Chapter 205 Illegal Animals
Then, Su Ye said loudly, "Challenge, write two new original songs with deep meanings, no, I'm playing with the truth!"

In a flash,

The live broadcast room is also excited. Now there are new songs in the music library that can be played on a loop.
Su Ye and Xu returned to their previous small home. As soon as they entered the door, the style of the house was obviously different. This home had a hostess.

Damn fat man, okay!This is life! ?
Xu Lai:? ? ?
What are you talking about, what are you talking about, you have already passed, and you still won’t let me pass?

If you want to talk about a dog, it has to be your dog!

Su Ye's guitar was in hand, and the prelude sounded slowly. This time Su Ye was going to sing about illegal animals.
At the time when Su Ye traveled through time, many people might have forgotten this song.
This is definitely a song with great meaning. Su Ye wants this song to shine in this other world.

As the prelude ended, Su Ye's singing slowly sounded,

"I saw butterflies on the street corner flying into the sky,

I want to petition Mr. Qingtian,

Relevant yamen have put forward some guiding opinions,
Neighbors are trying their best to spread the truth and rumors..."

In the live room,

[Why has this style changed so much?But... he still opened his mouth and knelt! 】

[Just from these first few lines, I think the meaning of this song is extraordinary! 】

["I want to petition Mr. Qingtian. The relevant yamen have put forward some guiding opinions. The neighbors are working hard to spread the truth and rumors."

This metaphorical mantra points out the status quo. A humble butterfly will never fly into the sky unless it pays a heavy price, such as death...

The focus on social life is stated from a perspective that puts oneself in others' shoes, and thoughts are expressed in a poetic language, which eliminates the sense of preaching of compassion or the pale feeling of venting anger. In the steady and powerful rhythm of drums, In the cold and blurry instrument timbre arrangement, in the lazy and casual singing voice...]

[Damn it, when you say that, it’s really true! 】


Su Ye's singing continues,
"The girl selling sweet potatoes wants to set up a stall in front of the school.
That can't be done without money, and it can't be done without a smiling face. "

“Those who have a little bit of power want to use their little power all the time.
And those with great power only side with you when they are out of their mind! "

In the live room,

【Fuck! 】

[These lyrics give me goosebumps all over my body! 】

[This... people who have a small amount of power want to use it all the time. In one sentence, it really outlines human nature vividly! 】

[Brother, I asked you to write something meaningful. How about it be so meaningful? 】

[Ye Zi’s talent is even better than mine back then! 】

[This person can really put gold on his face! 】

[I want to give birth to a monkey for Brother Ye Zi, but unfortunately... the famous grass has an owner! 】


Su Ye's singing continues,
"A group of noble police officers are punishing illegal animals.
She was covered in dust and lost her way on the street corner,
A group of noble police officers are punishing illegal animals.
No one cares about silent tears! "

“This bustling city sometimes feels strange

When the dark clouds keep piling up, the heavy rain will come as expected!

The definition of happiness has been upgraded continuously and refuses to return to the original version.

Just buy a sweet potato, otherwise the night will be too cold! "

"..." "A group of noble police officers are punishing illegal animals.
Silent tears gathered into a lake in this land. "

the end of the song
The entire live broadcast room had already exploded into chaos. This song really shocked them.

[I already have a picture in my mind now...

A little boy who envied the outstanding young pioneers and volunteered to be a law enforcement officer when he grew up saw his father, who was selling fruit, being stopped by the urban management and smashed the fruit. He cried silently in a small corner and shed silent tears.

The boy's father returned home pushing a tricycle and saw his son waiting for him.

But what he brought back was a broken watermelon and a broken weighing weight.

The boy's father remembered the few toys the little boy had, including a little zebra, and said to the little boy: "Dad was riding across the road today. When passing the zebra crossing, an illegal zebra rushed out. We All the watermelons were smashed."

The father said it jokingly, and the little boy responded with a realistic "smile". The father went to wash his face, and was wary of his son finding dirt on his face. At this time, the boy took the scale and connected it with tape. good.And he used a pen to fill in the little dots of measurement, and cried silently again.

Finally, the little boy picked up his pen and added a few sentences after the composition "My Will". At this time, his father saw it and asked: "Is the composition finished? Let me see it."Little boy: When you’ve finished writing, I’ll read it to you, dad.

"Cherish hard-working people, cherish fruits and vegetables, be more patient, lead zebras across the road, they watch the traffic lights"]

[Holy shit, what am I talking about? I don’t need too many talented netizens. 】

[Just shoot the MV according to this version. It must be shot. If it doesn’t work, we will crowdfund! 】

[Well said, it must be filmed! 】



The entire music world was stirred up into a frenzy. What is a song? This is it!
This song can already hit the current music scene.

[The steady and powerful rhythm of the drums, the cool and blurry musical instrument timbre arrangement, and the lazy and casual singing voice calmly unfold a story about "illegal animals". 】

[The words and sentences that travel between ancient and modern times in the lyrics are also a round of Xu Song-style expression completed in the dislocation of time and space.The performance of both rapping and singing has just the right amount of joking. If it is more, it will be cynical, and if it is less, it will be serious and stereotyped. 】

[Perfect, this song is really perfect. 】

Regarding the evaluation of this song by a group of music industry leaders, they all agreed that Su Ye's song almost surpassed the previous songs composed by Su Ye, and in terms of meaning, it was incomparable to those songs.

Let me tell you, is Su Ye really not in any bottleneck period?Do you want this horror?

Now Su Ye, no one would object to saying that he is the uncrowned king of the music world.


Many big names in the music industry have begun to try to contact Su Ye. It would be a great thing if they could cover this song.

At this time,

Su Ye took a light sip of water, as if she had just sang an insignificant song and done an insignificant thing.

"There is another song below, the name is...Big Dream!"

words fell,

Everyone in the live broadcast room is looking forward to it. The song "Illegal Animals" is amazing to the world. I don't know how wonderful the song "Big Dream" is.

Some people say that it is definitely not as profound as the illegal animal. Others say that the last one must be very explosive.

They can say anything, but now they are just full of expectations. The products produced by Ye Zi must be high-quality products.

(End of this chapter)

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