Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 211 Are the leaves falling from the altar?

At this time,

Su Ye continued to write,

"However, contrary to expectations, such days did not last long.
The police station learned about the smuggling case and began to investigate. Cheng Yong was very scared when he learned about it, so he gave his agency to a person who had sold counterfeit medicines.He became invisible in society and never did smuggling again.

After a year of living comfortably like this, Cheng Yong opened his own factory and lived a smooth life. 』

In the live room,

【? ? ? is this different from what you imagined? ! 】

[Is this the golden basin to wash away? 】

[Opened a factory?formal?Brother, are you sure you are not running an ice factory? 】

[This plot twist is a bit unexpected!It’s not a crime no matter how you look at it! 】

[Cheng Yong now runs a factory and his life is going smoothly. There is really no need to commit crime! 】

[ seems there is no need to write further!It would be so unexpected to commit another crime next time! 】


For a moment, netizens in the live broadcast room were discussing fiercely.

It's true that Su Ye caught them off guard this time!
at the judges' table,

Several judges were also discussing that Su Ye's sudden change in the plot seemed to have deviated from the theme.

According to Cheng Yong's current state, there seems to be no reason to commit any more crimes.

Do not!
Nor is it!
and also!

Someone threatens to expose Cheng Yong's previous smuggling activities and extract money, so it is not impossible for Cheng Yong to take a different approach and kill the person.

And this guess is basically the only route that can be taken.

If this were not the case, it seems that... Cheng Yong would never embark on the path of crime again.

It's just that... this arrangement is a bit cookie-cutter and not outstanding!

Judging from the current situation of the script, it is almost impossible for this script to reach the height of the previous scripts written by Su Ye.

Although this is normal, no one can have constant inspiration, but for everyone, their expectations for Su Ye are very high, and the creation of this script made them a little disappointed.

At this time,

Su Ye did not write any more and started to rest directly. Everyone understood very well.

I have to let Ye Zi think about it carefully. So far, the script this time has really nothing outstanding.

In the live room,

[Brothers and sisters, come on, provide some inspiration for Ye Zi and polish the script. Any ideas will do, even funny ones, as long as the script has highlights. 】

For a time, the following suggestions and ideas were right, and the comment area was flooded with comments.


[I once went back to my hometown with a friend. His farm is halfway up the mountain. I went to pick vegetables with him. On the way, he gave me an orange to eat. I asked him where it came from. I didn’t see you taking it when I went out!He said you can just eat without asking.After walking for a while, I passed by a grave and he asked me if I wanted to eat Shaqima.I...I'm really torn apart!I think that Ye Zi can insert such a small paragraph into the script, which is definitely a laugh! 】

[Hahahaha, it’s really funny. Your friend is really... I cried to death! 】

[When I was a kid, I passed by someone’s grave and saw the milk candy that I liked to eat. I ran over and kowtowed a few times and said thank you, thank you [awkward laugh]]

【It has to be you!Say you are polite and you steal the tribute. Say you are not polite and you still say thank you. 】

[I also ate it when I was a child. When I went to visit my grandfather’s grave, I was very thirsty and took some “other people’s” oranges to eat. [laughing awkwardly] But I did ask, “Madam, I’m thirsty and I want to eat some of your oranges. Where does my grandfather live?” "Point with your finger [awkward smile] If you have anything to do with me, please come to me [polite smile]"

【You know how to get things! 】【Grandpa: You are such a great grandson of grandpa! 】

[Then someone came to my ear while I was asleep in the middle of the night: Is Shaqima delicious? 】

[My first reaction was that the tree on the grave could actually grow Shaqima [tears running]]

[Hahaha, what kind of strange brain circuit is this? 】

[When I heard oranges, my first thought was that they were picked by the roadside. When Shaqima came out, what a good guy, someone else’s ancestor gave them to me. 】


In a flash,
after dinner,
Su Ye didn't mess around any more and sat directly in front of the computer to continue the plot.

"Later, the daughter-in-law of Lu Yiyi, who had been selling medicine with Cheng Yong, came to the door and said that Lu Yiyi was not alive anymore. Cheng Yong was very confused. He had already asked the counterfeit medicine dealer to sell the medicine. How could he still be there? Something happened.

Cheng Yong went to the hospital for a visit and found out the reason. The person who helped him sell Asan medicine was too evil and the price was very high.As a result, these patients still cannot afford to take medicine.

Cheng Yong felt sorry for these patients, but...he really didn't want to touch those medicines now.

But when he watched Lu Yiyi die, Cheng Yong felt very complicated.

After thinking about it for a while, Cheng Yong decided to take the risk and continue taking drugs.So Cheng Yong organized the previous manpower and went to Asan again to prepare a batch of this medicine. 』

In the live room,

【Fuck!This...he did it again, but this is not a crime! 】

[Ye Zi, you...]

No one in the live broadcast room thought for a moment that Cheng Yong would return in this way and continue smuggling.

Jury seat,
Several judges were also a little surprised. Su Ye did not deduce the entire plot as they predicted.


Su Ye continued to write,

"After Cheng Yong went to Asan, the previous manufacturer no longer operated, but Asan's drugstore still sold it, but the price was very high, costing 2000 yuan a bottle.

After thinking over and over again, Cheng Yong decided to buy it from the drug store. The price is high.

After the people who were selling medicine with Cheng Yong learned about it, they looked at Cheng Yong eagerly and asked how much they were selling medicine for this time!
Cheng Yong replied: Five hundred!
In an instant, everyone's expressions changed. They really didn't expect that Cheng Yong would actually sell it for [-] this time. This was completely selling at a loss!
Cheng Yong made up his mind and sold it for five hundred, and he would make up for the rest! 』

See here,

The entire live broadcast room exploded.

[Holy shit, is this...not only not making any money, but also giving money back? 】

[Brother Ye Zi, are you serious?Are you sure you're writing about crime? 】

[Smuggling, isn’t this a crime?This is indeed a crime, but...]

[From the beginning, Ye Zi never wanted to write anything, hey, Ye Zi, you are serious, I will cry to death! 】

[From now on, the plot is about to become more intense! 】



at the judges' table,

Several judges were also very surprised. They really didn't expect that Su Ye would deduce the story to this point. From the beginning, Su Ye never thought about writing pure crimes or pure criminals.

From this moment on, the script has instantly improved, and they are looking forward to the follow-up of the script. (End of chapter)

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