Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 223 You can always believe in the reversal of leaves

Chapter 223 You can always believe in the reversal of leaves
Su Ye naturally didn't know about the commotion in the live broadcast room, and even if he knew about it, he wouldn't pay attention to it.

At this time,

Su Ye continued to write,

After hearing Zhao Gang’s question,
Li Yunlong became angry and said to Zhao Gang, "When I first took over the new regiment, the army had not yet formed combat effectiveness."The troops lacked training, lacked actual combat experience, and most importantly, lacked weapons and equipment.

There are less than ten light machine guns in the entire regiment, and not a single heavy machine gun!The rifle was made in Hanyang with an old slide, and the rifling was smoothed. Just like that, neither person could share the same gun!

I went to the leader to ask for it. What do you think the leader said?The leader said that if you don’t want a gun, you want a life!You, Li Yunlong, saw how many guns my head was worth, so you cut it off and exchanged it for guns!

Hearing what Li Yunlong said, Zhao Gang's attitude immediately softened and asked Li Yunlong, what should you do?
Seeing that Zhao Gang's attitude had softened, Li Yunlong also became less angry and said, I said the same thing, I said leadership, after all, I am also the leader of a regular army, I can't be inferior to the county brigade, right?Isn’t this a sign of damage to our division?What do you think the leader said?
The brigade commander said, I want equipment, what do I want you to do?ah!Since you can be the leader, you have the ability to get guns!Why don't you go home and take the baby, don't embarrass yourself here!
Come on!This is what I've been waiting for!
Is it okay if you let me get a gun?But you can't put a tight spell on me?right?You have to give me some autonomy, right?Can't you let your leader take over everything?

You want me to get a gun, and you want me to be a good boy. This is unreasonable!

Zhao Gang smiled when he heard Lao Li speak vividly. What did the leader say?
Li Yunlong replied, the brigade commander said, go ahead and figure it out yourself.I don't care about anything, I don't ask anything!I'm warning you, Li Yunlong, stop bothering me with such nonsense!

That's it, less than a year!The new regiment has everything, crooked handles, Type [-], mortars, and grenades!

The guy in hand is good, and we have a strong waist. Without this family background, how dare I go head-to-head with Sakata United?Dream on!
At this time, Zhao Gang nodded slightly, and he also understood. Lao Li, you are right. Sometimes you do need to be flexible, and you cannot just follow military rules and disciplines. However, if you make any big moves, can you tell me? If your superiors When asked, I, the political commissar, don’t know, and I can’t help you even if I want to.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong laughed loudly and patted his chest to reassure Zhao Gang.

In the live room,

【? ? ?No... is this the end? ! 】

[Damn it, this is completely different from what was predicted! 】

【You can always believe in the reversal of leaves! 】

[I admit, my voice was a bit loud just now, and it was a bit awkward! 】


at this time,

Su Ye continued to write,

With the arrival of the elite cavalry company commander Sun Desheng, the cavalry company began training and began to see its scale.

However, what made Li Yunlong a little distressed was that only one cavalry battalion of horse equipment was left, and the rest were taken away by the leader.

This made Li Yunlong, who had always been stingy, extremely distressed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

One day,
On a small day, reinforcements advanced into Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei, and the second phase of the war of resistance began.

In the early days, Yamazaki Yehei, the captain of the North China Dispatch Area, deviated from the planned direction of travel during a troop march and accidentally discovered our army's arsenal.Our army suffered heavy losses, and the headquarters issued an order to encircle and eliminate the Nagasaki brigade.

The task of annihilating the Nagasaki Battalion did not fall on Li Yunlong at first. This made Li Yunlong curse, saying that Kong Jie could not even take the main attack task, and asked what Kong Jie was afraid of, why he did not dare to follow the brigade. How about a long fight?

He also told Kong Jie that he could still give way to Kong Jie in normal times, but when the gunshots fired, the whole group had to listen to him.

This makes Kong Jie so angry that he wants to fight with the leader?Thank you for saying it.


Li Yunlong received a call from his superiors. The troops on the front line could not attack, so Li Yunlong was replaced as the main attacker. This made Li Yunlong change his face instantly and kept thanking the leader.

These two faces made Kong Jie and Zhao Gang helpless, and they didn't know what to say.Li Yunlong led the troops to dig trenches forward using soil work methods, and threw grenades based on bunker fortifications, which caused the Nagasaki troops to be in chaos.

Zhang Dabiao, Li Yunlong's right-hand man from the New Regiment, led the commando to take the opportunity to advance, and the Yamazaki brigade was wiped out in a melee with guns and swords.The cavalry company suffered 13 casualties, which made Li Yunlong heartbroken.

In the early days, the two generals behind the commander of the First Army in S West, Yoshio Utsuka, were defeated by Li Yunlong, which made him dare not underestimate Li Yunlong.With the help of Zhao Gang, Li Yunlong began to learn cultural knowledge and led the soldiers to conduct one-on-one practical training.

In the live room,

[Hey, Li Yunlong, this big boss, actually wants to learn culture? ! 】

【interesting! 】

[Hahahaha, studying culture, for Li Yunlong, is almost like killing him! 】


At this time,

Su Ye continued to write,

Li Yunlong stewed a large pot of meat as a reward, and found warriors with excellent martial arts skills in the entire regiment to form a reinforced platoon.
At this time, Li Yunlong said that whoever can defeat him can eat meat.

The monk rushed out directly, and Li Yunlong immediately told him to stop. He could not beat the monk, and reprimanded the monk. If a monk does not recite sutras well every day, he will eat no meat.

The monk said that he had returned to secular life and insisted on eating meat, but Li Yunlong refused to let him join in the fun.

The soldiers in the regiment started to boo, saying that the regiment leader was scared. Li Yunlong smiled and admitted openly.

At this time, the Japanese army was also ordered by Chief of Staff Miyano to pay more and more attention to the training of special forces.Chu Yunfei, the leader of the GMD regiment in the World War II area, was ordered to come to the independent regiment to study and exchange as a friendly force.Chu Yunfei gave Li Yunlong a gun as a gift and expressed solidarity.

At this time, the two of them cherished their heroes, and they also expected that the person opposite them might be their lifelong rival.

[A lifelong rival?I suddenly became interested! 】

[This Chu Yunfei is also a capable general. I want to see the story between him and Li Yunlong. 】

[I think they will not only be rivals, but also friends! 】

[In the end, Chu Yunfei is afraid that he will die in the hands of Li Yunlong, or... both of them will die together! 】

[If you don’t accept to die together, Ye Zi, don’t kill me! 】


Through investigation, Li Yunlong learned that the officers and soldiers in Baijia Village had colluded with the Japanese, so he decided to catch a big fish in the name of face-conquest.

The cunning Yamamoto was afraid of fraud and did not dare to act rashly. In the process of discussing military affairs, Li, Zhao and Chu eliminated the barriers.At this time, Zhang Dabiao came to report that flour from Baijiacun had been raised. The headquarters discovered that the 9th Brigade of the Xiaori Army was moving forward, and stepped up efforts to send people to investigate what stimulated them?
After writing this, Su Ye stopped. It was time for dinner to rest and it was time to cook.

In the live room,

[As expected of my brother Ye Zi, I stopped writing when it was time for dinner. The most important thing was to finish the meal! 】

[Watching Ye Zi to write a script has helped me regulate my diet! 】


(End of this chapter)

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