Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 18 Challenge to be a scalper for a day!

Chapter 18 Challenge to be a scalper for a day!
Looking at this comment, the corner of Su Ye's mouth twitched slightly, "What words, what are these words?! How can a fat man be worthy of brother?!"

Xu Lai's resentful voice sounded, "Brother Ye Zi, you really hurt someone's heart by talking like that!"


Su Ye's face darkened, "Get out!"

In the live room,

[Haha, I was disgusted by the fat man, but looking at Ye Zi’s expression, he was inexplicably happy! 】

[Ye Zi, why don’t you obey Fat Brother quickly? ! 】

[Ye Ye, there’s no need to resist! 】

【True love is around you! 】

Looking at the increasingly crooked comment section, Su Ye hurriedly said, "Okay, let's get down to business. Brothers, start the challenge. We can be outrageous but not BT!"

In the live room,

[Yi Zi, do you dare to take the challenge of making a film that has both love and action? 】

[My understanding should be correct. It’s the kind of film that once it’s filmed, you have to go into it, right? 】

[Challenge: Be a maid in a maid shop for a day! 】

[This is good, Ye Zi is wearing a maid outfit, it shouldn’t look ugly! 】

[Challenge: swim and fly at the same time! 】

【? ? ? 】

[Damn, this is quite explosive in the entire explosion world. What kind of imagination can you actually come up with this! 】

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, there are many challenges, but none of them are suitable.

Until this comment appeared:
[Ye Zi, challenge yourself to be a scalper for a day! 】

Su Ye's voice sounded, "Okay brothers, today we challenge to be a scalper for a day!"

I have just gained experience as a top scalper in the system, so this challenge is right on my back~!
words fell,

In the live room,

【? ? ?Is the anchor cowarded?What the hell is it to be a scalper? 】

[Is being a scalper for a day considered a challenge?Anchor, this is so pure! 】

【Ah!Unlock it!Brothers, it’s no longer interesting! 】


【No!No!Brothers in front of you, do you really think it’s easy to be a scalper?Do you really think that scalpers are just raking in votes? 】

[My own personal experience is that once when we went to Disneyland, a scalper asked us if we wanted skip-the-line service. It was 800 yuan. I thought it was appropriate, so I gave him [-] yuan, and then the scalper took us there. When we jumped in line and others scolded us, he would help us talk back. We would play on top while he would quarrel with a bunch of people below. 】

[Damn, that’s 6! ? 】

[This is true. In the past, when there was no high-speed rail, it was painful to buy tickets for the green trains during the Spring Festival every year. One year after the Chinese New Year, when the university started, I queued up to buy tickets. There were so many people, and an old aunt said I had to pay [-] for the formalities. Fee can buy tickets quickly. I thought she was a scalper, but she just jumped in and bought the tickets. After buying the tickets, she asked me to leave first, and she came to argue. 】

[I bought this service three years ago. I was really shameless and shameless in jumping in line. I regretted spending the money. I have never cut in line in my life. I was scolded by scalpers even if I refused to jump in line. 】

[Hahaha, being scolded by scalpers is real! 】

[Do you want to laugh me to death so you can inherit my foreign debt? ! 】

[I really didn’t know what powerful channels scalpers could use to buy tickets. Once I missed a train at a high-speed rail station and found a scalper. He said they had an insider relationship. As a result, he took me to the station entrance and took advantage of the passengers in front to check their tickets. Pushed me in. 】

[Summary: Although there is no morality, the professional ethics is really full! 】

[In this way, being a scalper is indeed not an easy task! 】

[Now I have begun to look forward to it, hoping that Ye Zi will get things done. 】


Looking at the comments, Xu Lai, who originally thought it was nothing, suddenly became concerned, are scalpers like this?Ye Zi won't... Good guy, if Ye Zi also cuts in line for others and then quarrels with a bunch of people, his scalp will go numb just thinking about it. No, probably not. They are all shameless people, so they won't do anything like this. Let's do this!
"The first stop, let's go to the amusement park!" As Su Ye's voice sounded, the two set off. Before setting off, Su Ye also prepared several sets of clothes.

Xu Lai couldn't help but asked curiously, "Yi Zi, why are you preparing these clothes?" "You will know then!" Su Ye returned like this without explaining too much.

In the live room,

[I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt that... it might be exciting for Ye Zi to be a scalper! 】

[He is actually prepared. Why does it feel like he has been a scalper? ! 】

[Ye Ye, please pay attention to your scale, after all, you are now a public figure! 】



Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived at the amusement park. The disco park was as popular as ever.
In the amusement park, Su Ye was looking for the target, while Xu Lai was filming and live broadcasting from a distance.

Su Ye found the target. She was a little girl. She seemed to be around [-] years old and looked good. "Girl, do you need skip-the-line service?"


The little girl looked at Su Ye and her eyes couldn't help but stare. He's so handsome. "Brother, I really want to support your work, but the VIP tickets are too expensive and I can't afford them!"

The ticket for the VIP channel costs [-], but in the hands of scalpers, it is not more than [-] to [-]. She is still a student, how can she come up with so much money.

"It's not expensive. I have internal connections. It only costs one thousand!" Su Ye answered.

one thousand?
The little girl's eyes lit up slightly. If it was a thousand, it would still be acceptable, but...does he really have internal connections?He's so handsome, so he can't be a liar.

"Can it be cheaper?" the little girl asked weakly.

Su Ye answered, "You tell me a price!"

"Nine...eight hundred!"

"make a deal!"

Little girl:? ? ?

Big loss!

Looking at this scene, in the live broadcast room,

[Hahaha, looking at the little girl's expression, she obviously regrets it. She definitely feels that she has lost a lot! 】

[The same goes for Ye Zi, after all, the little girl will be unhappy for at least two days! 】

[By the way, where does Ye Zi’s internal connections come from? He won’t... really want to use that trick, right? 】

[If this is the case, then money matters will not be a problem. 】

[I can guarantee that the little girl will be so embarrassed that she digs out a villa with her feet, the kind with decorations! 】

[I just made a little guess, the embarrassing cancer has already struck! 】

[It shouldn’t be so. With Ye Zi’s current traffic, this kind of thing is immoral and the live broadcast room may be blocked! 】

At this time,

The little girl paid Su Ye eight hundred. As soon as the money arrived, Su Ye handed the little girl a set of clothes from his backpack and said, "Go find a bathroom and change into it."

what? !

The little girl asked suspiciously, "Why do you still need to change clothes?"

"Just treat it as a rule. Don't worry. Once you change your clothes, I guarantee you won't have to queue up! No need to ask any more questions, trust me!" Su Ye said, patting her chest.

The little girl hesitated, she was afraid that when she went to change clothes, Su Ye would take the opportunity to run away, and she couldn't even find him. But for the sake of Su Ye Shuai, she finally chose to believe in Su Ye.

at this time,

In the live room,

Everyone is also confused, this is different from their judgment!What on earth is Su Ye going to do? !

(End of this chapter)

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