Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 189 The door to hell opens and monsters rush out

Chapter 189 The door to hell opens and monsters rush out

Xiao Sun tiptoed into the Reincarnation Sect. He was a little scared when he first entered the Reincarnation Sect. He cheered himself up and plucked up the courage to walk towards the dark room.

It took a lot of effort for Xiao Sun to open the iron chain behind the golden Buddha statue.

When the iron chain was broken, Xiao Sun carefully measured the golden Buddha statue and kept sighing. He did not notice at all that behind him, the door to hell was slowly opening.

When Xiao Sun felt something was wrong with his back, his expression was slightly sluggish, and he slowly turned around.

next moment,
A monster's face came into view, and Xiao Sun couldn't help shouting,
Now he wanted to run away, but it was obviously too late. The monster grabbed Xiao Sun directly, opened its bloody mouth, and bit on Xiao Sun's neck, which made Xiao Sun's screams even more intense.

Xiao Sun's screams made many people in the archaeological team wake up.

The place where they camped was not far from the Samsara Sect, and the glaciers were mostly empty. Naturally, they could hear Xiao Sun's loud voice very clearly.

The source of the sound came from the direction of the Reincarnation Sect. Someone in the archaeological team saw Xiao Sun sneaking there just now.

Upon hearing that Xiao Sun had gone by himself, Professor Chen's expression suddenly changed, "Oh no! This Xiao Sun!"

Needless to say, Professor Chen knew that Xiao Sun must have touched the golden Buddha statue.

From Xiaosun's screams, he could tell that there must be something behind the door.

"Quick, bring weapons, let's go over and take a look." Professor Chen said hurriedly.

At this time, it is definitely not to save Xiaosun, it is already too late to save him, but to deal with the monster, and he must not let Bai Bai leave.

When everyone from the archaeological team arrived, they saw that Xiao Sun was completely covered in blood and flesh, and a monster was eating Xiao Sun. All they could see was that it had a cat head, a tail, and a white ghost-like body.

Someone in the archaeological team panicked, "What...what is this?!"

"The Sin-Eating Balu is used by the Samsara Sect to punish those who are considered guilty by the Samsara Sect. However, due to the evil nature of the Samsara Sect itself, the Sin-Eating Balu has also become the embodiment of evil. Because the Samsara Sect has disappeared from the world, Therefore, future generations will not be able to judge whether this sin-eating Balu is a fictional hungry ghost from hell, or a real beast tamed by religious law enforcement agencies to punish prisoners." Su Ye then answered.

words fell,

Sin-eating Balu's eyes were fixed on them, which made everyone in the archaeological team shudder.

"Quick, shoot!" Professor Chen said loudly.

At this time,

Everyone in the archaeological team finally came to their senses and fired quickly. However, the Sin-Eating Balu was very fast and its body was extremely hard. The bullets had little effect and could only delay its speed.

Seeing it getting closer and closer, everyone kept retreating. Su Ye slowly drew out the ancient black gold sword, "Cease fire. If you can't kill it with a gun, I will do it!"

With Su Ye's words, everyone ceased fire, and Su Ye rushed directly into the palace, with a sharp blade,
Su Ye first struck with a chopping knife, the knife chopping from top to bottom, with the force reaching the blade, and the arm and the knife were in a straight line.Swing the splitting knife in a vertical circle along the right or left side of the body; the back splitting requires coordination with the rotation.

At this time, Su Ye's sword skills were already perfect, and he could perform them smoothly.

However, Sin-eating Balu was very fast and managed to avoid Su Ye's long knife.

Then Su Ye struck with a machete, slashing diagonally to the lower right or lower left.

The next step is to lift the knife, the blade is lifted from bottom to front, and the force reaches the front of the blade.

Lift the forearm with external rotation, palm facing up, and lift the knife along the right side of the body in a close-fitting arc. Lift the forearm with internal rotation, lift the knife along the left side of the body, and lift with the same angle.Since then, Su Ye has been able to display his sword skills to the fullest, stabbing, intercepting, blocking, breaking, cutting, wiping, belting, wrapping... and so on.

Seeing Su Ye behind him like this, everyone in the archaeological team couldn't help but marvel.

Professor Chen said at this time, "The characteristics of swordsmanship are bravery and speed, imposing momentum, strong and powerful, like a tiger. The use of swords is only based on body skills, long jumps and long distances, quick eyes and quick hands, and requires advancement and retreat. The knives need to be changed when dodging, jumping and flipping, and the body and weapons are coordinated.

Looking at Xiao Su's sword skills, it is obvious that he has reached the level of a sword master. "


One member of the archaeological team couldn't help but said, "Professor, you also know how to use a knife!"

Professor Chen picked it up and said, "When I was young, I learned some from an ancestor of the 29th Army, but my understanding was relatively low and I didn't get the essence."

During the Anti-Japanese War, the swords of the 29th Army were famous all over the world. They really did not expect that Professor Chen was lucky enough to learn swordsmanship from the ancestors of the 29th Army. No matter how good he was, it was a great honor to have learned it!

At this time,

Su Ye used it again, hanging the knife. The tip of the knife was hung from front to upward, backward or downward, to the right, and the force reached the front of the back of the knife.The top hangs upward and backward to hang out close to the body, the bottom hangs downward and backward to hang out close to the body, and the rush hang hangs close to the body and hangs in a circle.

Then the stabbing knife is drawn out, with the blade facing down, up or to the left, and the tip of the knife thrust straight forward to form a stabbing, with the force reaching the tip of the knife, and the arm and the knife are in a straight line.The tip of the flat knife is as high as the shoulder, the tip of the upper knife is as high as the head, and the tip of the lower knife is as high as the knee.

At this moment, Su Ye had figured out the weakness of the Sin-Eating Balu. He seized an opportunity and chopped off his head with a knife. Everyone in the archaeological team breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the monster come to an end. Fortunately, Su Ye Ye Zai, otherwise the archaeological team will suffer heavy losses again this time.

After the monster was eliminated, Professor Chen collected the golden Buddha statue, which was a very valuable cultural relic, and then buried Xiao Sun. If he had known that this would be the result, he might as well have taken the golden Buddha statue at that time. .

After a night's rest,
The next day,

Everyone set off in the direction of the nine-story demon tower. When they arrived at the place despite the wind and snow, Su Ye looked around and couldn't help but said, "Dragon Top! It seems to be down there."

Dragon top? !
Professor Chen asked puzzledly, "What is Longding?"

The rest of the archaeological team looked at Su Ye expectantly and listened quietly to his explanation.

Su Ye replied, "In Tantric Feng Shui, Kunlun Mountain is the land of the Phoenix, and the place surrounded by the four peaks is the Phoenix Shrine. In the Dragon Searching Art, the Phoenix Shrine is called Dragon Peak, which can be regarded as the backbone of heaven and earth, and the ancestral dragon." Originating from its place, it is the place where yin and yang merge.

With such a layout, the nine-story demon tower of the Demon Kingdom must be here.

And according to records, after the Demon Kingdom's demise, the Samsara Sect inherited the Demon Kingdom's beliefs.

However, since the main city of the Demon Kingdom, Evil Luo Hai City, has been destroyed and many secrets have been lost, the Samsara Sect dug up Nian Xi Heiyan's demon tower, took away her demon pupils and brain, and rebuilt a shadow of Evil Luo Hai City. .

The Samsara Sect also regards the glacier where the Nianhe Black-faced Demon Tower is buried as a holy place. After their deaths, the followers of the sect masters all surrounded the nine-story demon tower and were buried in the nearby glacier to protect this holy place.

I looked just now and there was a tomb on the way we came. It should be the tomb of a leader of the Reincarnation Sect. Our target is the nine-story demon tower, so we didn’t tell you. "

words fell,

Before anyone in the archaeological team could say anything, the howling of wolves began, and judging by the howling, it was obviously a large force.

(End of this chapter)

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