Chapter 237 Legal Issues
Liu Feifei couldn't help being stunned when she heard this, "It shouldn't be... no way!?"

"Let's go to the hospital for a check-up!" Su Ye said decisively immediately.


Arrived at the hospital,

Liu Feifei went to check, while Su Ye waited a little nervously, breathing a little quickly.

After checking,
Su Ye and Liu Feifei went to find a doctor.

Looking at the test results, the female doctor said, "She is not pregnant."

what? !

Su Ye and Liu Feifei were both stunned.
Not pregnant? !

Liu Feifei said hurriedly, "But the result of the pregnancy test shows that she is pregnant!"

“Well, although the accuracy of pregnancy test sticks is not low, there are also errors.

There are many factors that lead to errors. "The female doctor replied.

Liu Feifei then asked, "I've been retching in the past two days, and I really feel tired all over."


The female doctor coughed twice and said, "Um... I have a little wind, and... um... I have to exercise control! Right!"

the sound fell,

Liu Feifei's earlobes suddenly turned red, and her whole body felt bad. It was so embarrassing!
I have dug out three bedrooms and one living room with my feet, and they are fully decorated!

left the hospital,
got in the car,
Liu Feifei was a little disappointed and said, "I'm just happy for nothing, my dear, I'm sorry!"

"What are you sorry for? We are still young. Let this happen naturally. I will work hard!" Su Ye said hurriedly.

Liu Feifei rolled her eyes at her husband, "You didn't listen to what the doctor said, you need to... be in control!"

Su Ye bared his teeth and smiled, "Okay!"

Liu Feifei continued, "Fortunately, I didn't tell my parents in a hurry, otherwise my joy would be in vain."

"What are you happy about? It's okay even if you tell me. The worst thing is that I'm tired!" Su Ye said.

Liu Feifei:_`! ?
What my little husband said... still makes sense!

Su Ye said, "Let's go and buy some fruit for my Xiaojiao. I need to replenish it."

After that, Su Ye and Liu Feifei randomly chose a fruit shop on the roadside. The two of them were fully armed.
After entering the fruit shop, Su Ye and Liu Feifei laughed when they saw the words on the fruit label.

If the orange is not called Orange, it is called Chenzi, Xiangli, Ruansizi, Fire Deaf Dog, Sheepfleeing, Hamiga...

Liu Feifei took a video to record it, and then distributed a scarf, which quickly became popular.
Comment area,
[When I was in school, a fruit shop posted a job posting: Looking for aunts, not limited to men and women! 】

[Uncle: Youth has no price, aunt’s cosplay! 】

[Pictured with strawberries, the boss’s target is strawberry! 】

[Hahahaha, how poisonous this is! 】

[At first I was still thinking about what kind of high-end fruit is called Chenzi! 】


The name of this bid is indeed quite funny.


The next day,

Su Ye and Xu Lai are on the air again. They have indeed not been on air for a while.

[Ye Zi, I discovered that we Chinese people’s hobbies are all traceable. For example, white-haired obsessives and sapiosexuals may be from watching Pleasant Goat when I was a child.Ye Zi, tell me what kind of control you are? 】

【? ? ?This...fuck you, it seems to make some sense! 】

[White-haired sapiosexuality——Ji Yangyang
The Year of the Yellow Hair - Sun Wukong
Sunny, cheerful and fun——GGbond
Black-haired Controller Mu Qiang - Black Cat Sheriff

Cold and indifferent——Beware of Superman】

[I like the cheap and wilted ones, Pineapple Blowing Snow [smile] [upper left]]

[How old are you, Brother Monkey? How can you survive, sisters? [Question]]

[So I like the cheesy little dog because I watch Liu Xing? [crying]]

[Don’t say it, you really don’t say it! 】

[I don’t know if you still remember the White Cat Sheriff, the one who was beaten to death with one ear. I always thought he was handsome. No wonder I always like the short-lived male lead [awkward laugh]]

[This is not a challenge, only a problem. Don’t think about speculation, Ye Zi. 】【……】

[Ye Zi, do you dare to wear the fairy sister’s silk stockings on your head and go to the bank to withdraw money? 】

【?Okay, okay, it has to be you, brother!We like to see this. Needless to say, Ye Zi, let’s just come to this! 】

【6. A little brainstorming and stimulation, pay it back well, that’s it! 】


Su Ye: "..."

Don't think about it, I also thought about it, it really doesn't work!
[Yi Zi, do you dare to answer legal questions live? 】

[Well, this is good, this is interesting, just watch this! 】

[Ye Zi, since you didn’t do it last time and you challenge this, I don’t believe it. Are you proficient in the law? 】

【this one! 】


Given the choice between the two, what else could Su Ye do? In the end, he chose to live broadcast to answer legal questions.
Although he is not well versed in the law, he knows the basics and it shouldn't be too difficult.

Besides, it’s just a challenge, and it doesn’t mean it has to be a perfect answer!

[Ye Zi, I go to the hospital to donate breast cancer. If the woman finds me and asks me to raise the child, do I need to raise it? 】

Su Ye: "..."

"Brother, you...Biko is did you come up with this question!"

Who can any serious person come up with this question?
[Hello Ye Zi, my wife died at the age of 65, and her son, who was 35, disowned me as a 28-year-old father. Can I sue him for not supporting the elderly? 】

【Hahahahaha~6! 】

[If a child is abducted after donating a J, and after many years of gene pool comparison, he finds me and thinks I am his parent, causing confusion to my original family, who should I talk to for reasoning? 】

Su Ye: "..."

[Ye Zi, if I was raped by a girl and she got pregnant, would I have to pay child support for the child [Crying]]

[Not only do you need to pay child support, but the child also has your property inheritance rights [see]]

"Boys must learn to protect themselves!" Su Ye replied.

[Hello Ye Zi, please ask my dad, can I marry my stepmother? 】

【? ? ? 】

[Not buddy, you~]

Su Ye: "..."

[I donate directly to the woman and then pay alimony, what should I do if the police just come? 】

Su Ye said calmly, "The police will say, yo, there's a new story!?"

[Yi Ye, if you refuse to carry out the death penalty, will it have any impact on your credit report? 】

"Yes, ashes cannot fly!" Su Ye replied lightly.

[Hahahaha, Ye Zi’s answer is so hilarious! 】

[Ye Zi, I’m 24 and I still can’t find a partner. I want you to be my boyfriend. If you don’t want to, can I sue you? [Cool]]

[Bold, want to pry into the corner of the fairy sister, do you want to die? 】

Su Ye: "..."

[Yi Ye, if you don’t have time on the day of execution, can you entrust a lawyer to go there? 】

Su Ye: "..."

[Ye Zi, I would like to ask, I have been suffering from hemorrhoids these past few days, and my girlfriend stabbed me to the point of bleeding. Can I call the police to arrest her? [Secret observation]]

"Absolutely!" Su Ye replied.

[My partner locks the door when he goes to the bathroom [laughs awkwardly] There are only two people in the house, who do you think he should be guarding against? [Question] Can I sue him? 】

Su Ye: "..."

"Perhaps he is afraid that you will eat it secretly?"

Su Ye started to answer directly, what are the questions about each of these!

(End of this chapter)

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