Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 217: The stroke technique is so good, the white ball seems to be stuck to the pole!

Chapter 217: The stroke technique is so good, the white ball seems to be stuck to the pole!

The next day,

early morning,

Su Ye went straight to the set after breakfast. The director was a young man who looked like he had just graduated. He had a green face.

When he saw Su Ye, the young director was very excited. He asked for the phone number through his connections. He originally planned to give it a try, but he didn't expect that Su Ye would actually come. It was such an unexpected surprise!

"Brother Ye Zi, my name is Li Mu, you can just call me Xiao Li." Li Mu's posture was extremely low.

Su Ye is a huge amount of traffic now. He has invited many big-name celebrities, but they were all rejected. Now that Su Ye is here, the situation has been reversed. Now that they want to come, they have to decide whether they want it or not.

With Su Ye here, my show will definitely become popular!
"You don't have to be so polite. Let me read the script first, and then we will audition." Su Ye said.

Li Mu naturally agreed and showed Su Ye the plan and script of this show.

Collection of China is a variety show, with a short video, followed by a live conversation with the host, a conversation that spans ancient and modern times. This is the same as Collection of China in its previous life.

Regarding the script, Su Ye had no problem, and then came the makeup audition.

The first scene in this Chinese collection is Huo Qubing, the young general who has amazed people for thousands of years.

When Su Ye put on his armor and makeup, a heroic young general came into view.

Li Mu kept clapping his hands and applauding, Su Ye's Huo Qubing was definitely the Huo Qubing in his mind.

Su Ye made a video to interpret the role of Huo Qubing to a great extent.
The film is not long, so it didn’t take long to shoot. Afterwards,

Li Mu asked with some embarrassment, "Brother Ye Zi, can you send out a scarf to promote it? We will officially launch in two days!"

For this,

Su Ye decisively agreed, took a photo of the crew and gave him a scarf.

The program "Collection of China" has become a hot search topic.

In the comment section of Su Ye’s scarf,
[Okay, okay, the leaves are good, you know you have worked hard! 】

[With Ye Zi participating in the show, it must be a high-quality show. 】

【expect! 】


After Su Ye left the crew, Li Mu smiled and his back teeth were exposed.

Soon his phone was inundated with calls, and many stars who had previously rejected him called back, claiming that they had not considered whether they could still participate in the show now.

Although this kind of slap in the face felt really good, Li Mu did not feel complacent, but politely refused. After all, he still had to hang out in the industry, so he couldn't offend these people. He was just a small director now, but I can’t afford to offend so many big names.

After leaving the crew,
It's still early,

Su Ye called Xu Lai and said the show would be on as usual today. Anyway, his wife was still busy and he was bored when he was idle.
After the broadcast,

Many netizens were asking about which program of China Collection, Su Ye naturally explained it.


Continue the live challenge,

[Challenge, you must make a score when playing billiard cue. If you miss a shot, you will get a bottle of mineral water. 】

[Well, you can have this, I want to see it! 】

[I saw Ye Zi’s expression change slightly. It seems that Ye Zi doesn’t know how to play billiards! 】

[Okay, okay, finally found Ye Ye?Look, must see this! 】


For a time,

There is only one challenge task in the comment area.
Su Ye: "..."

Wouldn't it be nice to lie down for a while with nothing to do?

never mind!

Then take on the challenge. Do you really think you have nothing to do? !

Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived at the billiards hall. After entering, Su Ye did not start the billiards directly or let Xu Lai follow the live broadcast. Instead, he quietly said something to the boss.

【Want to learn now?late! 】【Yi Zi, don’t look for the boss, it’s useless to look for the boss! 】


after that,

The boss opened the table. After Xu Lai teed off, Su Ye was not in a hurry to play, but said calmly, "No rush, wait until the boss brings my exclusive pole."

Xu Lai: "⊙⊙!"

"Yi Zi, if you don't have good skills, you won't be able to do it. No matter how good the pole is, it's useless!"

In the live room,

[Look, Fatty needs to understand that Ye Zi should give up obediently!No more struggling! 】


However, when he saw Su Ye's pole, Xu Lai fell silent, and a group of netizens in the live broadcast room also fell silent.
I saw a white ball wrapped with tape on the pole that the boss brought to Su Ye.

Okay, okay, this is how you play, right? !

Su Ye said very confidently at this time, "Come on, let's start, I guarantee that every shot will go in!"

Xu Lai said, "You are cheating!"

Su Ye said righteously, "I just talked about playing billiards, but I didn't say how to play! Come on!"

Xu Lai didn't know what to say or what to do. Fight!

After Su Ye hit one, he imitated the path of the white ball. The hit was really good and he cleared the table in one shot.

In the live room,

[Ye Ye’s shot is so good, the white ball seems to be stuck to the shot! 】

[Just get used to him. 】

[You should be upset. If someone plays well, they will say that the white ball is stuck to the stick. 】

【? ? ?Good guy, you are the one who really loves Ye Zi! 】

[Ye Zi, you are playing so well, have you ever considered becoming a professional [rolling eyes]]

[Does Ye Zi have such a strong desire to control the white ball? [Oh, it’s embarrassing]]

["Control of the white ball even surpasses O'Sullivan"]

[To put it bluntly, O’Sullivan will lose 200 even if he comes! 】

[Have you considered becoming a professional?If you think about it, I’ll call the police now [see]]

[Ye Zi is free! 】


No one thought that Ye Zi, an old man, could actually pull off such a trick.

The challenge was completed, Su Ye decisively downloaded the broadcast,

At the same moment,
In Su Ye's mind, the voice of the system sounded,

[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission and being rewarded with maximizing billiards skills. 】

Su Ye: "..."

Okay, let me get up wherever I fell, right? !

good good!
after that,

Su Ye and Xu Lai went back to their respective homes. Not long after Su Ye returned, his little wife also came back.
Seeing that his wife looked a little tired, Su Ye quickly gave her a massage.
The basic structure of the company has been established, and now we just need to recruit all the people.

After this period of busyness, there will basically be nothing to be busy with.

Su Ye naturally cooked dinner, and it was extremely sumptuous, so he had to reward his wife.

In a flash,
Two days later,
Collection of Chinese programs officially launched,
In addition to the live audience, this program is also conducted live.

The show has just started, and the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded [-].
Li Mu looked at the data and smiled from ear to ear. Sure enough, Su Ye was the traffic code. With Su Ye here, there was no need to worry about ratings or anything like that.

At this time, everyone is looking forward to Su Ye's champion Hou Huo Qubing!
(End of this chapter)

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