Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 213 Title: No one survived!

After the broadcast,

A large number of fans poured in,
[Brother Ye Zi, no, Master, just say that I am not the god of medicine, okay?Don't make me kneel down and beg you! 】

[I cried just reading the script. Wouldn’t it be even more explosive if it were actually filmed? 】

[Yi Zi, there’s no need to say anything. As long as you make it, it will definitely be the ceiling for domestic films in recent years! 】


The comment section was full of people urging Su Ye to shoot me for not being the god of medicine.
In response to the urging from fans, Su Ye only replied with two words: TBD!
In the live room,

[Okay, okay, to be determined! ? 】

【come!Give him a serious challenge! 】


[Challenge, Ye Zi, proposed to Yang Ma to create a program and run it. Every week, netizens vote or draw numbers to select several Internet celebrities and stars. They will conduct urine tests and tax checks. If they are found out, they will challenge the artists themselves. On to the next issue! 】

[Fuck, fuck, bro, you are so cruel! 】

[Wait a minute, I’m going to ask someone. I know someone in Yangma’s Literature and Art Department! 】

[One more thing: Artists who pass can have priority in selecting scripts [watch]]

[Program name "No Survivors"]

[After one season, there will be one more aircraft carrier immediately! 】

[If it really starts airing, it will become the variety show with the highest ratings since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I’m not kidding [Thank you]]

[Invitation letters will be sent out in the first phase, and then all those who refuse will be invited to the site for inspection! 】


Su Ye: "..."

This is so cruel!
Okay, okay, let’s start playing like this, right?
Xu Lai looked nervous. Ye Zi would not really do it. If he really did it, the whole circle would be offended by Ye Zi alone.

It’s specified that you can’t do it!
In the live broadcast room, except for this challenge task, there is no next challenge task in the comment area.

If you look at other people’s fans, then if you look at your own fans, you’ll want to die!


This embarrassing situation did not last long. Finally, someone sent another challenge mission.
[Challenge, come to my clothing store to sell clothes, today’s task is to sell [-] pieces! 】

【? ? ?Who is this mutiny? Okay, okay, Ye Zi, please tell me if you are looking for foreign aid! 】

[Okay, Ye Zi, I really have yours! 】


Among a bunch of challenge comments, this one was the best. Su Ye curled his lips,
"Challenge, go sell clothes and sell a hundred pieces!"

Seeing that Su Ye decided to challenge, the eldest sister selling clothes was really happy.


With Su Ye's recommendation, her family's business must be booming!
When Su Ye arrived at the store, she saw an elder sister in the store, recommending clothes to another elder sister.
What do you say to the eldest sister? She is a little fat, and wearing those clothes makes her look even fatter.

But the lady who sells clothes doesn't care. She just praises her in small words, saying she looks slim and good-looking.
The key is that the eldest sister who bought the clothes believed it, and she started to feel proud of herself. She looked very happy.

Su Ye: "..."

This job...he felt like he couldn't do it!

In the live room,

[Suddenly I remembered that I went to the wrong women's clothing store to buy jeans, and the crotch couldn't be lifted up. The shopkeepers were praising me, but they didn't tell me that they were women's clothing [Crying][Crying][Crying]]

[Clothing store owner: Why do I have to go to hell if I have done good deeds throughout my life?

Lord Yama: Come on, please watch the VCR! 】

[No wonder one of the eighteen levels of hell is called Tongue Pulling Hell! 】【Once I went shopping with my wife. It had been too long and I was very tired, so I started complimenting her, thinking that it would be over quickly. Then the waiter also started complimenting me. I secretly said to her: Don’t say anything!I praise you, but you are cheating [see]]

[No wonder some people on the street are dressed strangely. It turns out someone has such a bad mouth! [picking nose]]

[Just tell a fat man to look thinner, and the deal is basically done! 】

[The greatest sorrow for people is that they cannot recognize themselves! 】

[To put it seriously, it is actually just a kind of self-confidence in one's own figure and the hope that one's figure will be liked by the public, but it is just that there is no doubt in the compliments from others.It's not sadness, it's just the expression of ordinary people's joy, anger, sorrow and joy! 】


Su Ye entered the store and told the elder sister that if he sold it like she just did, he wouldn't be able to do it.

The eldest sister said that there is no need for Ye Zi to say that, just sell it normally. In fact, there is no need for Su Ye to say anything. Wherever he goes, it is a living sign!

The eldest sister's clothing store was crowded with people. The task of [-] pieces was really short. The eldest sister felt a little regretful. She would have ordered more if she had known it.

The first time he completed the task, Su Ye ran away decisively. All the young ladies who came were staring at him. He felt like he had entered a wolf's den.

After leaving the clothing store, Su Ye decisively left the broadcast.

The system's voice sounded in Su Ye's mind,

[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission and a thousand points will be awarded! 】

Su Ye: "..."


finished? !
Just when Su Ye was about to ask Xu Lai and Ye Xin to have dinner at home today, while he was cooking, a phone call suddenly came, and it turned out that it was his father-in-law.


Hearing this sound, Xu Lai on the side curled his lips, the dog barked very smoothly!
Xu Lai didn't hear what was said on the other end of the phone, Su Ye just kept responding.

hang up the phone,

Su Ye looked at Xu Lai embarrassedly. He had promised to cook a meal for Xu Lai and his wife a long time ago, so he had to postpone it again!
Xu Lai looked at Su Ye and said, "Come on, my food is gone again. Go ahead and hurry up. My father-in-law is important."

"Okay, it's up to you, fat man, you are sensible, I owe you two meals." Su Yehao said angrily.



"Okay, let's go!"

Separating from Xu Lai, Su Ye rushed to the address sent to him by his father-in-law.

On the phone, my father-in-law said that someone brought him an object from the Warring States Period, but he couldn't tell whether it was genuine or not. This thing was quite valuable. Although my father-in-law was not short of money, he couldn't be taken advantage of!

Su Ye arrived at the address given by his father-in-law, and his father-in-law personally picked him up at the door. This made Su Ye a little embarrassed. After entering the house, his father-in-law introduced him one by one. Most of the people present were his partners. , my usual personal relationships are very good.

Su Ye naturally greeted everyone politely, and everyone praised Su Ye.

For other people, the praise would definitely be based on the face of his father-in-law, but for Su Ye, they really praise him. Although Su Ye has no background, he himself is the background, and he alone is a family.

The most important thing is that Su Ye is really versatile. He knows a lot and is extremely proficient.

"Xiao Su, you have to take good care of us. This thing came back from abroad. We old guys are going to buy it and hand it over to the country. If we hand over a fake one, it will look bad on us. There’s no place to put it.”

The rest of them were also really talking.


Su Ye naturally said hurriedly, "I will look at it carefully to make sure there is no mistake. But... I may not be able to get it accurately."

Everyone only said that Su Ye was humble, and they all knew about his ability to identify treasures.

Su Ye couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the object. (End of chapter)

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