Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 20 Sometimes talking nonsense can really avoid a lot of trouble!

Chapter 20 Sometimes talking nonsense can really avoid a lot of trouble!
"Brother, I'm sorry!"

Su Ye's first words really made everyone in the live broadcast room believe that Su Ye was going to A, and they were stunned. This... why are they still timid? ?

In the live room,

【wipe!The anchor is so cowardly! 】

[Unfortunately, I thought he was destined to go up to A! ?This is the result! ? 】

[Come on, let’s go, brothers, it’s boring! 】


At this time,

The eldest brother who was apologized came to his senses after a brief daze, and then couldn't help but feel a little proud, and looked down on Su Ye. This person is too soft, he can be considered a man! ?Ah!

Su Ye's voice continued, "Brother, this is my sister. Our parents passed away early and we have been dependent on each other since childhood. My sister is frail and sick. A few days ago...she was diagnosed with cancer. She has always wanted to come to the amusement park since she was a child. There are too many people, she really can’t wait, and we... don’t have much money, I... I just want to take my sister to take a closer look! "

As he spoke, Su Ye's eyes turned red, "When my mother left, she always told me to take good care of my sister, but..."

For a time,

Su Ye was so choked that she couldn't speak.

And then,
The little girl was a little confused, when did I become his sister, but she didn't have time to think too much, Su Ye's words and his crying were so contagious, she actually took it in quickly, and her tears kept falling.

In the live room,

【? ? ?What are the leaves doing? 】

[How come this little girl has become his sister and still has cancer? ! 】

[Anchor... what does this mean? ! 】

[Damn it, if nothing else, Ye Zi cries whenever he wants, and... it’s very contagious. If he goes to the set to audition for a crying scene, won’t it take minutes? ! 】

[More than just passing the audition, Ye Zi’s crying scene is probably on par with the Best Actor! 】

[One more thing, his acting skills are so good, how many other skills does he have? ! 】


[No, you still don’t understand?Ye Zi just wants to play the role of the eldest brother for once! 】

[Big brother: I really deserve to die! 】

[With this set of rules, the eldest brother will have to slap himself even if he gets up in the middle of the night! 】



Su Ye's choked voice continued, "Brother, I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean to interrupt you by cutting in line! Let's leave now! Let's leave now!"

words fell,

Many people in the queue were infected and pointed at the tough brother.

At this time, the guilt in the eldest brother's heart had already reached its peak, "Don't... little brother, don't leave. Come on, let my sister stand in front of me, and I'll line up again!"

"No, no, brother, how can this be done?" Su Ye refused.

"That's it!" After the tough brother said this, he turned back and queued up again without giving Su Ye a chance to speak again.

this moment,
Many people said it was great and gave them a thumbs up. The tough brother's spine that was visible to the naked eye instantly straightened up. There seemed to be light on his body, and his body looked so majestic!
"Sister, you have fun, brother, go over there and wait for you!" Su Ye said gently.

The little girl nodded in confusion. She was a little confused now.

In the live broadcast room, [Hahaha, confused, the little girl is confused, completely confused about the situation! 】

[It’s the clothes and the sick makeup again, Ye Zi has planned it from the beginning, jump in line with compassion! ?This eldest brother Chun Chun brought it to your door by himself! 】

[Fuck, if you say that, it’s true! 】

[If this big brother knew the truth, his mentality would probably be even worse! 】

【Hahaha~! 】

[I have to say that this trick is indeed useful. When I was in school, I was seen smoking on the balcony by the dean. The dean asked me why I smoked. I calmly said that I didn’t want to live anymore. So the dean, the principal, and the head teacher persuaded me. It took me two hours! 】

[When I got on the bus before, I couldn’t scan the QR code. A guy next to me said: What a broken phone.I was stunned for a moment and said: My family's condition is not good and I can't afford a good one.Then the eldest brother was silent all the way. 】

[I was visiting the vegetable market during the online class. The teacher asked a few questions. Either the network card or the answer could not be answered. Then he asked me questions. I had no choice but to turn on the mic. The teacher became even more angry after hearing what was going on here and said: Are you talking about it? Wet market?I was so anxious that I wisely said: My parents went to buy some goods, so I had to go out to the stall.The teacher was silent for a long time after listening. 】

[I think I can add, I’m sorry, teacher, I’ve disturbed you! 】

[Damn, this is so heartbreaking! 】

[I forgot to scan the QR code on the bus, so the driver yelled at me. I whispered that I came to the city to see a doctor and it was my first time to take a bus! 】

[Driver during the day: It’s okay!

Driver at night: I really deserve to die! [crying]]

[Morning: It doesn’t matter, I just said it, I don’t know!

Night: I really deserve to die! 】

[I went to get my hair cut before, and the barber guy kept recommending me to perm it. I was very impatient at the time and said that it would be useless to perm it because I would have chemotherapy next week. Then the barber guy stopped talking, and I didn’t get a haircut in the future. Very quiet, didn't say a word! 】

[Brother, can you sleep at night? 】

[I didn’t know about the disability certificate before. When I was queuing up at the hospital, a person jumped in line with a disability certificate. I yelled at her. It’s been almost two years now and I still remember her helpless look in her eyes. I was really wrong! ! ! 】

At this moment, the excitement in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room was quite explosive.

at the same time,

Liu Feifei was watching the live broadcast room so intently that she didn't even hear Chen Shan calling her. It was Chen Shan who pushed Liu Feifei back to her senses.
Chen Shan said teasingly, "Why, are you fascinated by your lover? You can't hear me no matter how you scream, right?"


Liu Feifei couldn't help but said, "Sister Chen, what are you talking about? I was just watching this part of his acting!"

As she said that, Liu Feifei asked Chen Shan to watch a live broadcast she had recorded, which was the scene where Su Ye cried. Looking at the video content, Chen Shan couldn't help but be affected by Su Ye's performance, and her eyes were filled with surprise.

"This Su Ye actually has such acting skills?! This... Looking at the current entertainment industry, there are no rivals among the younger generation who can compete with the veteran actors." Chen Shan's tone was very surprised, "This Su Ye , who is he?"

Su Yehuo's time is very short, but he seems to know... too much. Su Ye's whole person is like a mystery, full of too many secrets, and he wants people to find out.

Liu Feifei said at this time, "Sister Chen, I happened to be approached by a drama about the legend of Wu Meiniang recently. If I play the role of Wu Meiniang, how about letting Su Ye play Li Junxian?"

Chen Shan:? !

Are you going to start chasing your husband? !
"Qianxi, this paragraph alone can't explain anything. A character is complex and multi-faceted, and he may not be able to do it." Chen Shan said at this time.

Sissi is at the peak of her career now, and it is not a good time to fall in love yet.

Chen Shan was certain that as long as the two of them had the opportunity to be in contact for a long time, Sissi would definitely fall.

"I think he can!" Liu Feifei was very determined and had obviously made up her mind.

PS: I’m going to test the waters tomorrow, it’s very important. I hope you guys can support me more. It’s up to you whether you can continue writing it. It’s very important to read it. Please vote for recommendations, collect it, and comment. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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