadcast data in the background. The number of viewers increased sharply, which made the director laugh from ear to ear. Su Ye was indeed the traffic password.

At this time,

The host's voice sounded, "Let us solemnly invite the five judges for this competition!"

As the words fall,

Five mentors appeared,
Zhu Sujin, the screenwriter of "Kangxi Dynasty", was nominated for the 17th Golden Rooster Screenwriter Award for this film. "My Brother is Shunliu" also won him the Magnolia Gold Medal Screenwriter Award at the 16th Magic City TV Festival .

His famous masterpieces include "The Opium War", "Zhu Yuanzhang" and "Three Kingdoms".

Liu Heping wrote the long historical drama "Yongzheng Dynasty". This is his first time as a film and television drama screenwriter. "Yongzheng Dynasty" also won him the honor of the 19th Chinese TV Drama Feitian Gold Screenwriter Award.

He was also the screenwriter for the modern historical drama "All Quiet in Peking", for which he won many awards including the 30th Chinese TV Drama Feitian Gold Medal Screenwriter Award and the 21st Magic City TV Festival Magnolia Award for Best Screenwriter.

Gao Mantang is a master of all themes and has no blind spots. He is best at integrating theme themes with ordinary urban life. His representative works are "Crossing the Guandong" and "Wenzhou Family". Moreover, his rural-themed works are very outstanding, including "The North Wind That Blows". ”, “Old Tavern”, etc.

Zhang Chenggong is a screenwriter known as "One Road to Darkness". His representative works include the black series trilogy "Black Ice", "Black Hole" and "Black Mist".

He is a policeman and has participated in the detection of countless cases, large and small. His rich experience has given him creative inspiration. His portrayal of human nature is very in-depth, focusing more on the psychology of criminals and the impact of social environment on people, which has profound implications.

Jiang Wei is a very dedicated person. His works include "Don't Talk to Strangers", "Latent" which received a score of 9.4, and "Silent Witness". He is not considered a prolific person, but he has produced many works. The quality is relatively high, and they are often written and directed by both writers and directors.

These five are all absolute leaders in the screenwriting industry. Having these five here shows how grand this competition is and that they really take the current chaos in the screenwriting industry very seriously.

In his previous life, Su Ye often read the works of these five teachers, and Su Ye always liked them.

[Teacher Liu is actually here too, he is my favorite screenwriter! 】

[Teacher Zhang, my idol! 】

[I studied screenwriting because of Teacher Zhu. I have a strong interest in history. I hope that one day I can write a popular historical drama! 】

[These teachers are all the top people in the screenwriting industry now. It seems that this time the screenwriting competition is not just about looking at the leaves! 】

[I hope that some good talents can emerge from this group of young people, otherwise the screenwriting industry in the future will be really worrying! 】

[Not bad, I hope!If someone can learn from one of these people, we won’t be in trouble in the future! 】


"Welcome five teachers. What do the five teachers want to say to our contestants?" the host's voice sounded.

The five judges naturally encouraged the contestants and hoped that everyone would create seriously and write hits.

Wait for the five judges to finish speaking.
The host's voice sounded again, "Thank you to the five teachers for their blessings to the contestants. Next, I will announce the rules for advancing to the top 64 this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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