Chapter 177
"Liu Haoyu directly agreed to Lin Yaodong's move to Tazhai.

The two hit it off immediately, and Lin Yaodong went back by attracting investment.
When the villagers saw Lin Yaodong, who had fled back then, returned and transformed into a rich man, many people sighed. Lin Yaodong prepared gifts for every household and squandered millions. This made the Tazhai villagers hate Lin Yaodong. Very respectful.

The reason why Lin Yaodong did this was entirely to win people's hearts. If he wanted to be the village director of Tazhai, he would naturally have to win the approval of all the villagers.

The reason why I want to be the village director is that in addition to repairing the ancestral hall, the more important thing is..."

See here

The crowd exploded immediately,

[Holy shit, shit!I really got it right! 】

[Awesome, Brother Dong, as expected of you! 】

[I really have to say, Brother Dong is indeed a great guy!I really dare to think and do it! 】


at the judges' table,

The expressions of the instructors all changed slightly, and they did not expect that Su Ye would dare to write like this.

According to the current plot, based on China’s review, it will definitely not pass the draft.

However, they did not stop him. As a public figure, Su Ye believed that he knew it well. Since there is a system, there must be a crackdown. From now on, this story can still be expected.

In the future, as long as we focus on cracking down on drug addicts, the more powerful Lin Yaodong is now, the more difficult it is for the police to arrest drug addicts, and the sacrifice they make.

Su Ye continued to write at this time,

"Soon, Lin Yaodong took care of the third house and successfully became the village director.

So, Tazhai went online! 』


After that, Su Ye began to write Lin Yaodong's classic lines. For a drama, the plot is important, but the lines are also top priority. Many classic lines can be remembered for a lifetime and even become secret codes for identifying enemy agents.

For example, [Palace Yuye Liquor...what follows?That must be one hundred and eighty cups! 】

[What’s in the Gathering of Heroes?
Look at this dish, a gathering of talented people. It’s not expensive at all. Come and take a look and taste it for yourself. Is it particularly crispy? If you don’t believe it, try a piece of it to see if it’s crispy. I’ll give it a try. If you chew a piece in your mouth, it is indeed very crispy!

Why is he so brittle? Why is he so brittle?Why is it so brittle? !Because he is a big lobster! 】

[I am Baiyun, I am Heitu, I am 71, I am 75, I am a chicken, I am a tiger, this is my husband, this is my mother! 】

[Royal jade liquor 180, sledge hammer 80, small hammer 40, crutch 220, wheelchair modification fee 400, wheelchair 2000, Scottish braised noodles 78, hourly chat for 40 an hour, stripping off the old man's clothes is 20 yuan. 】


At this time,

Su Ye began to write Uncle Dong’s classic lines,
Quotes from Uncle Dong:

"You were beaten today, don't hate those who beat you.You have to think about why you are not strong enough. 』

"You accept your glorious side, why don't you accept your dirty side!" 』

"Our Tazhai has a kindergarten, a nursing home, and our own factory. We can go to work in the village and don't need to go out to work. We have really achieved this, providing education for the young and support for the elderly. Throughout the province, How many villages like this are there in the whole country and the world?Have it? 』

"When a man does things, he really shouldn't take his feelings into consideration too much!" 』

"You may not succeed in our business, but you must not fail!" 』

"Only Uncle Dong threatens others in Tazhai, so no one else can threaten Uncle Dong!" 』

"Anger is a sign of incompetence! "From the first day I started doing this, I thought that this day would come and I was ready to die!" 』

"I don't understand what crime is. In front of my ancestors, I, Lin Yaodong, only have family in my heart. What do I want?"am I wrong"

"Uncle Dong is very happy that you can make this call to Uncle Dong, but he doesn't like the tone of your words!" 』


Looking at these Uncle Dong's lines, the live broadcast room exploded again.
[Holy shit, the design of this line really makes the character of Lin Yaodong more complete! 】

[Uncle Dong is very happy that you can make this call to Uncle Dong, but he doesn’t like the tone of your words!I feel like this sentence has an inexplicable domineering power! 】

[Now I’m looking forward to this drama being released soon, I can’t wait! 】


【10086! 】

[According to this, it is definitely impossible to film it. It depends on the subsequent anti-drug plot! 】


The time for creation is very fast. At this time, it is already approaching dinner time.
Su Ye did not continue writing, but started fishing. As for everyone, they felt that the subsequent lines were difficult to write, and Su Ye must be thinking.

In fact, Su Ye was just too lazy to move. He needed to fish and chat with his wife.

dinner time,

When the entire program team goes to that restaurant again, they still take the same route.

During the meal, the old version of Journey to the West was played on TV. Su Ye watched it with gusto. I have to say that it was not much different from the one he shot in his previous life. A classic is a classic. No matter when you watch it or how many years have passed, you will always remember it. It can be watched with relish.

In the live room,

Someone asked this question,
[You can live forever by eating ginseng fruit. Why do the monsters insist on eating Tang Monk meat? 】

【? ? ?Dude, are you serious? 】

[Zhen Yuanzi: There is someone above you, but there is no one above me [a polite smile]]

[Going to steal ginseng fruits?Wouldn’t that go against the original intention of living a long life [Bixin]]


[This choice is clear at a glance! 】

[When the Bull Demon King goes away, he will be hung on a tree and used as an avocado! 】

[Zhen Yuanzi: I don’t have a protective umbrella, because I am the protective umbrella [Innocent]]

[Tang Monk is a vegetarian, Zhen Yuanzi is not a vegetarian [awkward laugh][awkward laugh][awkward laugh]]

[Zhen Yuanzi: Everyone who comes from afar for fertilizer, pick a hole and go in by yourself [smile]]

[Let’s put it this way, the Bull Demon King and Zhen Yuanzi were at odds with each other, and the Bull Demon King plowed seven acres of land for Zhen Yuanzi in 3 minutes! 】

[Three to seven is an exaggeration, it should be one to nine, Zhen Yuanzi punches, Bull Demon King Jiuquan [rolls eyes]]

【6! 】


After dinner, returning to the program group, Su Ye rested for a while and started the next sweeping route.

(End of this chapter)

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