Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 193: Nice people, but cats are shameless!

the plane landed,

Liu Feifei came to pick up the plane. Under the envious eyes of everyone in the archaeological team, Su Ye left.

in the car,

Su Ye couldn't hold back the corners of her mouth, "Daughter-in-law, do you miss me?"

"I don't want to!" Liu Feifei said duplicity.

Su Ye naturally knew that in the next second, Su Ye would perform the ultimate method, the coquettish method.

Liu Feifei: "..."

Is this thing... really my little husband? !
"Okay, stop it, I miss you, I really miss you, that's it!"

Su Ye naturally smiled with satisfaction, and his back molars were exposed!

The next day,

Su Ye and Liu Feifei got up early. It was still dark, so they set off directly to the nearest mountain to watch the sunrise.

When the red sun rose slowly, the two hugged each other tightly, and the atmosphere was indescribably beautiful.


Whether it's Su Ye or Liu Feifei, it's the first and last time in their lives.

The first moment we met, everything was doomed!
Love and lovers that can truly enter the heart must allow each other to have a common feeling, that is, the comfort of getting along, the cherishment of love and the harmony of sex.

It can make you have the determination and friendship to choose one person to live forever and grow old when you meet him in the world of mortals. It will also make you feel that when you meet him, the light in your life will be lit up. Because of him, you have become the most beautiful person in the world. Good one.

However, if you meet a bad person, he will not only extinguish all the light in your world, but also make you crawl in the darkness and suffer terribly.

Human emotions are relatively complex. It is too difficult for two strange men and women to communicate and understand each other. This creates the true happiness of love. It is not just the recklessness of love at first sight, nor the natural love that lasts for a long time.

Love should be a person's instinctive preference and a choice after weighing the pros and cons.

You can bring a pleasant experience to others, you can bring unlimited love and hope to another person. This is the true meaning and value of love!

Su Ye has the confidence to hold Liu Feifei's hand and go on, and so does Liu Feifei.

after that,

Su Ye rested for several days in a row and went out for a long time. Naturally, he wanted to spend these days with his little wife.

After a few days,
Su Ye and Xu Lai started broadcasting again, this time the time was far apart,
Su Ye chose another weekend to start broadcasting, and the number of people watching online soared, almost crashing the server.

Su Ye had just finished greeting everyone in the live broadcast room when he saw a middle-aged boss coming out of the store behind Su Ye, cursing, "You damn cat, just wait, I'll call the police and let you eat every day!" "


The boss actually called the police.
The live room exploded instantly,

[A cat secretly eats a little bit, is that all that matters?It’s so interesting that he even called the police! 】

[This boss will never achieve anything in his life. Does he not know how to care for small animals? 】

[Calling the police for such a trivial matter, isn’t it a waste of police power?Really! 】

[Cats are so cute, don’t they just eat a little something?How much can a cat eat, really! 】

[After all, it’s just eating secretly. It’s already good that the boss didn’t hit me! 】

[Yi Zi, today’s challenge is to condemn the boss! 】

[Brother, Ye Zi’s life is not his life, right? Why should he blame his boss! 】


At this time, both sides had different opinions and had begun to quarrel.


the police are here

After a while, the store owner explained the situation and led a group of police officers to the store. After a while, two police officers came out carrying a cat.

How can I put it this way, that orange cat is really fat!

In a flash,

There was silence in the live broadcast room.
[Before meeting the cat: Can’t you bear it?Cats are so cute! [laughing awkwardly]
After seeing the cat: Isn’t it the boss who can bear it [tears]]

[Police officer before coming: We really think we have nothing to do. How much can a cat eat? Should we call the police?After arriving, the policeman said: No, brother, you just called the police today! 】

[First glance: Cats are good and people are bad!

Second glance: Nice people, but shameless cats [upper left]]

[Catch the cat after it steals it. What’s the point of bringing out a gas tank! 】

[Cat: Call the police for such a trivial matter and take me away. Who will catch the mouse [awkward laughter]]

【mouse:? ? ?You fart, my whole family doesn’t eat as much as you do [Crying loudly]]

[He is just.........a little kitten [crying]]

[Before I saw the cat: Why can’t this boss tolerate it at all? I’ll raise it [upper left]
After meeting the cat: It is forbidden to store too many flammable and explosive materials at home! 】

[No, I asked you to catch a cat, why would you catch a pig [a polite smile]]


At this time, the tense look in the live broadcast room just now was completely gone.

The normal peace returned to the live broadcast room,
[Challenge: Ye Zi, my friend was arrested and went to North Korea, go and rescue him! 】

[Brother, you have extra hair! 】


[Challenge: Ye Zi, let’s sing another song. I want an original new song. The playlist hasn’t been updated recently, and I’m really annoyed! 】

【1, me too! 】



Su Ye: "..."

There is really nothing he wants to do in this period’s challenge tasks!

I don’t know what to sing, I’ve been through the challenge, there’s nothing new, I’m too lazy to sing.

Fortune teller?

Too lazy to count!

No fun!
Can you do something thoughtful?
Now that I want Yangliuyiyang to go online, shouldn't I... give them some hints and guide them, otherwise they really won't move forward!
You have to think about how you should give them a hint without showing any trace, so that you can't let the system catch you cheating.

Just as Su Ye was meditating and having an intense brainstorming session,
A comment in the comment area made Su Ye's eyes light up,
[Yi Zi, if you have the ability to make a small game, I don’t believe it. You can even make games! 】

【Um!I haven’t challenged this leaf yet. I’m interested in this industry, want to see it, and love to see it! 】

[Nothing to say, just fix this! 】

[Just waiting for Ye Zi to make a fool of himself, I won’t believe it. Ye Zi can still be so almighty! 】


Looking at this challenge, Su Ye smiled. This person was so kind. Didn't he just bring the pillow up when he fell asleep?I like!
"Okay, let's challenge this, make a small game, dump it, what I play is real!"

Xu Lai: "..."

Ye Zi, you really came!

Type the code!

You really know how to do it!
In the live room,

【? ? ?Judging from Ye Zi's posture, he seems to be... really good at it! 】

[He looks like he is playing into his hands! 】

[It’s broken, we won’t let him pretend again! 】

[It feels like Ye Zi is obviously pretending! 】

【Inexplicably looking forward to it! 】


(End of this chapter)

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