Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 175 The big lord Dongshu is coming online soon


Zhu Sujin said, "According to the current direction of Su Ye's plot, the future path is nothing more than going in or not going in. If you go in, the subsequent direction will definitely be to change your mind and be a new person. After you come out, you will still rely on selling scraps, or something else. Opportunities can truly lead the whole village to wealth.

If it were written like this, there would be no problem, but if the gap between the before and after is too great, the story would not be easy to write. It is not even an exaggeration to say that the story would not be exciting. "

words fell,

Gao Mantang continued, "If he had not been caught, with Lin Yaodong's character, he would never give up because of the country's crackdown. He would even continue to do it, or... find a criminal business. His desire for money would definitely Would make him do such a thing.

If this is the case, then this Lin Yaodong is not the protagonist, but the most critical person in the entire show, the biggest villain. He can only be a black man! "

Everyone agrees with the two directions of development mentioned by the two of you. Apart from these two, there is no other direction to write about.

Let's see now which direction Su Ye will take the story. If it's the latter, it will definitely be a lot more interesting.

If it's the former, then there seems to be a bigger problem with the plot arrangement.

For a time,

Everyone on the Internet is guessing which one Su Ye will choose, and some people are even betting secretly.

at the same time,

In Lu Ming's room, the script was so bloody that everyone in the live broadcast room cursed,

Let’s look at his previous settings,

"Protagonist: Lu Lei"

"Identity: Villager of Huangye Village!" 』

"Era background: the early 80s, reform and opening up, the beginning of the golden age. 』

"Story summary: Lu Lei was born in a small village in a coastal city. His ancestors have made a living by fishing for generations. Lu Lei's parents died early when Lu Lei was eight years old. The young Lu Chuan grew up eating hundreds of meals in the village. Lu Lei has a great business acumen. Relying on the dividends of reform and opening up, he has gradually become a business tycoon from a fishmonger. During this period, he gained friendship and love. 』

When I saw the synopsis of this story, the comment area in the live broadcast room was not very nice.
【have to!After only reading a synopsis of the story, I already knew what was going to happen next! 】

[At first glance, I even predicted the ending! 】

[It’s still a familiar recipe, and it’s still a familiar taste! 】

[Don’t worry, on the same subject matter, some people write rubbish, while others write brilliantly. 】

[That's true, let's see if Lu Ming can control it! 】


Now Lu Ming's story has been written a bit badly. Obviously, he didn't grasp it well, and he couldn't grasp it well. It's possible to read it, but... it's not ideal.

At this time,

Another contestant, Ye Xuan, also reached a bottleneck in his creation, and the subsequent plot almost collapsed.

The setting at the beginning of the story is like this.

"Protagonist: Bai Ye"

"Protagonist's identity: the young master of the president's family"

"Era background: After the millennium, it is an era of rapid development. 』

"Story summary: Bai Ye was born in a wealthy family. His parents seized the dividends of reform and opening up and created a huge family business. His mother died early in a car accident, and his father married another wife. As a result, the conflict between father and son arose. Bai Yeming's stepmother It was pampering, but in reality it was flattering, sowing discord between father and son. Bai Ye left home angrily, and bumped into a girl while riding his bicycle. In order to compensate, Bai Ye, who was penniless, worked in the girl's orchard to pay off his debts. In the process,... The two fell in love for a long time and redeemed each other. 』

The outline of the story looks like this:

Everyone: "..."

have to!Another story whose ending can be seen at a glance!
The titles of this issue are indeed difficult to write. There are only a few types. It depends on whether the plot can be written in a fascinating way. Obviously, Ye Xuan is not good at controlling this kind of subject matter.

Another player’s room,
Because there were too many sensitive words, the word "kill" was directly changed into a white box, as follows: mouth
(Because I’m afraid of being criticized, it’s good to know which word it is. I’ll use pinyin instead!)

In the live room,

[Let’s just say that although sensitive words are blocked, it seems to be more sensitive! 】【Suddenly the lyrics came out, asking me not to blink! 】

[Guan Yu: Pass five levels and defeat six generals! 】

[Hua Qiangu's line "If you dare to hurt her for the world, I will kill everyone in the world" [Secret Observation]]

[Jing Ke ko King Qin, I really laughed at this for three years [I almost cried]]

[How about Guan Yu Wenjiu KO Hua Xiong? 】

【I've had a bad mouth [upper left][lip]】

[Then you are really... eloquent! 】

[Those who don’t kill me will only make me stronger [crying] [awkward laughter]]

[If this were the case in ancient times, during a war, everyone would shout "ko" in unison [tears run away]]

[God blocks KO, God blocks KO Buddha! 】

[Future martial arts novels: "At this moment, Wang Ermazi heard a noise from behind him, and he felt a very strong ko aura [bixin]"]

[Ten steps to KO one person!After my flowers bloom, Baihua ko! ko people are like hemp! 】

[Movie, "Misko", "Misko2"]

[Cao Cao: I love the person in my dream! 】

[Hahahahaha, I almost died laughing! 】



Su Ye has already finished the phone call. The caller just now was his father-in-law. He already has an idea of ​​the address of Shanhe University and it won't take long to confirm it.

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye continued to write:

"Lin Yaodong's smuggling dream was shattered, but the money he spent in the past few years had an effect. Before the crackdown, he destroyed all the evidence, ran away with the money, and ran to Hong Kong with his brother Lin Yaohua. 』

In the live room,

[Shit, why did you forget about the protection fee? 】

【Money is indeed not wasted! 】

[Haha, sure enough, I guessed it right, I guessed it right, Ye Zi did not write that Lin Yaodong was arrested. Just look at it, Lin Yaodong is definitely going to be evil, he is definitely a villain! 】


At the judges' table, several great screenwriters also looked like they had known this all along.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess. There are only two types, each accounting for 50.00%. What is so difficult to guess?

Su Ye continued to write:

"After arriving in Xiangjiang, my younger brother Lin Yaohua was very uncomfortable. This place was unfamiliar and the future of their brothers was very bleak.

However, what kind of character is Lin Yaodong? He is not afraid of difficulties. He has a strong energy in his heart. So what if he faces adversity?If it is adversity, then come out of it! 』

"After several years of hard work and hard work, Lin Yaodong accumulated a large amount of original capital. Lin Yaodong set his sights on real estate. At this time, the real estate industry in Xiangjiang was booming. Lin Yaodong took on some small projects and finally established a firm foothold in Xiangjiang!

During this process, Lin Yaodong met Liu Haoyu. As the two got in-depth contact and got to know each other, Lin Yaodong was a little surprised. Liu Haoyu was about the same age as him, but he had a lot of assets, which made Lin Yaodong admire him very much.

And Liu Haoyu also thinks Lin Yaodong is good. After going back and forth, the two of them get along very well.

During a drinking session, Lin Yaodong revealed the reason why he came to Xiangjiang, which surprised Liu Haoyu. He did not expect that Lin Yaodong escaped because of smuggling.

And this made Liu Haoyu even more interested in Lin Yaodong..."

"..." (End of this chapter)

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