this moment,
Su Ye determined the writing direction, and to write the Ice Breaking Operation well, Lin Yaodong, the character of Uncle Dong was very important. Once Uncle Dong was written well, the script of the Ice Breaking Operation would be completed.

During the ice-breaking operation, Lin Yaodong was a well-known big shot. He had many halo titles: Dongshan City People's Congress representative, Dongshan City senior official, and director of the Tazhai Village Committee.

However, behind the scenes, Lin Yaodong is the big drug lord in Tazhai Village, secretly engaged in drug production and trafficking.

Lin Yaodong is calm-minded, thoughtful, and extremely deep.He looks amiable on the outside, but is actually dark, cunning, and ruthless.

Lin Yaodong's external image is elegant, restrained, and calm. He is said to be the village director, but he is more noble than the village director, and he is said to be a big bully, but he is more gentle than the bully.

These seemingly contradictory characteristics are actually inextricably related to his experience and identity.

How could Lin Yaodong, a wealthy businessman who was worth over 30 million in his [-]s and returned to Tazhai to support his hometown, shake a cattail leaf fan and wear a vest, nodding and bowing to the police?How could Lin Yaodong, the village director of the anti-drug model village, let out his sinister and ruthless drug lord temperament so casually?

Lin Yaodong's image has a typical bright and dark side: he set up scholarships, ran a nursing home, gave out certificates to children at the award ceremony, was modest and polite, and had a heart-to-heart talk with the bullied Lin Xiaoli, who was gentle and loving.

These clips and details make people wonder that the police made a mistake in judging the chilling Lin Yaodong when he was arrested on a rainy night, and that he was just an elder with great authority.

But in the darkness, he unhurriedly analyzed Lin Shengwu's whereabouts, holding the incense and grasping the overall situation, leaning on the railing without saying a word, he settled this small matter of 600 million and a human life; he leisurely said, "What a pity. "Can't keep him anymore" decided Chen Guangrong's fate.

Godfather, he manipulates not only the situation, but also the people's hearts.Lin Yaodong is an excellent leader. He gives his villagers the most practical benefit-money.

At the same time, when it comes to controlling people's hearts, he relies on more than just eliminating the killing of dissidents. Otherwise, he can only gain awe but not respect. The warm welcome of the villagers before the meeting at the Tazhai Village ancestral hall cannot be faked.

Lin Yaodong's idea of ​​​​ruling is almost to give both kindness and power, with kindness as the main priority.In the ancestral hall meeting, the villagers were in a mess because of the wastage of money. Lin Yaodong smashed a tea bowl and yelled, then took two steps forward with his hands on his hips, and his anger subsided.

Next, the sensational and miserable speech began.Shocked at the front but gentle at the end, how can ordinary Tazhai villagers with low educational level and broad vision not be able to withstand this!
It can be seen from the above that in this drama, the role of Lin Yaodong is definitely the most important, and the focus is basically on Lin Yaodong.


Su Ye moved and started writing,


Keywords: poverty, backwardness, and a strong sense of clan in the village.

Main character: Lin Yaodong!
Lin Yaodong came from a poor family, lost his father when he was young, wore hundreds of clothes, ate rotten vegetable leaves, and was bullied. However, this did not make Lin Yaodong give up on himself, but made his heart stronger. He vowed that he would To succeed!

For this reason, Lin Yaodong taught himself knowledge and began to learn how to start a business.
Setting up street stalls, selling breakfast, getting up early and working late at night, as time went by, Lin Yaodong gained rich experience, and he was no longer satisfied with running a small business.

Such a small business requires hard work and money comes slowly, so he wants to make more money.

For this reason, Lin Yaodong is looking for an opportunity to make big money.

He must stand up, he must not be stepped on by others, he must be a leader!
After writing this, Su Ye stopped temporarily. Not to mention, the job of screenwriter is really difficult. It would be great if there were ready-made scripts. It is really a bit slow to deduce it like this now.

At this time,

The concept of clan written by Su Ye has made many people's eyes brighten.
Zhu Sujin said at this time, "The setting of the clan concept is good, but... looking at Lin Yaodong's setting, it must be a way to lead the whole village to get rich."

These words made the other judges nod slightly. In their opinion, the current setting must go in the direction Zhu Sujin said.

Apart from this, they really don't know which direction they can go.

In the live room,

[Ye Ye can do it, come on. Although the story is so cliche, I can tell the subsequent plot at a glance, but even if it is an old cliché, it is awesome to be able to write flowers! 】【Indeed, on the same subject matter, some people write extremely poorly, while some people can write brilliantly. 】

[Brothers, a very interesting thing happened next door to my house. The eldest brother was playing King of Kings at home. His neighbor over there called the police and told the police uncle that the eldest brother had killed five people in a row. When the police uncle came, he took a gun and directly I asked the elder brother where he hid the body. The young man was confused. What happened in the end was a mistake! 】

[Hahaha, I think it’s funny when I think about the scene at that time. 】

[Where is the body?

You are too late, they are resurrected! 】

[Guy: The five murders of labor and management have alerted the police station ~ Labor and management are so awesome]

[This neighbor definitely did it on purpose because the sound was too loud and disturbed him [laughing and crying]]

[Neighbor: Hurry up, he is on the hook now! 】

[I hid the body in the wild area [see]]

[Police: Where is the body hidden?

Player: One was killed in the jungle, one was in the middle, one was under the tower, one was on the baron, and one was the head grabber, and by the way, there were four accomplices! 】


At this time,

In Su Ye's room, Su Ye continued to write:

Lin Yaodong wandered around the streets, met all kinds of people, and saw all kinds of things. He soon discovered that collecting scraps was very profitable.
Lin Yaodong is very decisive. He has suffered a lot since he was a child and has an incomparable desire for money. As long as he can make money, he can do anything.

At that time, the economy was beginning to take off, and Lin Yaodong made a fortune quickly through the scrap business.

Because he earned money, Lin Yaodong felt respected.

No matter where you go, you will always see a smiling face and feel kindness.

Because of their wealth, the villagers in Tazhai Village would greet Lin Yaodong warmly when they saw him, and Lin Yaodong's status in the village skyrocketed.

This change has caused Lin Yaodong's ambition to expand rapidly, and his desire for money is even greater. He needs more money, and he must always be the best among people.

But now, the scrap business is no longer enough to satisfy Lin Yaodong.

Su Ye stopped and moved his body. He had to rest for a while. Although he was not tired, he still had to rest.

In the live room,

[As the plot progresses, Lin Yaodong will definitely suffer a big loss because of greed, and then he will learn a lesson, return to the business of selling scraps, and then have the opportunity to lead the whole village to get rich together! 】

【Um!Perfect, this is definitely the direction of the plot now. If it were smooth sailing and there were no ups and downs, there would be no need to write it! 】

【……】(End of this chapter)

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